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FRIDAY — MARCH 9, 2012 — ISSUE NO. 498

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Paging and Wireless Messaging Home Page image Newsletter Archive image Carrier Directory image Recommended Products and Services
Reference Papers Consulting Glossary of Terms Send an e-mail to Brad Dye

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Dear Friends of Wireless Messaging,

Greetings from Southern Illinois.

Please note, Leavitt Communications has reduced the price of the 1,500 new Bravo 501 900 MHz FLEX numeric pagers to $9.50 each.


Please contact Phil directly if you are interested.

Philip C Leavitt, Manager
Leavitt Communications
7508 N. Red Ledge Drive
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Tel: 847-955-0511
Fax: 270-447-1909
Mobile: 847-494-0000
Skype ID: pcleavitt

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Hahntech-USA, a South Korean manufacturer of Two-way Pagers has just renewed their ad (with a new one) for another six months. It looks great. If you need some Two-way Pagers and want them compliant to the latest ReFLEX 2.7.5 spec, send Eric Choi an e-mail at: and he will help you. Their web site says that a ReFLEX Telemetry Modem is "coming soon."


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A first-time-new ad this week is from our friends at American Messaging . Thanks to Roy Pottle, Dave Anderson, and Jenna Richardson for their support of the newsletter. I have lots of friends at American Messaging. I talked to John Nagel the other day and he is recovering very well from his heart surgery.


Thanks again to both companies for their great support of the newsletter.

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The Millennium Trilogy

I have a movie recommendation for you this week. Actually it is for a series of three movies:

  • The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
  • The Girl Who Played With Fire
  • The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest

I just finished watching all three of the Swedish versions. Each Blu-ray movie is on a disc in two parts, and each part is 90 minutes long. Like a mini-series. The American re-make of the first movie recently won two 2012 Oscars for SOUND EDITING and FILM EDITING . It was nominated for SOUND MIXING as well. Great movies all.

I am not sure why we have to "re-make" everything over here. The American version was good, but the Swedish movies with English dubbed in, were terrific as well. I love mystery stories! Spies, and gangsters — with plots that you can't figure out beforehand.

dragon The books on which the movies were based were originally written and published in Sweden by the late Stieg Larsson who unfortunately never made a dime from them in spite of the fact that over 65 million copies had been sold by December 2011. Larson passed away in 2004 just a few months before the first book of the series was released to the Swedish audience.

Some of my religious friends may not approve of the content, since it includes sex and violence, but as a father of three daughters, I think these are stories that need to be told — that is the "systematic violence" against women worldwide.

These stories are — of course — fiction, but they do portray reality. Ignoring crimes and social problems like these won't make them go away.

When Larsson was 15 years old, he witnessed the gang rape of a girl, which led to his life-long abhorrence of violence and abuse against women. The author never forgave himself for failing to help the girl, which inspired the themes of sexual violence against women in his books.

The original title of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was, Män som hatar kvinnor, literally, Men who hate women.


These stories really keep the viewer (or the reader) very well entertained with gripping and twisting plots, all happening in very modern settings, using text messaging, e-mail, cellphones, the Internet, hackers, computers, and the latest technology. I loved the beautiful cinematography — shot in Stockholm. It brought back memories of when I was over there many years ago selling Sweden their first POCSAG paging terminal.

Much more information on the Millennium Trilogy is included near the end of this issue.

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Now on to more news and views.

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A new issue of The Wireless Messaging Newsletter is posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the web. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Messaging companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers — so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology. I regularly get readers' comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Messaging communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

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Editorial Opinion pieces present only the opinions of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Critical Messaging Association, or its sponsors.

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What LTE means for Apple's new iPad

Get ready to download more data faster with the latest version of Apple’s tablet

by Glenn Fleishman, Mar 8, 2012 7:00 am

Cellular versions of the new iPad come with support for the latest and greatest wireless networking technology, LTE (Long Term Evolution). In the U.S., both AT&T and Verizon have LTE networks. You’d think this would be a recipe for network simplicity for Apple’s iPads at long last . . . but you’d be wrong.

ipad Apple will sell two different LTE-equipped iPads — one for AT&T’s network and one for Verizon’s. That means that in the U.S. the third-generation iPad comes in 18 versions, like the iPad 2: Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi plus Verizon 3G/4G, and Wi-Fi plus AT&T 2G/3G/4G multiplied by three memory sizes and two colors. (The Verizon 4G iPad also includes worldwide support for 2G and 3G using GSM standards when used outside the United States, just like the iPhone 4S .)

LTE and 4G

LTE is an early version of fourth-generation (4G) cellular technology. But not every version of LTE is interoperable with every other. While all LTE implementations rely on the same underlying networking technology, carriers can make a variety of choices that affect interoperability. In other words, not all LTE is the same.

That complicates Apple’s product introductions, because AT&T and Verizon Wireless (not to mention other carriers around the globe) have made different choices in building their LTE networks. The frequencies used, network authentication, and other factors make it presently impossible to roam from AT&T to Verizon or vice-versa over 4G with the same hardware.

LTE is more spectrally efficient than 3G. That is, it packs more data into the same range of frequencies (a radio channel) than 3G protocols. Carriers like that, because spectrum is expensive to license and cell base stations are expensive to deploy. The more data that can be carried over a given allotment of spectrum, the more customers a carrier can serve in a given area covered by a base station, and the more revenue (and, one expects, profit) it can generate.

The technology also reduces latency, which is the lag time usually measured as being the time from initiating a request to a network and receiving the response. Think about turning on a faucet and waiting for the water to flow (latency) compared to the amount of water that comes out (throughput). The latency on 3G networks is like an old pump well in which you have to prime it to get the flow started; on an LTE network, it’s the convenience of pressurized indoor plumbing. Less latency means better buffering, quicker starts, and less choppiness for streaming video and less stuttering during Internet telephony calls. LTE’s latency can be as low as wired broadband.

LTE is also much more flexible than the two dominant 3G standards that are part of CDMA and GSM networks. Those standards work with fixed channel widths, measured in megahertz. If a carrier can only obtain licenses in a given geographical area or even an entire country for ranges of frequencies that don’t precisely match up with those fixed widths, it can’t make use of 3G or use it efficiently. But with LTE, carriers can use slices of 1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz, so far. The wider the channel, the more data that can be carried across it at one time in ideal circumstances. LTE also can be used in many different spectrum bands—another advantage, but one that makes it harder for device makers like Apple to produce single models of hardware that work across many LTE networks.

LTE has yet another trick up its sleeve: the use of multiple antennas with multiple-in, multiple-out (MIMO) technology. This lets LTE use different amounts of signal power to transmit each data stream. The multiple antennas on the receiver let it interpret the transmission distinctly from others passing in the same space. The result is that MIMO lets carriers double up (and, in the future, even octuple up) the throughput of the network.

Fast, fast, fast

At Wednesday’s iPad announcement event , Apple made it clear that LTE is fast, fast, fast! And in every way, that’s true. LTE networks will nearly always be faster than comparable 3G networks in the same place.

verizon But that’s not the best part of LTE. It won’t be just faster; it will remain faster in a consistent and reliable fashion a greater portion of the time than 3G. (It’s worth noting that the new iPad also supports the faster versions of 3G, so you get a speed and coverage advantage on the most up-to-date HSPA+ and DC-HSPA networks, too—just not as much.)

Where you might have coverage gaps, high congestion with other users in the same mobile cell in a city (or even a small town with few base stations), or a huge variation in speed, it’s likely that LTE will smooth all that out. Carriers will have a much larger pool of bandwidth that the technology lets them more precisely divide up among users trying to gain access. The use of MIMO helps by reducing the number of coverage holes and poor reception areas. MIMO’s ability to bounce data around lets areas with marginal signal strength get better results than they’d get with single-antenna systems.

att So while it might take, on average, half or a quarter as long to download an image or a movie or load a webpage with LTE than with a 3G network in the same physical location, the experience will also be less frustrating, because LTE will work more reliably more of the time. Having just visited Manhattan and suffered the heartbreak of AT&T 3G in that fine city (something I have no trouble with in Seattle), I can fully appreciate how that might reduce people’s stress and increase their productivity.

But how fast, really?

Fine, you say, but what does all this mean for actual data rates already, Fleishman? (Please. Call me Mr. Fleishman.) During Wednesday’s announcement, Apple senior vice president of worldwide product marketing Phil Schiller spoke of “up to 72 Mbps” downstream rates with LTE. But that’s a specious number relative to the modest and more accurate information that carriers provide. It’s like the difference between the capacity of a water main on your street and how fast water gushes out of the tap in your kitchen.

72 Mbps is an accurate measurement of the top data rate between an LTE device and a cellular base station on AT&T and Verizon’s 4G networks, where they use 2x2 MIMO arrays (two sets of receiving and transmitting antennas with two separate data streams) and 10 MHz wide channels for sending and receiving. (Verizon openly provides that information. AT&T is a little more technically circumspect.)

But neither AT&T nor Verizon nor carriers outside the United States promote that “72 Mbps” number. That rate includes the network overhead outside of pure data transferred among devices if all devices are close enough to communicate at the maximum data rate. In reality, the true throughput is much lower, and each device will be at varying distances from a base station, and thus communicate at different rates. (Like nearly all wireless standards, LTE base stations and devices constantly adjust the optimum data rate by taking less or more time to send hunks of data. Slower transmissions allow more noise in the connection, which produces more reliable results.)

Verizon and AT&T both say their LTE networks will deliver about 5 to 12 Mbps downstream (from their networks or the Internet to a device, like downloading files) and 2 to 5 Mbps upstream. That’s two to four times higher than the rates AT&T expects even with its faster HSPA+ 3G deployments, and two to six times faster than Verizon’s current 3G network.

I haven’t tested LTE in Seattle yet, but reviews of LTE phones and adapters find that the 12 Mbps top-end rate AT&T and Verizon cite is often surpassed. The networks have hardly any users, and the two carriers are clearly setting expectations for when the technology takes off—as when millions of 4G-capable iPads leap into use. The larger pool of bandwidth and a better ability to divvy it up, however, will mean that congested LTE networks will remain far more useful than congested 3G networks.

Both AT&T and Verizon Wireless say that their LTE networks will be largely deployed by the end of 2013. Verizon Wireless has made the more explicit statement that it expects its current 3G footprint, reaching more than 95 percent of the U.S. population, to have LTE by then. AT&T is a bit vaguer about its final goal, although some of its licenses from the FCC have specific targets for population and geographic coverage.

A future-proofed iPad

Apple has future-proofed the latest iPad by adopting 4G. Honestly, I’m a bit surprised that Apple would take the hit in terms of battery, weight, and size in order to put LTE chips in their devices at this early stage of LTE development. But by keeping the price the same as the iPad 2, and improving performance and the display, along with adding support for the fastest 3G flavors and current 4G technology, I don’t think anyone will be feeling buyer’s remorse.

Of course, LTE lets you download more data faster, and the new iPad’s display means that you can consume images and video at a higher resolution and more frequently. The only unanswered question is how fast you’ll burn through data and pay overage fees when you start taking a 4G iPad out into the field.

Source: Macworld

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Hotel Reservations Deadline: Thursday, March 1
Austin , Texas, is a wonderful place to visit and the Hyatt Regency Austin provides the perfect location for guests to walk to downtown attractions or to relax along the shore of Lady Bird Lake.

Easily accessible by air, the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) was recently named the "best domestic" airport in the U.S. and has more than 150 daily commercial flights including 40 non-stop flights.


To make reservations:

NOTE: Whether you make your reservation online or by phone, be sure to mention the Critical Messaging Convention to receive the group rate of $167/night. The rate will increase by $100/night after March 1.

Convention Early Registration Deadline: Thursday, March 1

Register on or before March 1 and save $75.
The registration fee includes all presentations, exhibits, lunch, and Wednesday's riverboat reception.

star Agenda Preview
This year the Critical Messaging Association and the European Mobile Messaging Association have collaborated to develop an agenda focused on providing key information to help grow your business opportunities and increase your awareness of issues facing the industry.

Campus Emergency Notifications and Pager Protocol
David O. Cronk, Director, Emergency Preparedness, University of Texas at Austin

Using Paging Networks for Critical Messaging and Alerting: SkyAlert Earthquake Alerting System
Santiago Cantú, SkyTel Mexico

Leveraging Your Healthcare Accounts
Ted McNaught, Critical Alert Systems
James Higbe, Intego Software

Getting the Message Out
Karla McGowan, Marketing Communications & PR Expert

Upgrading Paging Technology to Meet Critical Messaging Demands
Illan Friedland, Beeper Communications Israel

Planning for Another Decade with Paging
Jan Kopegard, Ascom Sweden

Grow Your Business with Utilities - They Need More than Just a Message!
Dick Preston, MW Consulting Corporation

boot Bringing Cloud Computing Down to Earth
Scott Forsythe, SelectPath-Contact Wireless Tom Harger, SelectPath-Contact Wireless
Alan Hills, MethodLink, LLC
Tom Jackson, Midwest Paging
Jarret Raim, RackSpace


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Premier Vendor prism ipx
Prism-IPX Systems LLC

Silver Vendor

Method Link, LLC

Silver Vendor

Unication USA

Bronze Vendors

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CMA Executive Director
441 N. Crestwood Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Tel: 866-301-2272
CMA Regulatory Affairs Office
Suite 250
2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2280
Tel: 202-223-3772
Fax: 202-315-3587

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Advertiser Index

CMA — Critical Messaging Association
Daviscomms USA
Hark Technologies
Ira Wiesenfeld & Associates
Leavitt Communications
Preferred Wireless
Prism Paging
Ron Mercer — Paging & Wireless Network Planners LLC
PSSI — Product Support Services
TPL Systèmes
Critical Alert Systems d/b/a Northeast, UCOM & Teletouch Paging
VCP International
WiPath Communications

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AT&T to launch enhanced location options for MAM under location information services

2012-03-06 07:26:49, India

at&t booth By Telecom Lead Team: Mobile major AT&T will offer enhanced global location options for mobile asset management as part of its suite of Location Information Services (LIS).

AT&T LIS includes a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) for requesting location information from the network.

The newest AT&T LIS feature, Global Cell-ID, can help optimize routes or schedules in real-time based on cell-ID information from devices in more than 100 countries, even without GPS.

AT&T LIS Global Cell-ID will make application development easier by giving developer access to cost-effective APIs, rather than having each developer build and maintain their own location databases for managing machine-to-machine solutions.

AT&T LIS is a highly-reliable service and can help to improve operational efficiencies, increase customer satisfaction and control costs for global businesses in industries such as field service, fleet management, transportation and manufacturing.

"AT&T LIS extends the API platform for enterprise developers, software vendors or systems integrators to obtain real-time network-initiated location information and return it to the business application to help increase utilization of critical assets in the field," said Chris Hill, vice president, Advanced Mobility Solutions, AT&T Business and Home Solutions.

The mobile service provider said that it is experiencing strong customer demand with its business-focused messaging and location services — Enterprise Paging, Global Smart Messaging Suite and Location Information Services.

Last year, AT&T Enterprise Paging, a group messaging and notification solution nearly tripled its number of customers. And, it experienced year over year growth of 1,500 percent for AT&T Global Smart Messaging Suite, a web-based application designed for large enterprise messaging and communication (SMS and e-mail).

Recently, AT&T revealed its plans to launch AT&T Digital Life, an IP-based remote monitoring and automation platform to enable global mobile service providers to offer their subscribers home automation, energy and security services.

Source: Telecom Lead

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Invasion of the flying robots

By Richard Galant, CNN
updated 10:12 AM EST, Sun March 4, 2012

Long Beach, California (CNN) — It was after the robotic hummingbird flew around the auditorium — and after a speaker talked about the hypersonic plane that could fly from New York to the West Coast in 11 minutes — that things got really edgy.

Vijay Kumar , an engineering professor at the University of Pennsylvania, showed the more than 1,300 attendees at last week's TED conference several videos in which fleets of tiny flying robots performed a series of intricate manuevers, working together on tasks without colliding or interfering with each others' flightworthiness.

It seemed that, at least for some in the audience, a bridge had been crossed into a new era of technology, one that could change the way we think about robots and their application to such fields as construction, shipping and responding to emergencies.

Kumar's devices (he calls them "Autonomous Agile Aerial Robots") cooperated on building simple structures and showed they were capable of entering a building for the first time and quickly constructing a map that would allow for assessment and response to a structural collapse or fire.


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Product Support Services, Inc.

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Based in Coppell, Texas, a suburb of Dallas/Fort Worth, and located just five minutes north of the DFW Airport, PSSI receives, repairs and ships approximately 4,000 discrete units each day.

  • PSSI is ISO certified and has comprehensively integrated robust lean manufacturing processes and systems that enable us to deliver timely and benchmark quality results.
  • PSSI is certified for Levels III and IV repair by a wide variety of OEMs including, for example, Motorola, Nokia, Sony/Ericsson, Samsung, Stanley and LG.
  • PSSI ’s service center is a state-of-the-art facility, complete with multiple wireless test environments and board-level repair capabilities.
  • PSSI ’s state-of-the-art and proprietary Work-In-Process (WIP) systems, and its Material Planning and Warehouse Management systems, enable PSSI to track discrete units by employee, work center, lot, model, work order, location and process through the entire reverse logistics process. Access to this information can be provided to our customers so that they can track the real-time movement of their products.

Pager and Electronics Repair

Product Support Services, Inc.



Product Support Services, Inc.
511 South Royal Lane
Coppell, Texas 75019
877-777-8798 (Toll Free)
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Phil Leavitt has approximately 1,500 new Bravo 501 900 MHz FLEX numeric pagers (synthesized) available for $9.50 each. Please contact Phil directly if you are interested.

Philip C Leavitt, Manager
Leavitt Communications
7508 N. Red Ledge Drive
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Tel: 847-955-0511
Fax: 270-447-1909
Mobile: 847-494-0000
Skype ID: pcleavitt


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Japan builds Tokyo Sky Tree, world's tallest tower

by Tim Hornyak March 1, 2012 11:01 AM PST

Summary: Standing 2,080 feet tall, the Tokyo Sky Tree is a new digital broadcast tower built on reclaimed land in the Japanese capital. Engineers are confident it won't topple in an earthquake.

(Credit: Tim Hornyak/CNET)

TOKYO — Nearly a year after the magnitude-9.0 quake that pummeled Japan, construction of the world's tallest tower, the Tokyo Sky Tree, is now complete.

Builder Obayashi, which recently announced plans for a space elevator to start services by 2050, declared the Sky Tree complete ahead of a ceremony Friday. While the world's tallest man-made structure remains the Burj Khalifa in Dubai at 829 meters (2,720 feet), the Sky Tree tops the list of the tallest free-standing towers at 634 meters (2,080 feet).

It's 34 meters taller than the Canton Tower in Guangzhou, China, and nearly twice the height of its predecessor, Tokyo Tower (333 meters). Operated by Tobu Railways and a consortium of media companies, the Sky Tree will serve as a digital terrestrial broadcasting center for Tokyo and the surrounding Kanto region.

The achievement came amid snowy weather in Tokyo. Falling ice from the structure has been a problem for nearby companies and residences in Sumida Ward, a heretofore quiet district on the eastern bank of the Sumida River.

The land is known to be relatively unstable and much of the area was reclaimed from Tokyo Bay long ago. But engineers say the Sky Tree will be able to withstand even the strongest of earthquakes. They point to a traditional building technique that was incorporated in the structure.

The Sky Tree makes use of a shinbashira, a central column that features in the architecture of Japanese pagodas. The column acts as a stationary pendulum to counterbalance seismic waves, greatly reducing the sway in the surrounding structure.

Indeed, there are virtually no records of pagodas being toppled in quakes in Japanese history. The tallest wooden tower in the country, the 55-meter (180-foot) pagoda of Toji temple in Kyoto, has been standing firm since 1644.

The Sky Tree's shinbashira is a hollow concrete tube housing elevators and stairs. It's structurally separate from the exterior truss but is joined by oil dampers, which help reduce quake shaking.

"The anti-quake measures in this structure can reduce quake vibrations by 50 percent," Hirotake Takanishi, PR manager for Tobu Tower Sky Tree, told me. "We've run simulations showing the Sky Tree will withstand an 8.0-magnitude earthquake, and can withstand even stronger ones, but we can't say definitely what its upper limit is."

The building suffered virtually no damage in the March 2011 quake, though supply interruptions delayed its completion.

Opening in May, the Sky Tree will have several cutting-edge attractions, including a special observation deck at 450 meters (1,476 feet) that will have an "air corridor" that snakes around the exterior for vertiginous thrills.

Stunning panoramic views

When I visited the Sky Tree on a press preview late last year, I rode the high-speed elevator to the first observation deck at 350 meters (1,148 feet) above ground. I couldn't feel the car's acceleration because it's engineered for a very smooth ride, but I was whisked up in less than a minute.

The view that greeted me was a stunning panorama of Tokyo spreading out in all directions over the Kanto plain. The world's largest metropolitan area, home to some 30 million people, seemed infinite.

Though Tokyo suffers from haze, on clear days in winter Mt. Fuji, Japan's iconic volcano, is visible to the southwest. The 360-degree deck also has a reproduction of a folding screen painting from Japan's feudal period that bears a remarkable resemblance to the panorama. It's a bird's eye view of Edo, the shogun's capital that was the precursor to Tokyo.

Indeed, the past is never far away at the Sky Tree. In Japanese, its height of 634 (meters) can be pronounced "mu-sa-shi," which refers to Musashi, the ancient province that was home to Edo.

Check out [...] the time-lapse video below of the Tokyo Sky Tree being built.


Source: CNET | News

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LEAVITT Communications

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its stil here


It's still here — the tried and true Motorola Alphamate 250. Now owned, supported, and available from Leavitt Communications. Call us for new or reconditioned units, parts, manuals, and repairs.

We also offer refurbished Alphamate 250’s, Alphamate IIs, the original Alphamate and new and refurbished pagers, pager repairs, pager parts and accessories. We are FULL SERVICE in Paging!

E-mail Phil Leavitt ( ) for pricing and delivery information or for a list of other available paging and two-way related equipment.

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Phil Leavitt

leavitt logo

7508 N. Red Ledge Dr.
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253

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Speedy 802.11ac Wi-Fi set for fast, wide rollout

Chipmakers, manufacturers readying an array of 802.11ac products

By John Cox, Network World
February 28, 2012 09:52 AM ET

BARCELONA, Spain — Mobile carriers embracing Wi-Fi is one of the sub-themes of Mobile World Congress. And the particular flavor of Wi-Fi that's generating buzz here is 802.11ac, which promises to boost handset throughput to over 300 Mbps.

What MWC is driving home is how close 11ac products are to appearing. For clients to achieve those speeds, they have to be talking to access points or hotspots or even so-called "small cells" (compact cellular base stations) that are also outfitted with 11ac radio chips.

Broadcom executives at MWC confirmed today that the chipmaker is "beyond the sampling phase and even in a pre-production phase," according to Michael Hurlston, the company's senior vice president for wireless LAN, for its two-stream and three-stream 11ac chips. 11ac like 11n uses multiple data streams paired with multiple sending and receiving antennas to achieve high data throughput.

Hurlston said he expects finished OEM products, almost certainly access points, routers and the like, to be on sale from Broadcom's customers by mid-2012. Although the chipmaker hasn't announced design wins, Hurlston pointed out that the 11ac roadmap announced last month at CES was publicly endorsed by 14 equipment vendors and network providers.

In the booth, Broadcom was running one-, two- and three-stream 11ac radios. The single-stream radio, the type that would be integrated into a smartphone, was delivering usable throughput ranging between 300 Mbps and 370 Mbps (compared to the underlying PHY rate of 450 Mbps), orders of magnitude greater than the 30 Mbps-50 Mbps, or slightly more, that single-stream 11n can deliver for phones today.

There is a widespread expectation that the additional premium that equipment makers and ultimately end users will have to pay for this improvement is comparatively low. Hurlston estimated that the premium for its 11ac products will be range from 1.2 to 1.5 times initially. "We exceeded our expectations for that [ i.e., for keeping it low]," he said. If the take up is as fast as many expect, that will rapidly decline.

The three-stream products from Broadcom and rivals like Qualcomm and Atheros will support throughput of just over 1 gigabit initially.

Qualcomm, with the Wi-Fi expertise and technology from its Atheros acquisition, confirmed it will start sampling its 11ac product family sometime in 2012 Q2, according to David Favreau, vice president of product management.

A lot of Qualcomm's development effort has also involved creating integrated communications processors, marrying Wi-Fi with Bluetooth and other radios, and then tying the result closely to its Snapdragon applications processor, which powers a wide range of smartphones today.

Qualcomm's booth here showed its single-stream 11ac radio, mounted in smartphone prototypes, running in the 220 Mbps range, peaking at one point to 247 Mbps, in a surrounding Wi-Fi environment, inside MWC's cavernous Hall 8, that Favreau described as "challenging."

Qualcomm's timeline is less aggressive than Broadcom's. Favreau says he's working with equipment makers, for everything from phones and laptop dongles to access points, to release final products in early 2013, a time frame chosen to coincide with the ramp-up of the Wi-Fi Alliance's 11ac certification program. The reason, he says, is to ensure that most of the first 11ac implementations are fully interoperable, avoiding the stumbles that occurred with early releases of the still-in-development 802.11n products a couple of years ago.

Both companies say the extra power won't take extra electrical power, a key issue for battery-operated mobile devices. Part of the reason is proprietary power management wizardry, but part of the reason is simply the much higher 11ac throughput. "We run apps much faster, and get back to a low-power 'sleet state' [for the radio] much faster, and spend more time in sleep state," Favreau said.

"We think11ac will be adopted much faster than 11n was," he said. One reason for that is the expected fast adoption of 11ac in a wide range of client devices, including the fast growing markets for smartphones, tablets and increasingly for consumer electronics like digital cameras and flat panels.

Another reason, at least for Qualcomm's network gear builders, is what Favreau called CPU offload. "OEMs can reuse their existing network processors, and just add in our new high-end 11ac product," he said.

Source: Network World

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Terminals & Controllers:
1 Motorola ASC1500
2 GL3100 RF Director 
9 Glenayre GLS2164 Satellite Receivers
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1 GL3000ES Terminal
2 Zetron 2200 Terminals
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Link Transmitters:
2 Glenayre QT4201 & 6201, 25 & 100W Midband Link TX
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VHF Paging Transmitters
6 Glenayre GLT8411, 250W, VHF TX
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UHF Paging Transmitters:
20 Glenayre UHF GLT5340, 125W, DSP Exciter
6 Motorola PURC-5000 110 & 225W, TRC & ACB
2 QT-7795, 250W, UHF TX
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3 Glenayre GLT 8600, 500W
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15 Glenayre GLT-8500 250W
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Five things we learned from The Verge’s exhaustive feature on RIM

blackberry Given all the takeover rumours, bad behaviour and executive comings and goings, even the most dedicated Research in Motion watcher could use a refresher. Enter Jesse Hicks over at The Verge, who wrote a comprehensive (and lengthy) article that tells the whole sordid RIM tale, from Mike Lazaridis’s university days through to last week’s PlayBook upgrade. No time to read 9,500-plus words? We’ve collected the most interesting tidbits, including an early alternative to the “BlackBerry” brand name and why RIM is like the Soviet Union. All the dirt, after the jump.

1. Young Lazaridis was a typical nerdy boy (in the best way, of course)
Growing up in Windsor, Ontario, Lazaridis made a model phonograph out of Lego when he was four and a pendulum clock that kept time by the time he was eight. Predictably, he also loved science fiction novels and Star Trek.

2. “Strawberry” just doesn't have the same ring
In the mid-90s, RIM developed a device with a thumb keyboard and email connectivity, and then brought in Lexicon Branding to help sell it (“RIM 950 Inter@ctive Pager” clearly wasn't working). Someone suggested “Strawberry,” since the keyboard’s buttons looked like seeds, but Lexicon’s resident linguist said “straw”—a slow syllable—made the device seem sluggish. “Black” was considered much zippier . . . and a brand was born.

3. The iPhone’s entrance initially boosted RIM
After the release of the iPhone and iPhone 3G, BlackBerry sales actually increased. Apple’s hype lured new consumers to the smartphone market, and many of those newcomers opted for the cheaper BlackBerry over the iPhone. It was only later that RIM’s dominance began to falter.

4. As a university student, Lazaridis swore he would nurture engineers…
RIM’s marketing game is weak—even their CEO says so. To explain why, Hicks looks back to Lazaridis’s first university co-op, at supercomputing company Control Data Corporation. At CDC, engineers were told to simplify their products for the perceived needs of consumers, sending frustrated geniuses to more innovative companies in Silicon Valley. “It was a mistake Lazaridis told himself he’d never make,” writes Hicks. “His company would nurture engineers, giving them the time and space in which to build the future.”

5. . . . but, despite his intentions, employee morale at RIM is abysmal
The four-fold increase in RIM’s workforce means that bureaucratic annoyances, office politics and time wasting are rife. An attempt to break off the BB10 development group to recreate the feel of a hungry start-up has been disastrous, reports Hicks, creating rifts between the BB10 group and employees working on soon-to-be-obsolete legacy code. Hicks spoke to Alastair Sweeny, author of a book about the BlackBerry’s rise, who said, “It’s like the Soviet Union. Everyone’s pretending to work.”

Research, no motion: How the BlackBerry CEOs lost an empire [The Verge]


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“Twisted” waves could boost capacity of Wi-Fi and TV

By Jason Palmer
Science and technology reporter, BBC News
2 March 2012 Last updated at 03:20 ET

In a public event in 2011, Venice's Palazzo Ducale lit up with "signal received" when the test worked

A striking demonstration of a means to boost the information-carrying capacity of radio waves has taken place across the lagoon in Venice, Italy.

The technique exploits what is called the "orbital angular momentum" of the waves — imparting them with a "twist".

Varying this twist permits many data streams to fit in the frequency spread currently used for just one.

The approach, described in the New Journal of Physics, could be applied to radio, Wi-Fi, and television.

The parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that are used for all three are split up in roughly the same way, with a spread of frequencies allotted to each channel. Each one contains a certain, limited amount of information-carrying capacity: its bandwidth.

As telecommunications have proliferated through the years, the spectrum has become incredibly crowded, with little room left for new means of signal transmission, or for existing means to expand their bandwidths.

But Bo Thide of Swedish Institute of Space Physics and a team of colleagues in Italy hope to change that by exploiting an entirely new physical mechanism to fit more capacity onto the same bandwidth.

Galilean connection

The key lies in the distinction between the orbital and spin angular momentum of electromagnetic waves.

orbital angular motion
The orbital angular momentum of light may also manifest itself in what we see from black holes

A perfect analogy is the Earth-Sun system. The Earth spins on its axis, manifesting spin angular momentum; at the same time orbits the Sun, manifesting orbital angular momentum.

The "particles" of light known as photons can carry both types; the spin angular momentum of photons is better known through the idea of polarisation, which some sunglasses and 3-D glasses exploit.

Just as the "signals" for the left and right eye in 3-D glasses can be encoded on light with two different polarisations, extra signals can be set up with different amounts of orbital angular momentum.

Prof Thide and his colleagues have been thinking about the idea for many years; last year, they published an article in Nature Physics showing that spinning black holes could produce such "twisted" light.

But the implications for exploiting the effect closer to home prompted the team to carry out their experiment in Venice, sending a signal 442m from San Giorgio island to the Palazzo Ducale in St Mark's square.

"It's exactly the same place that Galileo first demonstrated his telescope to the authorities in Venice, 400 years ago," Prof Thide told BBC News.

"They were not convinced at all; they could see the moons of Jupiter but they said, 'They must be inside the telescope, it can't possibly be like that.'

"To some extent we have felt the same (disbelief from the community), so we said, 'Let's do it, let's demonstrate it for the public.'"

Marconi style

In the simplest case, putting a twist on the waves is as easy as putting a twist into the dish that sends the signal. The team split one side of a standard satellite-type dish and separated the two resulting edges.

The relatively crude antenna could be replaced with more sophisticated signal processing

In this way, different points around the circumference of the beam have a different amount of "head start" relative to other points — if one could freeze and visualise the beam, it would look like a corkscrew.

In a highly publicised event in 2011, the team used a normal antenna and their modified antenna to send waves of 2.4 GHz — a band used by Wi-Fi — to send two audio signals within the bandwidth normally required by one. They repeated the experiment later with two television signals.

Crowds were treated to projections beamed onto the Palazzo Ducale explaining the experiment, and then a display of the message "signal received" when the experiment worked.

Prof Thide said that the public display — "in the style of (radio pioneer) Guglielmo Marconi . . . involving ordinary people in the experiment", as the authors put it — was just putting into practice what he had believed since first publishing the idea in a 2007 Physical Review Letters article.

"For me it was obvious this would work," he said. "Maxwell's equations that govern electromagnetic fields are . . . the most well tested laws of physics that we have.

"We did this because other people wanted us to demonstrate it."

Prof Thide and his colleagues are already in discussions with industry to develop a system that can transmit many more than two bands of different orbital angular momentum.

The results could radically change just how much information and speed can be squeezed out of the crowded electromagnetic spectrum, applied to radio and television as well as Wi-Fi and perhaps even mobile phones.

Source: BBC UK

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Drivers School Licensees Must Be Retested

By Andrea Bernstein | 03/05/2012 – 4:33 pm

truck A Queens NY driving school at the center of a fraud scandal is being suspended, and as a result, 174 people who used the school to obtain commercial drivers licenses must be retested.

From the press release:

“The school’s owners, Ying Wai Phillip Ng and Pui Kuen Ng, who are married, were charged last week with conspiracy to commit mail fraud in connection with the operation of the driving school. The couple allegedly fraudulently assisted an undercover agent in passing a written commercial drivers’ license permit test through the use of an elaborate system using a hidden camera and pager.”

“The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has identified the commercial drivers’ license holders who were customers of the N&Y driving school. The DMV is notifying them that they must be retested immediately or their licenses will be suspended. Failure to call the DMV by this Friday to schedule a retest will result in an immediate suspension of their commercial drivers’ license.”

Source: Transportation Nation

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WiPath Communications

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Selected portions of the BloostonLaw Telecom Update, a newsletter from the Law Offices of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP are reproduced in this section with the firm's permission.

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FCC Seeks Input On Certain Wireless Interruptions

The FCC has asked for comment on concerns and issues related to intentional interruptions of Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) by government authorities for the purpose of ensuring public safety. The Commission notes that concerns have been raised that wireless networks can be used in ways that put the public’s safety at risk. Concerns, for example, that wireless service could be used to trigger the detonation of an explosive device or to organize the activities of a violent flash mob have led public authorities in the United States and abroad to consider interrupting wireless service. Last summer, a public agency temporarily interrupted wireless service on parts of a mass transit system based on stat-ed concerns about public safety.

The FCC said that any intentional interruption of wireless service, no matter how brief or localized, raises significant concerns and implicates substantial legal and policy questions. The service interruption last summer drew sharp criticism, and state and local governments have recently grappled with how to address possible future events. The FCC is concerned that there has been insufficient discussion, analysis, and consideration of the questions raised by intentional interruptions of wireless service by government authorities. Thus, the agency has issued a Public Notice seeking comment on the legal constraints and policy considerations that bear on an intentional interruption of wireless service by government actors for the purpose of ensuring public safety.

In the Public Notice, the FCC focuses on situations where one or more wireless carriers, or their authorized agents, interrupt their own services in an area for a limited time period at the request of a government entity, or have their services interrupted by a government entity that exercises lawful control over network facilities. The FCC does not invite comment on practices expressly prohibited by statute or regulation, such as signal jamming. The Public Notice includes:

  • Past practices and precedents. What are examples of previous intentional interruptions of wireless service for public safety reasons, and what policies or rationales have public agencies developed that support or provide guidance on such interruptions? Under what circumstances have public agencies in the United States considered or effectuated interruptions of wireless service for public safety reasons? What are relevant examples of foreign governments considering or effectuating interruptions of wireless service for public safety reasons? What are examples of wireless networks actually being used to put the public’s safety at risk? What existing policies do public agencies in the United States have for determining whether a service interruption is proper?
  • Bases for interrupting wireless service. Under what circumstances is it appropriate for a public agency to interrupt wireless service? How effective is an interruption likely to be in achieving the purpose of the interruption? In what kinds of situations would a government authority potentially seek intentionally to interrupt wireless service? How frequently do these situations arise? For how long would service be interrupted in these situations? How rapidly after the threat to public safety has passed can service be restored?
  • Risks in interrupting wireless service. What are the risks of an interruption of wireless service? What factors affect those risks? What are the potential economic consequences of intentionally interrupting wireless service?
  • Scope of interruption. Can wireless carriers implement a general service interruption, but still ensure that the public can make wireless 911 calls? Would a service disruption that permits wireless 911 calls, but otherwise prohibits voice, text, and data communications, achieve the same purpose as a blanket interruption? Would it pose any unique risks to persons with disabilities? Can wireless carriers implement a service interruption while ensuring that authorized parties would have uninterrupted access to wireless priority service (WPS)? Can wireless carriers implement a service interruption and still provide targeted alerts via the Personal Localized Alerting Network (PLAN) to the public in the affected area?
  • Authority to interrupt service. Which public institutions, agencies, or officials have or should have the authority to request an of interruption wireless service? What process should officials with such authority use to effectuate an interruption?
  • Legal constraints on interrupting wireless service. Many laws—local, state, federal, constitutional—could prohibit or constrain the ability to interrupt wireless service. The legality of an interruption could depend upon particular circumstances, such as the reason for the interruption, its duration, its geographic scope, or how the interruption is accomplished. What are the laws or regulations that affect the legality of an interruption, and what are the circumstances that are likely to render an interruption permissible or impermissible?

Comments in this GN Docket No. 12-52 proceeding are due April 30, and replies are due May 30.

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Revised FCC Forms 499-A, 499-Q Are Now Available

The FCC has released the revised Telecommunications Reporting Worksheets—FCC Form 499-A (the annual report) and FCC Form 499-Q (the quarterly report), which are due April 2 and May 1, respectively.

Form 499-A. The instructions for this form include revisions made in accordance with the Commission’s order implementing section 103(b) of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA). Section 103(b) requires that both interconnected and non-interconnected voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) service providers participate in and contribute to the Telecommunications Relay Services Fund (TRS Fund). Non-interconnected VoIP providers will have the same safe harbor for allocating revenue for bundled ser-vices and for reporting interstate revenues (64.9%) as is applicable to interconnected VoIP service providers.

The FCC also waived a new rule permitting carriers to include, in their intrastate and interstate switched access tariffs, rates applicable to VoIP-public switched telephone network (PSTN) traffic. This new rule became effective on December 29, 2011, and therefore could have resulted in changes in revenue reportable on Form 499-A Line 304, pursuant to section 54.711 of the Commission’s rules, for the three days in 2011 during which it was effective. Because of the short time period in 2011 during which this rule (section 51.913) was effective, the FCC said any new 2011 reportable revenue amounts arising solely from this rule change are likely de minimis. Thus, the FCC waived Section 54.711 to the limited extent necessary to relieve contributors of the obligation to report, as part of 2011 revenues on the 2012 FCC Form 499-A, any new access charge revenue resulting solely from section 51.913 being effective during 2011.

Form 499-Q. The revisions to this form include non-substantive changes.

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FCC EXTENDS COMMENT DATES FOR LIGHTSQUARED INTERFERENCE PROCEEDING: The FCC has extended the comment cycle for its Public Notice (PN) regarding the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA’s) conclusion that LightSquared’s proposed network would cause harmful interference to GPS. Comments in this IB Docket No. 11-109 proceeding are now due March 16, and replies are due March 30. The PN also invited comment on (1) Vacatur of a conditional waiver of the Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC) “integration” requirement previously granted to LightSquared, due to LightSquared’s inability to address satisfactorily the legitimate interference concerns surrounding its planned terrestrial operations, and the appearance that the Interference Resolution Process mandated by that waiver grant has no realistic prospect of being successfully completed by LightSquared in a reasonable period of time. And (2) modification of LightSquared’s satellite license pursuant to Section 316 of the Communications Act to suspend indefinitely LightSquared’s underlying ATC authorization, first granted in 2004, to an extent consistent with the NTIA results.

Source: BloostonLaw Telecom Update Vol. 15, No. 8 March 7, 2012


This newsletter is not intended to provide legal advice. Those interested in more information should contact the firm. For additional information, contact Hal Mordkofsky at 202-828-5520 or

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Brooklyn Driving School Owners Accused Of Running High-Tech DMV Cheating Scheme

March 1, 2012 8:42 PM

dmv scam NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A Brooklyn couple is facing federal charges for running a high-tech scheme to beat the DMV. They allegedly rigged the results of hundreds of commercial drivers license tests.

Local, state and federal investigators spent hours at N&Y Professional Service Line driving school in Sunset Park, collecting evidence against the owners Ying Wai Phillip Ng and his wife, Pui Kuen Ng.

Investigators believe the alleged high-tech scam helped hundreds of people pass the multiple choice commercial drivers license test at DMV offices.

The feds say the driving school would equip test takers with a jacket that had a tiny camera and transmitter hidden in the sleeve. They were also allegedly given a pager set to vibrate and then send them in to take the commercial driver’s license test.

They were given instructions to point the camera at each question and wait. Outside the DMV, Phillip Ng allegedly waited in a vehicle, monitoring the feed from the camera on a laptop before sending a signal to the pager to vibrate 2, 4 or 6 times, depending on whether the test answer was A B or C.

“This is a crime, has to be a crime,” said one man who spoke to CBS 2′s Tony Aiello.

“It’s shocking – shocking that somebody took the time to think up an idea like that,” said Flatbush resident John St. Jean.

Investigators said the Ng’s told an undercover they’d been conducted the scheme for ten years. Among the drivers they allegedly helped is Kin Yeu Cheung, a bus driver facing manslaughter charges for an accident last May that killed four people in Virginia.

The Ng’s are charged with mail fraud and the DMV has moved to yank their license to operate.

Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch said the accused put the public at risk in order to line their pockets. The couple charged an undercover agent $1,800 for help passing the test.

Source: CBS New York

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Brad Dye
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Millennium Trilogy

The Millennium Trilogy is an award-winning series of three best-selling novels written by the late Stieg Larsson. These novels include The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2005), The Girl Who Played with Fire (2006), and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (2007). The novels are affectionately referred to by fans as "Dragon," "Fire," and "Hornet" respectively.

At the age of 15, Larsson witnessed the gang rape of a young girl, leaving him understandably disgusted by sexual violence. The experience haunted him for the rest of his life, and he never forgave himself for failing to help the girl. The victim's name was Lisbeth - which is the origin of the name he gave the young heroine of the trilogy, herself a rape victim. This memory was the inspiration for the theme of sexual violence against women in his books.

Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist are the primary characters in the series. Lisbeth, a woman in her twenties is an intelligent, eccentric, and possessing of a photographic memory. Blomkvist is an investigative journalist, a celebrity in his own right, whose history somewhat similar to Larsson's own.

About three-quarters of a fourth novel was written by Larsson before his sudden and unexpected death in November 2004. His partner, Eva Gabrielsson, is in possession of Larsson's notebook computer containing the manuscript; unconfirmed outlines or manuscripts written by the original author for one or two more books may still exist.

Source: Millennium Trilogy Wiki

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Millennium series

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Millennium series is a series of best selling novels originally written in Swedish by the late Stieg Larsson (1954–2004). The primary characters in the series are Lisbeth Salander, a woman in her twenties with a photographic memory and poor social skills, and Mikael Blomkvist, an investigative journalist and editor of a magazine called Millennium . Blomkvist, the character, has a history similar to Larsson, the author. Larrson planned the series as having ten installments, but due to his sudden death, only three were completed and published. [1] There are three books in the series:

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ( Män som hatar kvinnor , literally, Men who hate women ) (2005)
  • The Girl Who Played with Fire ( Flickan som lekte med elden , literally, The girl who played with fire ) (2006)
  • The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest ( Luftslottet som sprängdes , literally, The castle in the air that was blown up ) (2007)
Origins and publication

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When Larsson was 15 years old, he witnessed the gang rape of a girl, which led to his life long abhorrence of violence and abuse against women. The author never forgave himself for failing to help the girl, which inspired the themes of sexual violence against women in his books. [2][3]

In writing the series, Larsson was also influenced by two murders: Melissa Nordell, a model killed by her boyfriend, and Fadime Şahindal, a Swedish-Kurdish woman killed by her father. [4] Both women were killed at the hands of men or as victims of honor crime. To Larsson, there was no difference and the "systematic violence" against women highly affected and inspired him to take action against these crimes through his writing. Eva Gabrielsson, Larsson's longtime partner, wrote that "the trilogy allowed Stieg to denounce everyone he loathed for their cowardice, their irresponsibility, and their opportunism: couch-potato activists, sunny-day warriors, fair-weather skippers who pick and choose their causes; false friends who used him to advance their own careers; unscrupulous company heads and shareholders who wangle themselves huge bonuses... Seen in this light, Stieg couldn't have had any better therapy for what ailed his soul than writing his novels." [5]

Larsson submitted the manuscripts for all three volumes in the series to two Swedish publishers, with Norstedts Förlag accepting the manuscripts for publication. Norstedts commissioned Steve Murray, under the pen-name of Reg Keeland, to undertake the English translation. [6] Larsson tried to get British publishers to accept his book, but was turned down until Christopher Maclehose bought the global English language rights of the book for Quercus, a small London publisher. [7][8] Alfred A. Knopf bought the U.S. rights to the books after Larsson's death in 2004. [9]

By May 2010, 27 million copies had been sold worldwide, [10] a number that would grow to more than 46 million over the next five months, [11] and reach 65 million in December 2011. [12] In July 2010 the series made Larsson the first author to sell a million electronic copies of his work on the Amazon Kindle. [13]

Unfinished material

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Larsson wrote about three-quarters of a fourth novel before his sudden death in November 2004. His partner, Eva Gabrielsson, is in possession of the notebook computer with the manuscript but does not own the rights to Larsson's work. This is because Larsson, in an attempt to protect Gabrielsson from the people he was investigating in real life (Swedish Neo-Nazis and racists), never married and wrote his will without any witness (thus making it invalid according to Swedish law). Thus, at his death, it is his family that ended with the succession. [14] Outlines or manuscripts for one or two more books may exist. [10][15]

Film adaptations

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Swedish films

The Swedish film production company Yellow Bird has produced film versions of the Millennium Trilogy, co-produced with The Danish film production company Nordisk Film and television company, [16] which were released in Scandinavia in 2009. In 2010, the films were shown in an extended version of approximately 180 minutes per film as a six-part miniseries (each film divided in two parts of 90 minutes) on Swedish television. This version was released on July 14, 2010 on DVD and Blu-ray Disc in three separate sets and on November 24, 2010 as a Complete Millennium Trilogy box set with an extra disc.

Originally, only the first film was meant for a theatrical release, with the following ones conceived as TV films, but this was changed in the wake of the tremendous success of the first film. The first film was directed by Niels Arden Oplev and the next two by Daniel Alfredson, while the screenplays of the first two were adapted by Nikolaj Arcel and Rasmus Heisterberg, and the last one by Ulf Rydberg and Jonas Frykberg. All three films feature Michael Nyqvist as Mikael Blomkvist and Noomi Rapace as Lisbeth Salander.

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, released on February 25, 2009.
  • The Girl Who Played with Fire, released on September 18, 2009.
  • The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, released on November 27, 2009.
American films

Yellow Bird and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer partnered with Columbia Pictures to produce an English-language adaptation of the first novel. The film is written by Steven Zaillian, directed by David Fincher and produced by Scott Rudin, with Daniel Craig as Mikael Blomkvist and Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander. Along with Dragon Tattoo, Fincher and Zaillian have signed a two picture deal to adapt The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, which may be shot back to back. In January 2012, it was announced that Sony was "moving forward" with the adaptation of The Girl Who Played with Fire, with Zaillian in the early stage of scripting it for a planned release in late 2013. [17][18]

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Released in North America on December 21, 2011, and in the United Kingdom on December 26, 2011.


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  1. ^ .
  2. ^ James, Susan (August 5, 2010). "Stieg Larsson Silent as Real-Life Lisbeth Raped" . ABS News . Retrieved 2011-06-06.
  3. ^ Penny, Laurie (2010-09-05). "Girls, tattoos and men who hate women" . Retrieved 2010-10-19.
  4. ^
  5. ^ Gabrielsson, Eva, Marie-Françoise Colombani, and Linda Coverdale. "There Are Things I Want You to Know" about Stieg Larsson and Me. New York: Seven Stories, 2011.
  6. ^ Acocella, Joan. "Man of Mystery". New Yorker (1/10/2011), Vol. 86, Issue 43
  7. ^ Clark, Nick (2010) The publishing house that Stieg Larsson built The Independent, 6 August 2010, accessed 10 March 2010
  8. ^ Profile: Stieg Larsson: Even his early death became a big thriller The Sunday Times, 27 September 2009, accessed 10 March 2010
  9. ^ "American Readers, Waiting Impatiently For 'The Girl'" NPR (April 5, 2010). Retrieved February 5, 2011.
  10. ^ McGrath, Charles (23 May 2010). "The Afterlife of Stieg Larsson" . The New York Times Magazine .
  11. ^ "The Continuing Mysteries of Stieg Larsson" . CBS News . October 10,2010. Retrieved 2012-01-12.
  12. ^ Hassan, Genevieve (December 25, 2011). "Hollywood takes on Girl with the Dragon Tattoo " . BBC News .
  13. ^ Hachman, Mark (July 28, 2010). "Stieg Larsson Sells a Million Books on Amazon's Kindle" . PC Magazine .
  14. ^ Gabrielsson, Eva. "Biography Eva Gabrielsson" . Newest happenings in E.G.'s life. . Retrieved 9 June 2011.
  15. ^ "The Fourth Book ". Retrieved 2010-04-07.
  16. ^ "Yellow Bird Puts SEK 106m Millennium Project In Production" . nordiskfilmogtvfond. 2007-11-02. Retrieved 2009-09-22.
  17. ^ "'Dragon Tattoo' sequel still on track, Sony says" . . January 3, 2012. Retrieved January 3, 2012.
  18. ^ "‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ Sequel is Still Moving Forward" .

Wikipedia contributors, "Millennium series," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed March 6, 2012).

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