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Friday — May 30, 2014 — Issue No. 608

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Dear Friends of Wireless Messaging,

iOS 8, Mac OS X, Beats: What To Expect At Apple’s WWDC 2014

From a new version of iOS to smart home technologies to the Beats acquisition, there's going to be a lot going on.

Apple is almost ready to announce the structural underpinnings of every product that it will release this year at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco. For developers, everything you need to know to build iOS apps for the iPad and iPhone, the additions and design of Apple's Mac OS X and the iCloud glue that holds it all together will be announced at the WWDC 2014 keynote on June 2nd.

If we are lucky, we may even see what Apple plans for the future of music, the smart home and the smart car, health and fitness at WWDC as well.

As usual, Apple is keeping its cards close to its vest. But Apple senior vice president Eddie Cue said at the Code Conference this week that the company has, " best product pipeline that I've seen in my 25 years at Apple " coming in 2014. While it is unlikely that we will see any of those products announced next week, WWDC is the place where Apple starts to lay the foundation for its entire annual product portfolio.

What exactly are we going to hear from Apple at WWDC? The prognosis is cloudy, but there have been enough leaks over the past few weeks to give us a good sense of what is in the offing.

Apple will probably stick pretty close to its usual script. Look for a well-designed video that is supposed to be the very essence of Apple-ness, followed by a keynote from CEO Tim Cook touting growth numbers and features. (If you’re not going to be there yourself, here’s how you can watch it live .) Following Cook, Apple will likely roll out its usual cast of characters, including senior vice president of software engineering Craig Federighi and his wonderful coif, senior vice president of worldwide marketing Phil Schiller (who will inevitably throw darts at Google and Microsoft) and senior vice president of Internet software and services Cue.

Though some speculate—or just hope—that Apple will announce an iWatch at the event, it’s likely that the company will hold most hardware announcements, including an expected new Apple TV and the iPhone 6, until later this year.

[ source ]

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More on VoLTE

Last week I used the expression: “the tail is waging the dog” when discussing VoLTE, and the transition of telephone communications from wire lines to IP (Internet Protocol). Then I went on to say:

“When you think about it, in the old days our television sets were connected to an antenna, and our telephones were connected to a wire line. Now our telephones use an antenna (portable phones) and most of our television sets are connected to a cable. This really makes more sense, since we take our cell phones with us and leave our televisions at home.”

Then I received the following from a reader:

Hi Brad:

You’re comments on VoLTE remind me of something from the 90s: the “Negroponte Switch.” And well, here we are!

Stuart Cox

It looks like the academics thought about this a long time ago. That's one thing I love about this newsletter, I get to learn lots of things from my readers.

In the 1980s Professor Nicholas Negroponte of the Media Lab at MIT originated the meme*, that came to be known as the "Negroponte Switch." Put simply he suggested that due to accidents of engineering history we had ended with static devices — such as televisions receiving their content via signals traveling over the airways while devices which should have been mobile and personal — such as telephones were receiving their content over static cables. It was his idea that a better use of available communication resource would result if the information (such as phone calls) going through the cables was to go through the air and that going through the air (such as TV programmes) was to be delivered via cables. Negroponte called this "trading places," but his co-presenter (George Gilder), at an event organized by Northern Telecom called it the "Negroponte Switch" and that name stuck.

As more mobile devices need connections to the data network, and bandwidths required and deliverable in wired or fiber-optic systems grow, it becomes steadily less sensible to use wireless broadcast as a way of communicating with static installations. At some point the switch takes place, as the limited radio bandwidth is reallocated to data service to mobile equipment, and television and other media move to cable.

Cory Doctorow an author and also sometime Electronic Frontier Foundation activist has described the process of the switch as unwiring , which is also a move away from a global internetwork which in reality passes through many chokepoints where data may be controlled and inspected toward one which uses available bandwidth frugally by passing communications in a mesh and avoids chokepoints.

[ source ] (above and below) Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.

* A meme is “an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.” A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate, and respond to selective pressures. [ source ]

Don't feel bad if you didn't know what a “meme” is. I didn't either — I had to look it up.

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P.S. This newsletter is made possible by contributions from readers, and there haven't been many lately.

Now on to more news and views.

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A new issue of the Wireless Messaging Newsletter is posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the web. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Messaging companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers — so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology.

I regularly get readers' comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Messaging communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

I spend the whole week searching the Internet for news that I think may be of interest to you — so you won't have to. This newsletter is an aggregator — a service that aggregates news from other news sources. You can help our community by sharing any interesting news that you find.

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Editorial Opinion pieces present only the opinions of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of any of advertisers or supporters. This newsletter is independent of any trade association.

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State-of-the-art paging network infrastructure, fully supported at an affordable price – and it integrates with your other gear, include most makes of transmitters

Whether you are replacing or upgrading your existing network or building out new infrastructure, Infostream has the new equipment and systems that you need.

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  • Message encryption plug-in
  • Fully featured central site VOIP, CAD, HTML, TAP, TNPP, SMPP access
  • NMS integration including Nagios, SNMP and syslog
  • Comprehensive diagnostics including adjacent site monitoring
  • Deployed internationally in mission critical applications
  • 21 years of industry experience in design, build and integration

Infostream is a world leading supplier of paging and messaging infrastructure, specialized paging receivers and consultancy services. The company was founded in 1993 and has engineered and supplied equipment for some of the largest public safety networks and private paging customers around the world.

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Critical Alert Successfully Lobbies Maine Legislature to Pass Bill that Removes Radio Paging Service Providers from MUSF Funding Obligations

Company sets precedent for efforts to remove Federal Universal Service Fund requirements as well as other states’ USF mandatory payments.

Westbrook, Maine (May 13, 2014) — Critical Alert Systems, the third-largest paging provider in the U.S., played an integral role in the passage of LD 1479, a law that strikes the provision that radio paging services make mandatory payments into the Maine Universal Service Fund (MUSF). Critical Alert lobbied the Maine legislature for nearly two years to amend legislation that required radio paging carriers to contribute into the MSUF despite the fact that paging companies do not receive any benefit from the MUSF. The Maine House and Senate recently overrode Governor Paul LePage’s veto of LD 1479 and the new legislation will take effect in July 2014.

“It was a mistake to have radio paging services included in the MUSF from the beginning — paging carriers were contributing to a fund from which they received no benefit. The time had come to remove this funding obligation that impacted our Maine customers,” said Critical Alert President and COO Ted McNaught. “Because of a Fairpoint request for MUSF support, we anticipate we would have been looking at an increase of up to 10 percent in our MUSF contribution if this legislation had not been successful.”

According to McNaught, who is also the current President of the Critical Messaging Association, this precedent-setting Maine decision serves as a bellwether for future efforts to remove other states’ USF burden from paging carriers. It also has significance at the Federal level, where future Universal Service Fund increases could cripple paging companies, forcing them to impose large increases to their customers.

“I urge other paging companies to look for opportunities to make formal remarks and to take a position when their State Legislature is reviewing their Universal Service Fund,” notes McNaught. “And, I welcome other industry leaders in the continued effort to remove the Federal USF obligation that has the potential to have a dramatic negative impact on our companies and customers.”

About Critical Alert Systems

Critical Alert designs and delivers the most technologically advanced, easy-to-use nurse call solutions on the market. Using native middleware, our CommonPath™ nurse call allows clinicians to enhance their workflows, lower costs, improve staff performance, and raise patient satisfaction. Our systems capture and store all events and patient interactions allowing hospitals to generate relevant and customizable reporting with real-time dashboards. Through its paging services, Critical Alert provides fast and reliable critical messaging for emergency medical and disaster response teams in 13 states in New England and the central southeastern U.S. More information is available at .


5343 Bowden Road | Jacksonville, FL 32216 | phone (904) 260-6334 | toll-free (888) 846-8346 |
Source: Critical Alert Systems

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Critical Response Systems

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Apple's Cue hints at major product announcements

By Adam Lashinsky, Sr. Editor at Large
May 29, 2014: 10:35 AM ET

You say you want a revolution? At an industry conference, Eddy Cue suggests one may be coming.

Apple CEO Tim Cook and SVP of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue at the Allen & Co. annual conference at the Sun Valley Resort in July 2013.

FORTUNE — The news of the day on Wednesday was Apple's $3 billion deal to buy the music and electronics company Beats. But the comment of the day was a seemingly off-the-cuff remark by Apple (AAPL) executive Eddy Cue about what's next for Apple. "Late this year we've got the best product pipeline I've seen in my 25 years here," he said, during an interview at an industry conference in California.

Cue, Apple's deal guy under Steve Jobs and currently its head of online services, must understand the enormity of his comment. The last 15 years or so of the period he referenced included the launch of the iPod, iPhone and iPad, three product lines that revolutionized whole industries as well as Apple itself. If he's serious, the moment may finally be at hand that Apple shows its hand for the breakthrough products the world has been waiting for from its post-Steve Jobs existence. If he was blowing afterglow smoke from having completed a glamorous entertainment-industry deal, Cue will rue the day he made such a bold claim.

Either way, it is boom times for sure in the tech industry. In buying Beats, Apple has departed from its longstanding tradition of avoiding multi-billion-dollar deals. Whether or not the acquisition of the headphone maker and streaming music provider is successful, it surely will be a relatively trivial deal for cash-rich Apple. Investments bankers the world over must be salivating at the new opportunities presented by an acquisitive Apple willing to step up to the deal plate.

Source: CNNMoney

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Skype to Get Real-Time Translator by Year-End

Press Trust of India
Updated On: May 29, 2014 14:14 (IST)

Los Angeles:

Microsoft has unveiled a "real-time" language translation feature for its internet phone service Skype that will be available later this year.

Gurdeep Pall, Microsoft corporate vice president of Skype and Lync, demoed the new Skype Translator app on Tuesday at the inaugural Code Conference in California.

The demo showed near real-time audio translation from English to German and vice versa, combining Skype voice and IM technologies with Microsoft Translator, and neural network-based speech recognition.

Skype Translator, the result of years of research at Microsoft, first will be available as a Windows 8 beta app before the end of 2014.

"Today, we have more than 300 million connected users each month, and more than 2 billion minutes of conversation a day as Skype breaks down communications barriers by delivering voice and video across a number of devices, from PCs and tablets, to smartphones and TVs," Pall wrote in Microsoft's official blog post.

"But language barriers have been a blocker to productivity and human connection; Skype Translator helps us overcome this barrier," Pall wrote.

Skype Translator results from decades of work by the industry, years of work by our researchers, and now is being developed jointly by the Skype and Microsoft Translator teams, said Pall.

"It is early days for this technology, but the Star Trek vision for a Universal Translator isn't a galaxy away, and its potential is every bit as exciting as those Star Trek examples.

"Skype Translator opens up so many possibilities to make meaningful connections in ways you never could before in education, diplomacy, multilingual families and in business," said Pall.


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American Messaging

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Easy Solutions

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New Details On Apple's iWatch: It Will Have A Round Face, And Apple Is Increasing Its iWatch Orders

MAY 28, 2014, 7:38 AM


This is Motorola's smartwatch. Apple's will reportedly look similar.

Apple's iWatch is going to look like ... a watch.

Analyst Brian Blair of Rosenblatt Securities just got back from a big trip to Taiwan, and he has new details on the iWatch.

According to his supply chain sources, the iWatch will have a round face. Many people were expecting it to have a rectangular face, but Blair's sources tell him it's going to be round, like a normal watch.

Motorola has announced plans for its own circular smartwatch that runs on Android . Blair's sources say the iWatch will have a similar look, but a “slimmer profile.”

If you've been watching Apple's software design evolution, this would make sense. It's made icons and buttons on the iPhone round. So, we could see it fitting those icons onto a watch.

Blair says the iWatch will go into production around July/August. There will be “models” of the iWatch. (Probably one for women, one for men.)

It sound like Apple is growing confident in the success of the iWatch. Blair says Apple's orders for the iWatch are higher than previously expected. He forecasts Apple makes 18-21 million iWatches for the second half of the year, up from his previous estimate of 15-20 million.


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Leavitt Communications

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its stil here

It's still here — the tried and true Motorola Alphamate 250. Now owned, supported, and available from Leavitt Communications. Call us for new or reconditioned units, parts, manuals, and repairs.

We also offer refurbished Alphamate 250's, Alphamate IIs, the original Alphamate and new and refurbished pagers, pager repairs, pager parts and accessories. We are FULL SERVICE in Paging!

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Phil Leavitt

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Report: Apple plans to introduce a connected home platform at WWDC

Nick Mediati
@dtnick May 26, 2014 10:12 AM

Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off in a week, and naturally, rumors are swirling on what Apple might announce at next Monday’s keynote. One of the more intriguing rumors, however, comes our way from the Financial Times , which reports that Apple will announce a “smart home” platform that will let you control devices and appliances around your home from the comfort of your iPhone.

While you may not be able to ask Siri to prepare your lunch any time soon, the platform, according to the Financial Times, “would turn the iPhone into a remote control for lights, security systems and other household appliances.” That would include tasks like locking the front door remotely, having your lights turn on automatically as you enter, or setting your thermostat to 68 degrees, for example.

Products like the Nest thermostat show the potential of connected home devices.

Apple doesn’t comment on rumors, so there’s no real way to confirm this report, but considering the direction Apple appears to be headed in, it doesn’t seem like a total stretch that the company may be exploring connected home technology.

The company already has some experience in creating technology that lets other devices integrate with iOS—look no further than Apple’s AirPlay media streaming technology and CarPlay system (which lets you access certain iOS features from you car’s in-dash touchscreen).

In addition, the connected home market is young, its appeal is obvious, and its growth potential is staggering—not unlike the smartphone market circa 2007. We all remember what happened there. And big tech companies already want in: Look no further than Google's purchase of Nest for proof.

In any case, we'll know more in a week.


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Consulting Alliance

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Brad Dye, Ron Mercer, Allan Angus, Vic Jackson, and Ira Wiesenfeld are friends and colleagues who work both together and independently, on wireline and wireless communications projects.

Click here left arrow for a summary of their qualifications and experience. Each one has unique abilities. We would be happy to help you with a project, and maybe save you some time and money.

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4Andrews PG1D0F-0093-610 Antennas 928-944 MHz, Omni, 10dBi, 6 Degree Down Tilt
Link Transmitters:
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4Glenayre QT4201 & 6201, 25 & 100W Midband Link TX
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VHF Paging Transmitters
1Glenayre QT7505
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20Glenayre UHF GLT5340, 125W, DSP Exciter
900 MHz Paging Transmitters:
2Glenayre GLT8200, 25W
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Too Much To List • Call or E-Mail

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Preferred Wireless, Inc.
10658 St. Charles Rock Rd.
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888-429-4171 or 314-429-3000 left arrow

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Preferred Wireless

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FCC gets endorsement of its plan to subsidize fast rural internet access

Posted on May 25 2014 - 3:21 pm
by Ally Stackhouse
The Westside Story

The FCC got a shot in its arm when the federal court on Friday upheld the FCC decision to convert the $4.5 billion program which paid for telephone service in rural areas into a fund which will subsidize high-speed Internet service in high-cost areas.

This program is known as Connect America and is a part of a bigger $8 billion universal service fund which pays for a number of initiatives like providing communication links for schools, low income families and others.

The overhaul of the fund was approved by the FCC in October 2011. However the move was soon challenged in dozens of writs filed by phone companies. The most vociferous opponents of the move were small carriers who stood to lose money in the form of subsidies because of the changes.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, in Denver found the arguments put forth by these companies as unconvincing or barred from judicial review and rejected them. What most of the carriers found unpalatable were moves by the FCC to overhaul simultaneously its intercarrier compensation system, in which one carrier pays another carrier to originate and move calls. Rural carriers fear that these steps will force them to lose heavily monetarily.

Kim Hart, an F.C.C. spokeswoman, said in a statement, “Congress has directed the commission to ensure that all Americans receive the benefit of 21st-century communications. With today’s across-the-board affirmance of our landmark 2011 reforms, the commission has tools in hand to accomplish that critical goal.”

Source: The Westside Story

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If you would like to hear more about our CA Partners program, we’d love to hear from you.

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Selected portions of the BloostonLaw Telecom Update, and/or the BloostonLaw Private Users Update — newsletters from the Law Offices of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP are reproduced in this section with the firm's permission.

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BloostonLaw Telecom UpdateVol. 17, No. 21May 28, 2014

Deadline Reminder:

FCC Form 395 Due June 2

Common carriers, including wireless licensees, must file their annual Common Carrier Employment Reports (FCC Form 395) by May 31 each year. This year, May 31 falls on a Saturday, meaning that under the FCC’s rules the filing is due the following Monday, June 2.

The Employment Report tracks carrier compliance with rules requiring recruitment of minority employees and must be filed by any carrier with 16 or more full-time employees. Any common carrier, regardless of the number of employees, must report any employment discrimination complaints received during the past year. The FCC encourages carriers to complete the discrimination report requirement by filling out Section V of Form 395, rather than submitting a separate report.

Clients who would like assistance in filing Form 395 should contact Richard Rubino .


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NASUCA Seeks Stay of Verizon Applications to Retire Copper Loops

The National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates ("NASUCA") has asked the FCC to stay action on Verizon's network change notifications to retire copper loops and replace them with fiber facilities in specific wire centers in Virginia and New York, raising both service quality and procedural questions about Verizon's proposal. NASUCA argues that Verizon's proposed network change will impair service for competitors and therefore, where Verizon "retires the copper, fiber must [be] unbundled, at TELRIC rates." NASUCA also argues that the loss of copper "means no standalone digital subscriber line service (‘DSL‘), which removes a broadband option and is not good for consumers." NASUCA questions whether voice service over fiber meets the requirements of the ETC obligation and that "the substitution of FiOS leads to the possibility of abusive or deceptive marketing, so that consumers are upsold, to services that have fewer consumer protections." Finally, NASUCA argues that "the FCC should ensure that the fiber network has adequate back-up power, and make clear that states have jurisdiction to impose back-up power requirements for both the local network and the customer premises."

NASUCA also argues that the FCC should suspend the filing until it issues a Report and Order in WC Docket No. I 0-188 (copper retirement rules), the IP Trials (GN Docket No. 13-5) are completed, or the investigation requested by Public Knowledge regarding forcing customers off copper-based service is completed. In addition, NASUCA asks that the Verizon network change notification proceeding be placed on the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System ("ECFS"), or that Verizon and the information service and telecommunications providers that file objections serve all filings electronically on interested parties.

T-Mobile Seeks FCC Guidance on “Commercially Reasonable” Data Roaming Terms

T-Mobile USA has asked the FCC to provide “prospective guidance and predictable enforcement criteria” with respect to the “commercially reasonable” standard that applies under FCC rules to data roaming agreements. The request came in the form of a Petition for Declaratory Ruling that T-Mobile filed this week in the CMRS Roaming Docket (WT Docket No. 05-265).

By way of background, the FCC adopted its current data roaming rule in April of 2011, because it found that wireless carriers require access to data roaming in order to be able to compete. An extensive record in that proceeding showed that many service providers were having difficulty obtaining access to data roaming on reasonable terms. Verizon Wireless then sued to block implementation of the Commission’s Data Roaming Order, claiming the FCC lacked the statutory authority to regulate broadband. However, a unanimous panel of the DC Circuit ruled in December 2012 that federal law gives the FCC broad authority to regulate the use of electromagnetic spectrum, and that data roaming rules fit comfortably within that authority.

As impetus for this latest effort, T-Mobile contends that smaller providers are still being stymied in their efforts to negotiate data roaming agreements on commercially reasonable terms, and it blames this inability on a lack of clarity from the FCC regarding the practical application of the commercially reasonable standard.

“[A] lack of practical guidance in the data roaming context has left carriers with insufficient real-world guidance in the negotiations, and has encouraged “must-have” roaming partners to engage in unreasonable tactics by exploiting ambiguity in the rules to deny roaming requests,” wrote T-Mobile. “Problems have included offers of wholesale data roaming rates many orders of magnitude higher than the offering carrier’s retail rates to its own data customers, delays of more than eight months to obtain even initial responses to roaming requests, requests for detailed long-term traffic projections, proposed hefty penalties for any resulting deviations from those projections, and testing procedures and queues that would drag on for undisclosed or indeterminate periods of time.”

The T-Mobile petition cites to a 2012 NTCA survey of nearly 900 rural independent telephone companies which found that 58 percent of respondents identified “negotiating roaming agreements” as a major area of concern, and that 69 percent categorized their experience in negotiating data roaming and in-market roaming agreements with other carriers as “moderately to extremely difficult.”

A declaration by former FCC Chief Economist Dr. Joseph Farrell in support of T-Mobile proposes four benchmarks that the FCC should adopt in order to provide greater certainty to the negotiation and enforcement of data roaming agreements. These are: (1) whether a wholesale roaming rate offered to a retail competitor greatly exceeds a “suitable measure” of retail price; (2) whether a wholesale roaming rate substantially exceeds roaming rates charged to foreign carriers when their customers roam in the U.S.; (3) whether a wholesale roaming rate substantially exceeds the price for wholesale data service that a seller charges to MVNO customers (keeping in mind that MVNO customers may use the host carrier’s network in substantially different ways compared to a roaming customer of a facilities-based competitor); and (4) how the proposed wholesale roaming rate compares to other competitively negotiated wholesale roaming rates (understanding that some prevailing roaming rates may reflect the past exercise of market power or attempts to weaken rivals).

T-Mobile’s efforts in the United States are part of a larger push to promote access to data services for its customers worldwide. In this regard, recent reports indicate that T-Mobile’s customers that have opted for the Company’s “Simple Choice” unlimited international data and text plan are using 28 times more data when traveling outside their home countries than before the Simple Choice plan.

With the T-Mobile Petition for Expedited Declaratory Ruling now on file with the Commission, the agency has a year to decide whether or not to issue the requested guidance. It may dismiss the petition if it does not believe further guidance is necessary, or it may issue a Public Notice seeking industry comment on the petition, and further evidence of disparities in the data roaming market it can use as the basis for a formal ruling. We will keep an eye on the Commission’s data roaming docket to see how AT&T and Verizon Wireless respond, and to determine how best our clients can participate. Clients who would like to support the T-Mobile data roaming petition in joint comments or those who have specific anecdotes or evidence they would like to enter into the record should contact Bob Jackson or Cary Mitchell.

USDA Accepting Grant Applications for Advanced Communications Technology

On May 22, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Tom Vilsack announced that the USDA is accepting applications for grants “to enhance telecommunications and broadcast services in rural areas.” Specifically, funding will be available through four USDA programs: the Community Connect Grant Program, the Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program, and the Public Television Station Digital Transition Grant Program. Applications are due July 7.

Through the Community Connect Grant Program, the USDA plans to provide up to $13 million “to fund broadband in unserved areas to support economic growth and deliver enhanced educational, health care and public safety services.” Under program requirements, awardees must serve an area where broadband does not exist, provide a community center with broadband access, and offer broadband service to all residential and business customers.

Through the Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program, the USDA is making available up to $19.3 million “to fund access to rural education, training and health care resources,” supporting telecommunications-enabled equipment and advanced technologies.

Finally, the Public Television Station Digital Transition Grant Program will make up to $2 million available as part of the USDA's continued support of rural telecommunications and broadcast services. These funds can be used to acquire, lease or install equipment or software to complete the transition to digital broadcast signals.

Law & Regulation

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Compliance Deadline for Revised Part 79 Closed Captioning Rules One Year Out

Under the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 ("CVAA"), distributors of video programming have an obligation to make emergency information accessible to individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Emergency information is information about a current emergency that is intended to further the protection of life, health, safety, and property, i.e., critical details regarding the emergency and how to respond to it.

We remind our firm’s clients that are providers of cable TV or other multichannel video services that the deadline for achieving compliance with the Commission’s revised Part 79 “closed captioning” rules adopted in the Accessible Emergency Information Report and Order (FCC 13-45) is May 26, 2015, i.e., just one year away. To ensure timely compliance, and to surface potential issues that may necessitate a waiver request, these companies should be working with local broadcasters to ensure that their video systems are capable of transmitting aurally the on-screen emergency information provided during non-newscast programming via the secondary audio stream. Clients with questions regarding this or other CVAA regulatory obligations should contact Gerry Duffy or Cary Mitchell.

FCC Issues Tentative Agenda for June Open Meeting

The FCC issued a tentative agenda for its June 13, 2014 Open Meeting. At the meeting, the FCC will:

  • hear a presentation with an update on the efforts to transition circuit-switched networks to Internet Protocol (IP) networks, which will include a status report on the voluntary experiments proposed by AT&T and designed to assess how the transition to IP networks affects users; and
  • hear a presentation on the continuing efforts to launch “new and diverse voices to the American public” via increased access to Low Power FM radio stations.

The Open Meeting is scheduled to commence at 10:30 a.m. in Room TW-C305, at 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., and will be shown live at at that time.

FCC Issues Protective Order Re: Confidential Access Charge Tariff Information

On May 23, the FCC issued a Public Notice announcing the procedures for carriers to obtain access to confidential information provided with the 2014 annual access charge tariff filing in support of a carrier’s tariff review plan.

The procedure was originally adopted in the FCC’s Tariff Streamlining Order of 1997 (included with the Public Notice), and remains unchanged for the 2014 tariff filing proceeding. Because there will be limited time for review, the FCC suggests that carriers complete the necessary declaration (also included in the Public Notice) ahead of time to expedite obtaining and reviewing confidential information.


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T-Mobile Takes Sprint’s No. 3 Spot in Smartphone Purchases

Tech news outlet GigaOM is reporting that, according to market research conducted by technology market research firm Counterpoint, a technology market research firm, T-Mobile was the third-largest U.S. purchaser of smartphones in the first quarter this year, overtaking Sprint. Earlier this year, Sprint’s parent company SoftBank expressed some determination in acquiring T-Mobile, stating it was the only way rival AT&T and Verizon.

Other interesting facts from the report include:

  • Samsung was the top handset supplier while Apple was the top smartphone supplier
  • Apple & Samsung together captured more than two-thirds of the smartphone market
  • TCL-Alcatel became the fourth largest handset supplier and fifth largest smartphone supplier in USA, mainly taking share away from Huawei
  • Android share rose to 59% of the total smartphone shipped during the quarter & Windows Phone grew to slightly under 4%
  • Three out of four smartphones shipped during the quarter were LTE smartphones
  • Apple & Samsung combined captured more than 70% of the LTE shipments
  • In terms of in-carrier share for the brands, Apple dominated the big two carriers capturing more than half of Verizon & AT&T’s smartphone shipments and more than a third of smartphone shipments at T-Mobile & Sprint respectively

AT&T Launches Wireless Home Phone / Internet Service Offering Nation Wide

Telecompetitor is reporting that AT&T’s “Wireless Home Phone and Internet” service recently went nation-wide, meaning the service is now available in any part of the country covered by AT&T’s wireless network.

According to an AT&T executive blog post made on Thursday, May 22, the AT&T Wireless Home Phone & Internet allows customers to complete calls from their existing home phone handset using the AT&T wireless network via a wireless “home base” device instead of a landline connection. The home base also provides 4G LTE service for up to 10 Wi-Fi capable devices.

The blog post indicates that the Wireless Home Phone & Internet will be priced as follows: $20 per month for voice calls and $60, $90, or $120 for 10, 20, or 30 GB of internet service per month. Customers can also add the home base device to an existing Mobile Share Value plan for $30 per month.

Calendar At-A-Glance

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May 29 – Comments are due on the short form Tariff Review Plans.


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Jun. 2 – FCC Form 395 (Employment Report) is due.
Jun. 3 – Reply comments are due on 2014 TRS Payment Formulas and Funding Requirements.
Jun. 6 – FCC Application Filing Fees increase.
Jun. 16 – ILEC Tariff filings made on 15 days’ notice are due.
Jun. 16 – Connect America Fund ICC Data Filing (Access Recovery Charge changes) is due for tariff filings made on 15 days’ notice.
Jun. 18 – Retransmission consent rules become effective.
Jun. 23 – Petitions to suspend or reject tariff filings made on 15 days’ notice are due.
Jun. 24 – ILEC tariff filings made on 7 days’ notice are due.
Jun. 24 – Connect America Fund ICC Data Filing (Access Recovery Charge changes) is due for tariff filings made on 7 days’ notice.
Jun. 26 – Replies to petitions to suspend or reject tariff filings made on 15 days’ notice are due.
Jun. 26 – Petitions to suspend or reject tariff filings made on 7 days’ notice are due.
Jun. 27 – Replies to petitions to suspend or reject tariff filings made on 7 days’ notice are due.


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Jul. 1 – FCC Form 481 (Carrier Annual Reporting Data Collection Form) is due.
Jul. 1 – FCC Form 690 (Mobility Fund Phase I Auction Winner Annual Report) is due.
Jul. 15 – Comments are due on the Open Internet NPRM.
Jul. 31 – FCC Form 507 (Universal Service Quarterly Line Count Update) is due.
Jul. 31 – Carrier Identification Code (CIC) Report is due.


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Sep. 10 – Reply comments are due on the Open Internet NPRM.

BloostonLaw Private Users UpdateVol. 15, No. 5May 2014

State of Montana Obtains Cancellation of its 700 MHz Narrowband Public Safety Licenses

The FCC has granted the State of Montana’s application for cancellation of its 700 MHz narrowband public safety licenses in advance of the upcoming June 13, 2014 construction deadline. As a result of this license cancellation, the 700 MHz narrowband spectrum will be subject to relicensing, based upon the recommendation of the state’s 700 MHz regional planning committee – just like the other 700 MHz spectrum allocated for public safety uses.

Under the FCC’s construction rules, the State of Montana would have been required to demonstrate that it was providing (or prepared to provide) “substantial service” to at least one-third of their population or territory by June 13. The FCC has announced by Public Notice that state government licensees that do not meet this interim buildout obligation by the June 13 deadline are subject to license cancellation or modification.

According to Scott Bradford – Communication Technology Manager for the State of Montana’s Department of Administration, because there is no 700 MHz public-safety narrowband system in the state of Montana or plans to deploy a network in the 700 MHz band, the State requested that the FCC cancel its 700 MHz narrowband public safety licenses. In this regard, Mr. Bradford noted during an interview with ICWE’s Urgent Communications that “for some time, we’ve known that we – as a state – were not going to deploy the spectrum in the required time.”

While there is need for public-safety spectrum in Montana, the propagation characteristics and other economic realities of 700 MHz frequencies do not make it practical to build a network using the spectrum, Bradford said. Rather, “[w]e have a need for spectrum up here, but the problem is that all agencies – except for the city of Billings, which uses 800 MHz – are VHF [systems],” he said.

Although Montana’s license for the 700 MHz narrowband spectrum has been canceled, the spectrum has not necessarily been lost permanently. As indicated in the FCC’s April 7, 2014 Public Notice, reclaimed 700 MHz narrowband public safety spectrum will be available for general public safety use, subject to the regional planning committee process. The FCC has indicated that it will issue further guidance to the regional planning committees at a future date in order to facilitate future licensing of any spectrum recovered from state licensees.

FCC Announces Two Actions to Implement Positive Train Controls

The Federal Communications Commission has entered into two agreements with the seven Class I freight rail companies to address the construction of positive train control facilities without the required environmental and Section 106 historic preservation review. As a result of these agreements, the railroads will be able to use the nearly 11,000 previously constructed poles for testing and other preparatory activities for the ultimate provision of Positive Train Control service. As part of the settlement with the FCC, the freight rail companies have agreed to establish a Cultural Resource fund in the amount of $10,000 to provide funding directly to the Tribal Nations and State Historic Preservation Offices in order to support cultural and historic preservation projects, which will be administered by a third party administrator. Additionally, each freight rail company will train its employees on environmental and historic preservation compliance and relationship building with the Tribal Nations. Finally, on May 16, 2014, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation voted to approve a Program Comment that modifies the FCC’s usual procedures for historic preservation review. This comment established a process that is tailored to the unique circumstances surrounding the deployment of PTC facilities and will provide a mechanism for timely review by all parties.

FCC Expands Licensee Eligibility for Certain Wireless Microphone Users

On May 15, the FCC adopted rules which expand eligibility under Part 74 of the FCC’s Rules to include professional sound companies and venues that routinely use 50 or more wireless microphones, where the use of the microphones is an integral part of the major events host-ed at the venues. By expanding the eligibility under Part 74, these users will have interference protection for their operations – especially since they involve large scale use of microphones.

Users who routinely deploy fewer than 50 wireless microphones will continue to operate on a secondary, unlicensed basis. Those clients who operate wireless microphones or large venues should contact our office for additional information.

FCC Denies Waiver Request of Central Ohio Joint Fire District

The FCC has denied a request for waiver filed by the Central Ohio Joint Fire District (COJFD) to use the frequency 172.225 MHz for mobile repeater use. In denying the request, the FCC noted that this frequency is allocated for public safety use by the Federal Government.

In seeking to justify its waiver request, COJFD stated that its mobile repeater system would require 10 MHz of separation from its operational frequencies. This assertion was confirmed by APCO, which stated that it had “per-formed an exhaustive search of available VHF high band frequency resources and cannot recommend a frequency which would be normally available to this applicant, and is compatible with the frequency separation requirements posed by Pyramid [Pyramid Communications, Inc.]”

In response to a request for comments, the FCC received both comments in support and in opposition. The Forestry Conservation Communications Association (FCCA) noted that the FCC had previously determined that the use of filters in Pyramid equipment could reduce the required frequency spacing from 10 MHz down to 2 MHz. As a result, FCCA argued that COJFD should be required to demonstrate that there were no public safety frequency assignments available in the 150-160 MHz band. COJFD responded that because of the various frequencies that it operates on, including mutual aid frequencies, the 2 MHz spread in the 150-160 MHz band was still insufficient to meet its needs. Additionally, the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) filed a letter requesting that the FCC deny the waiver since the Department of Agriculture and the US Forest Service make extensive use of channels in this band, including the frequency 172.225 MHz While COJFD had indicated that it would accept a secondary assignment – meaning that it would be required to accept the potential for harmful interference from federal users, NTIA opposed secondary status since public safety services should not be put at risk by creating conflicts with primary Federal safety operations and that neither the Federal users, nor COJFD would want to face interference or other coordination conflicts during an emergency operation.

In denying the waiver request, the FCC concluded that COJFD has the ability to apply for any Part 90 non-federal public safety channel and that the denial would protect the USDA and Forest Service’s forest ranger, conservation and forest firefighting operations from harmful interference.

FCC Upholds Waiver Grant to Weld County; Changes Process for Consideration of Interservice Waiver Requests

In April, 2013, the FCC granted Weld County’s request for waiver of the freeze on intercategory sharing in order to license two frequencies in the 800 MHz Business/Industrial/Land Transportation (B/ILT) Service for public safety use in the Greeley, Colorado area. The basis for the waiver request was the unavailability of 800 MHz public safety spectrum. Subsequent to the filing of the waiver request, Sprint vacated two channels in the Weld County area, which could have been used by the County. Unfortunately, in connection with an amendment to Weld County’s waiver request, the frequency coordinator did not verify the continuing accuracy of its prior certification that no spectrum was available.

Following the grant of the waiver request, Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) requested reconsideration of the grant. EWA argued that the two Sprint-vacated public safety channels had been available and that the FCC should require Weld County to use those Sprint-vacated channels instead of the two B/ILT channels that had been granted by the FCC.

Weld County noted that to change frequency as requested by EWA would result in an expenditure of $30,000 in public funds so that it could operate on the Sprint-vacated channels. More importantly, in addition to the financial cost, Weld County noted that “there is an operational impact to all State and Local government agencies as far as interruption in communications service to accomplish the rework and the time and effort to coordinate this activity.” While EWA was sympathetic to Weld County’s plight, it was only willing to withdraw its petition if the FCC gave the two Sprint-vacated frequencies to the B/ILT pool in the Weld County area.

The FCC determined that it will not undo the waiver granted to Weld County and will not require it to operate on the Sprint-vacated channels due to the financial and operational consequences that would result. Additionally, it also declined to make the Sprint-vacated channels available to the B/ILT pool since they are reserved for public safety use for three years and critical infrastructure use during years four and five.

Because of the problems created in this situation, the FCC has made it clear that on a going-forward basis, proponents of a waiver for inter-category sharing freeze must keep their waiver requests current and report to the Bureau if any material assertions, including the unavailability of suitable public safety channels, are no longer correct. The FCC has indicated that applicants who fail to keep their requests current run the risk of having their waiver requests denied, or if granted, revoked at a later date.

This newsletter is not intended to provide legal advice. Those interested in more information should contact the firm. For additional information, please contact Hal Mordkofsky at 202-828-5520 or .

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Wireless Hall of Fame

The Wireless Hall of Fame Program provides public recognition of outstanding individuals across all segments of the wireless industry. Induction into the Wireless Hall of Fame is one of the industry’s highest honors, acknowledging the leadership, innovation and achievement of each honoree.

Wireless Hall of Fame Inductees Class of 2014

The Wireless History Foundation (WHF) will induct four individuals into the prestigious Wireless Hall of Fame during the Foundation’s Sept. 9, 2014 dinner in Las Vegas.



Bill Carlson

Pioneer Category

Bill Carlson’s career has spanned nearly five decades as a wireless infrastructure trailblazer providing tower construction, service and maintenance in the United States and around the globe. Since 1975, he has owned and operated Tower Systems Inc. In 1995, Mr. Carlson demonstrated foresight and leadership in bringing together an initial group of 60 tower contractors to establish the National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE), a non-profit association that provides uniform safety standards, improved communications, and a unified voice for the tower industry. NATE has become recognized as the leader in telecommunications construction procedures and practices. Carlson was also instrumental in establishing the NATE/OSHA Regional and National Partnerships which has led to site safety audits at thousands of towers, identification and abatement of hundreds of hazards, and the training of thousands of tower technicians. In 2014, he was the initial recipient of the NATE Lifetime Service Award, which has been named the Bill Carlson Lifetime Service Award in his honor.



Rob Conway

Industry Associate Category

Rob Conway was a charismatic leader who extended the scope and scale of the GSMA, the organization representing the interests of mobile operators worldwide. He joined the GSMA in 1999 and served as Chief Executive Officer until 2011. Under his leadership, the GSMA expanded rapidly, reflecting the growth and success of the wireless industry worldwide. He worked closely with senior executives of member companies and other industry leaders in pursuing an agenda that encompassed strategic, technical, public policy and commercial, initiatives focused on advancing the economic and social value of mobile services. He was influential in bringing together the two global digital standards GSM and CDMA, and driving complementary development through the consensus of operators. Under his leadership, the Emerging Market Handset initiative was undertaken to “connect the unconnected,” delivering low-cost mobile handsets to developing markets. The success of this initiative led to the creation of GSMA Mobile for Development, which brings together mobile operators, the wider mobile ecosystem and the development community to drive commercial mobile services for underserved people in emerging markets. Rob Conway passed away in January 2014.



Sam Ginn

Service Provider Category

Sam Ginn’s leadership and vision changed the trajectory of the wireless industry. After taking the helm of Pacific Telesis in 1988, he turned the company around through diversification and an aggressive push to build the nation’s largest cellular phone business. Through growth, mergers and acquisitions, he expanded PacTel’s wireless business far beyond its regional footprint to markets across the U.S. He engineered the spinoff of PacTel’s wireless assets into the pure wireless company AirTouch Communications, and in a surprising move for a Bell company executive, assumed leadership of the new venture. Throughout the 1980’s Airtouch grew its footprint across the United States roughly from the west coast to the east coast. He saw the opportunity for explosive global growth, and formed AirTouch International in 1988. By the time of the merger with Vodafone in 2000 Airtouch International had established systems in 14 nations on four continents. In the 55 months following its IPO, Airtouch grew from a market value of $10 billion to $65 billion, or about $1 billion per month. In 1999, AirTouch merged with the UK-based Vodafone Group to form Vodafone AirTouch PLC, with Sam Ginn as the founding Chairman. Later that year, Vodafone combined its U.S. properties will Bell Atlantic to form Verizon Wireless. In 2012, he was appointed as initial chairman of FirstNet, charged with deploying a nationwide broadband wireless network dedicated to public safety. Its purpose is to dramatically improve first responders’ ability to react to public emergencies. FirstNet when deployed is likely to cover more geographical area than any existing commercial system.



Jan Uddenfeldt

Technology Category

Dr. Jan Uddenfeldt’s expertise and leadership drove the development of advanced wireless technologies that catapulted the cellular industry into the Internet and broadband era. He played a key role in the development of standards that transitioned the industry from analog to digital, and is widely recognized for his contributions to the GSM standard. Recognizing the limited data capabilities of the early digital technologies, he continued to push technology development and promoted the globalization of wireless connectivity by pioneering work in the development of 3G and later to include LTE. Dr. Uddenfeldt began his wireless career in 1978 with Ericsson, where he held a number of executive positions over 32 years including CTO and VP for Ericsson Radio, CTO and Senior VP for the Ericsson Group, and Senior VP and head of Technology Strategies for the company. From 2010 to 2012, he served as CTO and Corporate VP at Sony Ericsson, now Sony Mobile. He is active as a senior advisor to both Sony and Ericsson as well as several startup companies in Silicon Valley.

"The selection committee easily recognized that these inductees have all made unique, personal and important contributions in selecting them for the Wireless Hall of Fame," said WHF Board member Rob Mechaley, CEO of Mobilesphere Holdings LLC, and chairman of the 2014 selection committee. “They exemplify the breadth and depth of wireless contributions to the economy, technology, safety and society."

The Wireless Hall of Fame Dinner will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 9, at the Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas during a week in which the city also hosts the Competitive Carriers Association Annual Convention and the CTIA Super Mobility Week.

For additional information, or to participate as a sponsor of the 2014 Wireless Hall of Fame Dinner, please contact Liz Maxfield at liz (at)

The Wireless Hall of Fame program recognizes outstanding achievement across all disciplines of the wireless industry. Forty individuals have been inducted into the Wireless Hall of Fame through 2013. The selection committee was composed of an anonymous panel of Hall of Fame members.

Source: Wireless History Foundation

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Tel/Fax: 972-960-9336
Cell: 214-707-7711
7711 Scotia Dr.
Dallas, TX 75248-3112

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IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Honors Ulrich Rohde, N1UL

Ulrich Rohde, N1UL (ex-KA2WEU), is the recipient of the C.B. Sawyer Memorial Award . Rohde, the chairman of Synergy Microwave

Ulrich Rohde, N1UL

Corporation and President of Communications Consulting Corporation, was honored at the 2014 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium May 19-24 in Taiwan. The award recognizes "entrepreneurship or leadership in the frequency control community; or outstanding contributions in the development, production or characterization of resonator materials or structures."

The Symposium specifically recognized Rohde "for the development of PC software now allowing nonlinear noise analysis of RF circuit and the founding of Synergy Microwave, including the design and manufacture of ultra-low noise sources, RF components and subsystems exhibiting state-of-the-art performance"

Rohde is the author of some 200 scientific papers and books, and numerous QEX and QST articles.

Source: The ARRL Letter

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Prism Paging

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  • VoIP telephone access — eliminate interconnect expense
  • Call from anywhere — Prism SIP Gateway allows calls from PSTN and PBX
  • All the Features for Paging, Voice-mail, Text-to-Pager, Wireless and DECT phones
  • Prism Inet, the new IP interface for TAP, TNPP, SNPP, SMTP — Industry standard message input
  • Direct Connect to NurseCall, Assisted Living, Aged Care, Remote Monitoring, Access Control Systems

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WiPath Communications

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Intelligent Solutions for Paging & Wireless Data

WiPath manufactures a wide range of highly unique and innovative hardware and software solutions in paging and mobile data for:

  • Emergency Mass Alert & Messaging
  • Emergency Services Communications
  • Utilities Job Management
  • Telemetry and Remote Switching
  • Fire House Automation
  • Load Shedding and Electrical Services Control

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PDT3000 Paging Data Terminal

pdt 2000 image

  • Built-in POCSAG encoder
  • Huge capcode capacity
  • Parallel, 2 serial ports, 4 relays
  • Message & system monitoring

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Paging Controlled Moving Message LED Displays

welcom wipath

  • Variety of sizes
  • Indoor/outdoor
  • Integrated paging receiver

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PDR3000/PSR3000 Paging Data Receivers

paging data receiver

  • Highly programmable, off-air decoders
  • Message Logging & remote control
  • Multiple I/O combinations and capabilities
  • Network monitoring and alarm reporting

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Specialized Paging Solutions

paging data receiver

  • Emergency Mass Alerting
  • Remote telemetry switching & control
  • Fire station automation
  • PC interfacing and message management
  • Paging software and customized solutions
  • Message interception, filtering, redirection, printing & logging Cross band repeating, paging coverage infill, store and forward
  • Alarm interfaces, satellite linking, IP transmitters, on-site systems

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Mobile Data Terminals & Two Way Wireless  Solutions

mobile data terminal

radio interface

  • Fleet tracking, messaging, job processing, and field service management
  • Automatic vehicle location (AVL), GPS
  • CDMA, GPRS, ReFLEX, conventional, and trunked radio interfaces

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WiPath Communications LLC
4845 Dumbbarton Court
Cumming, GA 30040
4845 Dumbbarton Court
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Hark Technologies

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Wireless Communication Solutions

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USB Paging Encoder

paging encoder

  • Single channel up to eight zones
  • Connects to Linux computer via USB
  • Programmable timeouts and batch sizes
  • Supports 2-tone, 5/6-tone, POCSAG 512/1200/2400, GOLAY
  • Supports Tone Only, Voice, Numeric, and Alphanumeric
  • PURC or direct connect
  • Pictured version mounts in 5.25" drive bay
  • Other mounting options available
  • Available as a daughter board for our embedded Internet Paging Terminal (IPT)

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Paging Data Receiver (PDR)


  • Frequency agile—only one receiver to stock
  • USB or RS-232 interface
  • Two contact closures
  • End-user programmable w/o requiring special hardware
  • 16 capcodes
  • Eight contact closure version also available
  • Product customization available

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Other products

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Please see our web site for other products including Internet Messaging Gateways, Unified Messaging Servers, test equipment, and Paging Terminals.

Hark Technologies
717 Old Trolley Rd Ste 6 #163
Summerville, SC 29485
Tel: 843-821-6888
Fax: 843-821-6894
E-mail: left arrow CLICK
Web: left arrow CLICK

hark David George and Bill Noyes
of Hark Technologies.

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Click on the logo above for more info.

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From:Bill Woods
Subject:  The Wireless Messaging News
Date:May 7, 2014 4:35 AM
To:Brad Dye

Hi Brad!

I read in this week’s Newsletter that you have a new lathe and are turning things!

Do you make pens? If you don’t you should give it a try. You will soon find that it’s an addiction! There are lots of sources for parts and information.

I’ve been turning pens for 12+ years and still enjoy it as much today as when I first started.

If you don’t turn pens yet, let me know and I’ll send you one.

Thanks for the great Newsletter!

Bill Woods
Vancouver, WA
Former SkyTel Employee!

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From:John Parmalee
Subject:  The Wireless Messaging News
Date:May 29, 2014 1:44 PM
To:Brad Dye

Well Brad it seems "G" numbers come like the waves at the beach. I think I understand G3 then G4 which is LTE and even VoLTE. I understand the staggered roll out some carriers are using. Having gone through three or four paging terminal change outs with various results I understand. Also that Verizon is waiting them all out and going to go cold turkey to VoLTE.

I turn on my television to see Verizon talking about XLTE.

John Parmalee


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The Wireless Messaging News

Best regards,
brad's signature
Newsletter Editor

Brad Dye
P.O. Box 266
Fairfield, IL 62837 USA

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Skype: braddye
Twitter: @BradDye1
Telephone: 618-599-7869
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“A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, The one I feed the most.”

George Bernard Shaw

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“Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience.”

George Washington, Rules of Civility And Other Writings & Speeches

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“It is neither right nor safe to go against my conscience.”

Martin Luther

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“In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.”

Mahatma Gandhi, Anthropology of Morality in Melanesia and Beyond, The. Anthropology and Cultural History in Asia and the Indo-Pacific.

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“On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, “Is it safe?” Expediency asks the question, “Is it politic?” And Vanity comes along and asks the question, “Is it popular?” But Conscience asks the question, “Is it right?”

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience, but where he stands in moments of challenge, moments of great crisis and controversy.”

Martin Luther King Jr., The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

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