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Wireless News Aggregation

Friday — February 27, 2015 — Issue No. 646

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Dear Friends of Wireless Messaging,

Welcome back. I hope you enjoy this issue of The Wireless Messaging News.

Lots of important news this week. Please do your “homework.”

Don't miss the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR from Dr. Dietmar Gollnick in Berlin, and Claude Everton in Québec.

Also — of major importance — are the articles about the FCC's ruling yesterday on regulating broadband Internet service.

Twitter Releases New User Safety Tools

By Shea Bennett on Feb. 27, 2015 - 10:00 AM

Twitter Releases New User Safety Tools

Twitter’s problem with harassment and abuse on the platform is well documented , with the company repeatedly coming under fire for not doing more to tackle this mounting issue.

Back in December Twitter made an update to the way that users can flag abusive tweets on the network. Yesterday they announced a new round of updates to their safety tools, and outlined the changes that they are making as part of their long term plan.

The new improvements will include more efficient measures to report impersonation, self-harm and the sharing of private or confidential information.

The release was documented by Tina Bhatnagar, vice president of user services, on the Twitter blog.

Over the last six months, in addition to the product changes, we have overhauled how we review user reports about abuse. As an example, allowing bystanders to report abuse – which can now be done for reports of private information and impersonation as well – involved not only an update to our in-product reporting process, but significant changes to our tools, processes and staffing behind the scenes.

Ms Bhatnagar noted that while Twitter is now reviewing five times as many user reports as it did previously, they have tripled the size of the support team to handle abuse reports.

These investments in tools and people allow us to handle more reports of abuse with greater efficiency. So while we review many more reports than ever before, we’ve been able to significantly reduce the average response time to a fraction of what it was, and we see this number continuing to drop.

Twitter is also taking steps to better tackle problem users.

We are also beginning to add several new enforcement actions for use against accounts that violate our rules. These new actions will not be visible to the vast majority of rule-abiding Twitter users – but they give us new options for acting against the accounts that don’t follow the rules and serve to discourage behavior that goes against our policies.

The safety updates are rolling out now and over the coming weeks to all users.

[ source ]

Now on to more news and views.


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A new issue of the Wireless Messaging Newsletter is posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the web. That way it doesn’t fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world’s major Paging and Wireless Messaging companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers — so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It’s all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology.

I regularly get readers’ comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Messaging communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

I spend the whole week searching the Internet for news that I think may be of interest to you — so you won’t have to. This newsletter is an aggregator — a service that aggregates news from other news sources. You can help our community by sharing any interesting news that you find.

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F.C.C. Approves Net Neutrality Rules, Classifying Broadband Internet Service as a Utility

The New York Times

Tom Wheeler, chairman of the F.C.C., with two fellow commissioners, Mignon Clyburn, left, and Jessica Rosenworcel, right, during an open hearing on Thursday ahead of a vote on net neutrality. Credit Mark Wilson/Getty Image

WASHINGTON — The Federal Communications Commission voted on Thursday to regulate broadband Internet service as a public utility, a milestone in regulating high-speed Internet service into American homes.

Tom Wheeler, the commission chairman, said the F.C.C. was using “all the tools in our toolbox to protect innovators and consumers” and preserve the Internet’s role as a “core of free expression and democratic principles.”

The new rules, approved 3 to 2 along party lines, are intended to ensure that no content is blocked and that the Internet is not divided into pay-to-play fast lanes for Internet and media companies that can afford it and slow lanes for everyone else. Those prohibitions are hallmarks of the net neutrality concept.

Explaining the reason for the regulation, Mr. Wheeler, a Democrat, said that Internet access was “too important to let broadband providers be the ones making the rules.”

Mobile data service for smartphones and tablets, in addition to wired lines, is being placed under the new rules. The order also includes provisions to protect consumer privacy and to ensure that Internet service is available for people with disabilities and in remote areas.

Before the vote, each of the five commissioners spoke and the Republicans delivered a scathing critique of the order as overly broad, vague and unnecessary. Ajit Pai, a Republican commissioner, said the rules were government meddling in a vibrant, competitive market and were likely to deter investment, undermine innovation and ultimately harm consumers.

“The Internet is not broken,” Mr. Pai said. “There is no problem to solve.”

The impact of the new rules will largely hinge partly on details that are not yet known. The rules will not be published for at least a couple of days, and will not take effect for probably at least a couple of months. Lawsuits to challenge the commission’s order are widely expected.

The F.C.C. is taking this big regulatory step by reclassifying high-speed Internet service as a telecommunications service, instead of an information service, under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. The Title II classification comes from the phone company era, treating service as a public utility.

But the new rules are an à la carte version of Title II, adopting some provisions and shunning others. The F.C.C. will not get involved in pricing decisions or the engineering decisions companies make in managing their networks. Mr. Wheeler, who gave a forceful defense of the rules just ahead of the vote, said the tailored approach was anything but old-style utility regulation. “These are a 21st-century set of rules for a 21st-century industry,” he said.

Opponents of the new rules, led by cable television and telecommunications companies, say adopting the Title II approach opens the door to bureaucratic interference with business decisions that, if let stand, would reduce incentives to invest and thus raise prices and hurt consumers.

“Today, the F.C.C. took one of the most regulatory steps in its history,” Michael Powell, president of the National Cable and Telecommunications Association and a chairman of the F.C.C. in the Bush administration, said in a statement. “The commission has breathed new life into the decayed telephone regulatory model and applied it to the most dynamic, freewheeling and innovative platform in history.”

Continue reading the main storyContinue reading the main story
Supporters of the Title II model include many major Internet companies, start-ups and public interest groups. In a statement, Michael Beckerman, president of the Internet Association, which includes Google, Facebook and smaller online companies, called the F.C.C. vote “a welcome step in our effort to create strong, enforceable net neutrality rules.”

The F.C.C.’s yearlong path to issuing net rules to ensure an open Internet precipitated an extraordinary level of political involvement, from grass-roots populism to the White House, for a regulatory ruling. The F.C.C. received four million comments, about a quarter of them generated through a campaign organized by Fight for the Future, a nonprofit advocacy group.

Evan Greer, campaign director for Fight for the Future, said, “This shows that the Internet has changed the rules of what can be accomplished in Washington.”

An overwhelming majority of the comments supported common-carrier style rules, like those in the order the commission approved on Thursday.

In the public meeting, Mr. Wheeler began his remarks by noting the flood of public comments. “We listened and we learned,” he said.

In November, President Obama took the unusual step of urging the F.C.C., an independent agency, to adopt the “strongest possible rules” on net neutrality.

Mr. Obama specifically called on the commission to classify high-speed broadband service as a utility under Title II. His rationale: “For most Americans, the Internet has become an essential part of everyday communication and everyday life.”

Republicans in Congress were slow to react, and initially misread the public mood. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas portrayed the F.C.C. rule-making process as a heavy-handed liberal initiative, “Obamacare for the Internet.”

In January, Senator John Thune, the South Dakota Republican, began circulating legislation that embraced the principles of net neutrality, banning paid-for priority lanes and blocking or throttling any web content. But it would also prohibit the F.C.C. from issuing regulations to achieve those goals. This week, the Republicans pulled back , with too little support to move quickly.

Also at the Thursday meeting, the F.C.C. approved an order to pre-empt state laws that limit the build-out of municipal broadband Internet services. The order focuses on laws in two states, North Carolina and Tennessee, but it would create a policy framework for other states. About 21 states, by the F.C.C.’s count, have laws that restrict the activities of community broadband services.

The state laws unfairly restrict municipal competition with cable and telecommunications broadband providers, the F.C.C. said. This order, too, will surely be challenged in court.

Correction: February 26, 2015
An earlier version of this article misstated the role of the F.C.C. under the new rules in pricing and engineering decisions companies make for their networks. The F.C.C. will not get involved in those decisions; it is not the case that they will get involved.

Rebecca R. Ruiz reported from Washington, and Steve Lohr from New York.

Source: The New York Times

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LTE can mooch off of Wi-Fi spectrum with new Qualcomm chipset

Stephen Lawson
Feb 26, 2015 3:20 PM
PC World

A chipset Qualcomm is introducing at Mobile World Congress next week is likely to make mobile operators happy and some Wi-Fi fans nervous.

Amid a scramble for spectrum among cellular carriers, Qualcomm will demonstrate a chipset that lets LTE cells operate in a radio band used by Wi-Fi networks. The new silicon could double the amount of spectrum subscribers can use in certain areas, and it’s just the first in a family of chipsets that may eventually tap into five times as much.

The FSM 99xx chipset for small cells, along with a matching transceiver that will go into mobile devices, are among the first products coming for so-called Licensed Assisted Access . LAA, sometimes called LTE-Unlicensed, is one of several emerging techniques to take advantage of the large amount of spectrum available in unlicensed bands used by Wi-Fi. Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile USA and SK Telecom all have shown interest in using LAA . Combining unlicensed spectrum with traditional carrier frequencies will be a major trend on display at MWC.

The benefit of unlicensed spectrum is that it’s free for anyone to use, so carriers can tap into it without paying billions in an auction or going through a long licensing process. But that’s also what makes it risky according to the Wi-Fi Alliance. The industry group fears that without the right safeguards, LTE networks could hurt Wi-Fi performance. It’s working with the 3GPP cellular standards group on future rules to prevent interference.

Good neighbor

Qualcomm says its product is ready to be a good neighbor. Tests at Qualcomm showed that putting up a cellular base station built with the new chipset won’t affect nearby Wi-Fi users any more than adding another Wi-Fi access point would, said Mazen Chmaytelli, senior director of business development at Qualcomm. It plans to offer products with future safeguards once they’re finished but says they aren’t needed to keep Wi-Fi safe.

LAA uses the 5GHz band, the biggest one for Wi-Fi. The system won’t let carriers set up LTE networks that just use unlicensed spectrum. It’s designed to add some spectrum to a regular licensed network where necessary, and only for downstream traffic. All the data going out to the Internet from the phone still goes over LTE.

Qualcomm says LAA a better alternative to the Wi-Fi hotspots that many carriers install to offload traffic in busy areas. For one thing, Qualcomm tests have shown it’s at least twice as efficient, said Mazen Chmaytelli, senior director of business development at Qualcomm. LTE can carry more data with the same amount of spectrum than Wi-Fi can, so it can give users a bigger performance boost. Also, subscribers stay on the cellular network while they use LAA, so they don’t have to go through a handoff to a different network, Chmaytelli said.

The Qualcomm chipset uses carrier aggregation, a part of the LTE-Advanced specification that carriers are already using to glue together different chunks of licensed spectrum. Initial deployments will combine 20MHz of licensed spectrum with 20MHz from the unlicensed band. Later, it will be possible to aggregate several times that much spectrum for a bigger performance boost, Chmaytelli said.

In some regions, carriers may start putting up LAA cells in the first half of next year, he said. Those in Japan and Europe have to wait for new rules being written for the next version of LTE to account for a “listen before talk” requirement for unlicensed spectrum there. Chmaytelli expects those carriers to start rolling out networks 12 to 18 months later.

Source: PC World  

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Apple to Hold 'Special Event' on March 9

FEBRUARY 26, 2015 01:08 PM EST

A new, larger iPad Pro? More details about the upcoming Apple Watch? Stay tuned.

Heads up, Apple Fans. The Cupertino tech giant has some news to share in less than two weeks.

A new, larger iPad Pro? More details about the upcoming Apple Watch? Details are scant, but Apple today sent invitations to members of the media for a "special event" on March 9 in San Francisco. "Spring forward," the invite reads.

Tim Cook and Co. may be using this event to share final details and pricing for the long-awaited Apple Watch, which is slated to start shipping in April. Apple has yet to offer up an exact launch date for its upcoming timepiece — or details as to how much the various models will cost — so we may find that out on March 9.

It's also possible that Apple could unveil something new — like the larger "iPad Pro" we've been hearing about since last fall. Japanese news site Macotakara recently reported that Cupertino is prepping the iPad Pro to go up against business devices like Microsoft's Surface Pro 3, and that the tablet will feature a 12.2-inch display — smaller than the previously rumored 12.9-inch size.

Or, Apple could surprise us and unveil something else altogether. A car, perhaps? Don't hold your breath for that one, but it would be pretty awesome.

Whatever happens, PCMag will be there bright and early on March 9 to hear what Apple has to announce, so stay tuned for all the details.

Until then, check out PCMag's Hands On With the Apple Watch from the fall Apple event and the video below.



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StromPager arouses interest in Detroit, MI, USA

February 20, 2015

Bosch Software Innovations had guests from the USA; a government delegation from the state of Michigan. The managers and professionals for renewable energy, and transport visited the world Bosch event about IoT (Internet of Things) in Berlin's Intercontinental Hotel. First stop — for most of the delegation — from the airplane to the meeting — was on February 16, at the control room of Stromnetz Berlin, a Sweden-based company, and one of the top-four utilities in Germany. Vattenfalls’s Stromnetz, Bosch Software Innovations, and e*Message WIS, are all Berlin-based companies. So it was easy for them to meet, and learn about the StromPager joint project. The functions were also successfully demonstrated. The guests' questions of included, for example, the specifics of the technology used for the implementation, and the regulatory environment of the new-energy-revolution in Germany.

Schaltwarte (Control Center) of Stromnetz Berlin

American guests were from the non-profit organization Next Energy, the Michigan Department of Transportation, the Michigan Public Service Commission and the US EV Smart Grid Interoperability Center.

Soon smart energy solutions with German components in the north of the US?

e*Message is a mobile network operator specializing in reliable communication solutions. The e*Message Group, based in Berlin and Le Chesnay near Paris, is continuously developing new services and expanding the nationwide digital trunked radio networks.

The company’s paging services (e*Cityruf in Germany; Expresso*, Alphapage* and Tatoo* in France) allow professional users to alert their staff fast and reliably. e*Message also offers the e*BOS serviced, a non-public alerting solution tailored to the high demands of civil defense authorities and organisations.

e*Message’s infrastructure is ideal for point-to-multipoint applications, such as the successful data broadcast services e*Motion, e*Broker (Germany and France), e*Skyper, e*Skyper Live (Germany), and other services offered by cooperating providers.

Last but not least, the e*Message Group also provides e*Dispatch, a professional trunked radio service for mobile voice and data communication in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.

Please see the LETTER TO THE EDITOR from Dr. Dietmar Gollnick following below.

Source: e*Message Wireless Information Services Deutschland GmbH

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Wireless Communication Solutions

USB Paging Encoder

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  • Single channel up to eight zones
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  • Supports 2-tone, 5/6-tone, POCSAG 512/1200/2400, GOLAY
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  • Pictured version mounts in 5.25" drive bay
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Please see our web site for other products including Internet Messaging Gateways, Unified Messaging Servers, test equipment, and Paging Terminals.

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717 Old Trolley Rd Ste 6 #163
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Link Transmitters:
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4 Glenayre QT4201 25W Midband Link TX
1 Glenayre QT6994, 150W, 900 MHz Link TX
3 Motorola 10W, 900 MHz Link TX (C35JZB6106)
2 Eagle 900 MHz Link Transmitters, 60 & 80W
2 Motorola Q2630A, 30W, UHF Link TX
VHF Paging Transmitters
1 Glenayre QT7505
1 Glenayre QT8505
1 Nucleus VHF, 125W, Advanced Control
UHF Paging Transmitters:
20 Glenayre UHF GLT5340, 125W, DSP Exciter
900 MHz Paging Transmitters:
2 Glenayre GLT8200, 25W (NEW)
15 Glenayre GLT-8500 250W
3 Glenayre GLT 8600, 500W


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Selected portions of the BloostonLaw Telecom Update, and/or the BloostonLaw Private Users Update — newsletters from the Law Offices of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP are reproduced in this section with the firm’s permission.

BloostonLaw Telecom Update Vol. 18, No. 8 February 25, 2015

LAST CALL: CPNI Certifications Due March 2

The annual reports certifying compliance with the FCC’s rules protecting Customer Proprietary Network Information are due Monday, March 2. Failure to comply with the CPNI rules, including the annual certification requirement, may subject carriers to enforcement action, including monetary forfeitures of up to $160,000 for each violation or each day of a continuing violation, up to a maximum of $1,575,000.

A recent FCC Enforcement Advisory pointed out that CPNI certifications must be filed by March 1 of each year. Since March 1 falls on a Sunday this year, the annual CPNI report and certification would normally be due by Monday, March 2 under the FCC’s rules for deadlines that fall due on a weekend. However, in light of the harsh consequences of a missed filing and the Enforcement Advisory, BloostonLaw encourages clients to file early , i.e., on or before Friday, February 27.


Uncertainty Grows as Net Neutrality Vote Approaches

On the eve of the FCC’s vote on the new Net Neutrality Order (currently scheduled for February 26), uncertainty looms high, with FCC Commissioners Ajit Pai and Michael O’Rielly calling for a delay in the vote, and Commissioner Mignon Clyburn asking for last-minute revisions.

The call for delay came in a joint statement by Pai and O’Rielly issued on February 23, which specifically requested a temporary delay of the upcoming FCC vote on Net Neutrality and that, in the interim, the FCC immediately release the document to the public for comment.

“With the future of the entire Internet at stake, it is imperative that the FCC get this right. And to do that, we must live up to the highest standards of transparency. Transparency is particularly important here because the plan in front of us right now is so drastically different than the proposal the FCC adopted and put out for public comment last May,” said the Commissioners.

In support of their plea, Pai and O’Rielly cited to an independent survey conducted last week by Hart Research Associates that apparently found 79% of respondents favored releasing the plan ahead of a vote. In a previous press release, Commissioner Pai cited to other results from the Hart study, such as 56% of participants indicating that the government should not “take a stronger and more active role in overseeing and regulating the Internet” and that 53% of respondents indicated they “believe that it would be harmful for the FCC to do what President Obama has requested and regulate the Internet using the same authority it has used to regulate telephone service.” It’s worth noting, however, that 74% of respondents indicated they “were not familiar with the term [Net Neutrality] and do not know what it refers to,” and that the question on whether it would be harmful for the FCC to regulate the internet began with the statement, “Over the past twenty-two years, the Internet has developed and grown into what we have today, with little government oversight, and has resulted in major private investment by the nation's wired and wireless providers in modern, high-speed broadband networks,” arguably biasing the response.

The full results and methodology of the survey are available here. [dead link]

The next day, on February 24, The Hill reported that FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, one of the three Democratic FCC Commissioners, asked Chairman Tom Wheeler to “roll back some of the restrictions before the full commission votes on them,” according to FCC officials.

According to The Hill, Clyburn’s changes “would leave in place the central and most controversial component of Wheeler’s rules — the notion that broadband Internet service should be reclassified so that it can be treated as a “telecommunications” service under Title II of the Communications Act, similar to utilities like phone lines,” but would “eliminate a new legal category of “broadband subscriber access services,” created as an additional point of legal authority for the FCC to monitor the ways companies hand off traffic on the back end of the Internet.” Clyburn’s changes would also reportedly narrow the new standard for Internet service providers’ conduct contained in the Order.

Chairman Wheeler has apparently not yet responded to Commissioner Clyburn’s requests, begging the question of how the votes will fall tomorrow — if at all. In the meantime, Congress is considering how to shape this debate (see related story below).

FCC Clarifies Eligible Recovery True Up Process

On February 24, the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau issued an Order clarifying that a rate-of-return carrier that received too much Eligible Recovery in 2012-13 because of an under-projection of demand for that tariff period, and does not have sufficient Eligible Recovery in 2014-15 to fully offset the 2012-13 amount of over recovery, must refund the amount that is not offset to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to avoid duplicative recovery. The FCC further clarified that a rate-of-return carrier that received too little Eligible Recovery in 2012-13 because of an over-projection of demand for that tariff period may seek recovery for any amounts it was not able to recover through its 2014-15 Eligible Recovery from USAC.

By way of background, as part of the FCC’s USF/ICC Reform Order the Commission implemented a recovery mechanism to mitigate the impact of reduced ICC revenues on carriers called “Eligible Recovery.” This recovery mechanism incorporates in the Eligible Recovery calculation a true-up of the revenue difference between projected and actual demand for interstate and intrastate switched access services, reciprocal compensation, and the Access Recovery Charge (ARC) for the tariff period that began two years earlier. In conjunction with the 2014 annual tariff filing process, NECA informally sought clarification concerning a limited number of cases in which the true-up process did not work as outlined above and for which the rules do not provide an unambiguous resolution — i.e., where projected demand was either underestimated, or overestimated.

Blooston Rural Carriers Urge Bid Credit Reforms in Future Spectrum Auctions

BloostonLaw, on behalf of a group of its rural clients, filed comments last week pointing out that the recently-concluded AWS-3 auction (Auction 97) was an eye-opening experience for the rural telephone industry. More than half of the eligible bidders (38 out of 70) were rural telephone companies, rural telco affiliates or groups comprised of these entities. However, only a small handful (just 5) were successful bidders and able to claim eligibility for small business bid credits. The auction was dominated by three nationwide service providers, AT&T, Verizon Wireless and DISH Network, and almost all of the $3.57 billion in small business bidding credits went to “Special Purpose DEs” owned 85% by DISH Network. In sharp contrast, rural telephone companies (which are identified as DEs in Section 309(j) of the Communications Act), received just $871,350 in small business bidding credits in Auction 97.

The Blooston comments urge the FCC to retain and modify the Attributable Material Relationship (AMR) rule to allow bona fide arrangements among small businesses and/or rural telephone companies while bolstering the rule to keep bid credits out of the hands of nationwide service providers. A revised AMR rule should allow DEs to partner with rural carriers or other DEs, but not with nationwide carriers. The comments also urged that the FCC should expand its small business size definitions (since many rural telcos and other legitimate small businesses do not qualify for bid credits under the revenue limits set years ago); but Blooston also asks that the FCC implement a targeted rural telephone bid credit that is separate from and cumulative with any small business bidding credit. Blooston further recommends that the FCC adopt rural partitioning incentives to help ensure meaningful rural participation in upcoming auctions. Under this proposal, a large bidder that enters into an agreement to partition rural areas to an RLEC before, during or immediately after the auction would receive a discount on its winning bid, in addition to any compensation negotiated with the telco.

Reply comments are due March 6.

Law & Regulation

House Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on Proposed Internet Reform

As this edition of the BloostonLaw Telecom Update went to press, the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Communications and Technology is holding a hearing entitled The Uncertain Future of the Internet.

According to the official background memo for the hearing, concerns to be discussed during the hearing

  • Whether onerous government regulation of networks, and resulting uncertainty, can have a substantial
    depressive effect on deployment, upgrades, and innovation;
  • How domestic regulation of the Internet will impact international regulation;
  • The exact mechanics of how the FCC will forbear from rate regulation, and particularly the extent to which it may be reversed or overturned by future Commissioners;
  • Whether the FCC can really forbear from rate regulation;
  • Whether reclassification will result in new fees; and
  • How wireless will be included in new regulations.

Witnesses at the hearing are: Robert Atkinson, Founder and President of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation; the Honorable Rick Boucher, Honorary Chairman of the Internet Innovation Alliance; Larry Downes, an Internet industry analyst and author; and Gene Kimmelman, President and CEO of Public Knowledge.

House Committee to Investigate FCC Decision-Making Process

Last week, the House Energy and Commerce Committee issued a notice announcing Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.), Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-Ore.), and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) launched an investigation into the decision-making process of the FCC.

Beginning with a citation to “longstanding concerns with the fairness, openness, and transparency of several of the FCC’s administrative and rulemaking processes under [his] leadership,” the letter sent to Chairman Wheeler by the aforementioned congressmen sought “additional information to ascertain whether the Commission is fulfilling its statutory responsibilities.” The first concern addressed in the letter is the FCC’s use of delegated authority, the process by which it delegates to one of its bureaus the authority to address certain matters without full FCC vote. Instances noted in the letter include the Media Bureau’s recent policy change on broadcast sharing; a Public Notice related to the AWS-3 auction that was apparently placed on circulation to the full commission but later removed and delegated to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and an alleged attempt to employ the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau instead of the full FCC on the Grain Management waiver matter. The letter also expressed concern regarding the openness and fairness of the FCC’s rulemaking process, referencing reports that in May of 2014, the FCC allegedly withheld the final version of the Open Internet NPRM to be circulated at that time for “up to” 24 hours.

The letter requested the following information by March 4:

  • Any documents on the provision of information requested by other Commissioners or their staff;
  • Any documents relating to routine practices and processes of the bureaus within the FCC concerning compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act and the FCC’s own rules;
  • Any documents relating to the use of delegated authority;
  • Any documents relating to the discretion of the Chairman to use delegated authority;
  • The FCC’s policy on the nature and scope of permissible communications between FCC personnel and outside entities;
  • Documents relating to FCC staff use of personal email in the execution of official FCC business; and
  • A description of the FCC’s document retention policies.

Comment Deadlines Set for Online Public File Expansion NPRM

On February 13, the FCC published its NPRM proposing to expand to cable operators, satellite TV providers, broadcast radio licensees, and satellite radio licensees the requirement that public inspection files be posted to the FCC’s online database rather than maintaining them on site. Comments are due on March 16, and reply comments on April 14.

The FCC originally adopted the online public file rules in 2012, applying them at that time only to television broadcasters. According to the NPRM, now that television broadcasters have completed the transition, the FCC believes it is appropriate to commence the process of expanding the rule to other media entities.


Idaho House Passes $3.6M Emergency Broadband Funding Bill

The Idaho Statesman is reporting that Idaho lawmakers approved last week a $3.6 million emergency funding bill to “sustain Idaho's troubled broadband program for a handful of months.”

The stopgap measure was approved 68-1 to sustain broadband access in nearly 200 public high schools after a district judge reaffirmed a prior ruling that the state's $60 million broadband contract was illegal earlier this year. According to the report, Idaho law forbids the use of taxpayer money on illegal contracts, so it became necessary to approve a new funding bill in order to maintain Internet access and video conferencing service. Unlike a statewide program, however, the bill reportedly requires school districts to negotiate their own broadband contracts and seek reimbursement later from the Idaho Department of Education.

Vendors have reportedly threatened to pull service as early as this week, as they have not been paid since a district judge first voided the contract in last November. The bill is now headed to the Idaho Senate for approval.

Calendar At A Glance

Feb. 25 – Reply comments are due on Unlicensed Use of TV Band and 600 MHz Band Spectrum.
Feb. 27 – Deadline for Special Access Data Collection for small businesses with less than 1,500 employees.
Feb. 27 – Reply comments are due on the FCC’s Incentive Auction Procedures.

Mar. 2 – Copyright Statement of Account Form for cable companies is due.
Mar. 2 – Annual CPNI Certification is due.
Mar. 2 – FCC Form 477 (Local Competition & Broadband Reporting) is due.
Mar. 6 – Reply comments are due on Part 1 Competitive Bidding NPRM.
Mar. 9 – Reply comments are due on Technology Transitions NPRM.
Mar. 9 – Reply comments are due on Windstream Petition for Declaratory Ruling on DS1/DS3 Access.
Mar. 9 – Comments are due on 911 Outage NPRM.
Mar. 11 – Reply comments are due on the IntraMTA Petition for Declaratory Ruling.
Mar. 16 – Deadline for comments on Online Public File Expansion NPRM.
Mar. 16 – Deadline to notify AT&T of Service Provided in CAF Phase I Deployment Census Blocks.
Mar. 31 – FCC Form 525 (Delayed Phasedown CETC Line Counts) is due.
Mar. 31 – FCC Form 508 (ICLS Projected Annual Common Line Requirement) is due.
Mar. 31 – International Circuit Capacity Report is due.

Apr. 1 – FCC Form 499-A (Annual Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet) is due.
Apr. 1 – Annual Accessibility Certification is due.
Apr. 7 – Reply comments are due on 911 Outage NPRM.
Apr. 14 – Deadline for reply comments on Online Public File Expansion NPRM.

BloostonLaw Private Users Update Vol. 16, No. 2 February 2015

FCC Issues Enforcement Advisory on Interference with Wi-Fi Hot Spots

On January 27, the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau issued an Enforcement Advisory stating that no hotel, convention center, or other commercial establishment, or the network operator providing services at such establishments, may intentionally block or disrupt personal Wi-Fi hot spots on such premises, including as part of an effort to force consumers to purchase access to the property owner’s Wi-Fi network. According to the Bureau, such action is illegal and violations could lead to the assessment of substantial monetary penalties.

The Advisory is a direct result of an investigation by the Bureau of Marriott International, Inc., which had deployed a Wi-Fi de-authentication protocol to deliberately block customers seeking to connect to the Internet through their own personal Wi-Fi hotspots while on Marriott property. Marriott settled the investigation by paying a civil penalty of $600,000.

Following the investigation, the Bureau reportedly received a number of additional complaints suggesting that other commercial Wi-Fi network operators may be doing the same. The Bureau indicated it is investigating these complaints and will take appropriate action against violators.

FCC Denies The Conley Group’s Petition for Use of Five Nationwide VHF Interoperability Channels

The FCC has denied The Conley Group’s Petition for Reconsideration seeking to license five nationwide VHF interoperability channels. The FCC stated that Conley claimed that it was necessary for it to use these channels on a state-wide basis throughout Iowa so that it could “establish communication[s] with all affected law enforcement agencies during times of imminent threat to safety-of-life or property in connection with mutual activities.” Additionally, Conley asserted that “the ability to communicate with emergency personnel from outside of Polk County[, Iowa] is critical in case emergency response is required in another area of the state. Conley had the support of the Polk County Sheriff’s Department — which stated that Conley provides force protection for governmental and critical infrastructure facilities and that the Iowa Department of Public Safety has provided Conley with access to certain public safety channels on its system.

Nonetheless, the FCC dismissed the underlying application because Rule Section 90.20 does not authorize private security companies to hold public safety spectrum. In dismissing the application, the FCC’s staff noted that Conley “already has authority to operate on public safety interoperability channels consistent with other FCC rule sections and its agreement with the State of Iowa.

On reconsideration, Conley asserted that in addition to protection of critical infrastructure, it provides “emergency rescue services” to communities within Polk County and surrounding areas within Iowa. Conley states that it works closely with law enforcement as well as fire services and emergency management and other govern-mental agencies to provide operational services or support to incident commanders.

The FCC, in denying reconsideration, noted among other things, that the VHF interoperability channels were allocated to promote governmental interoperability nationwide. And while the FCC has permitted certain non-governmental entities to hold public safety spectrum, such grants have required a statement from the governmental entity having legal jurisdiction over the area to be served by the supporting request. Here, Conley is requesting a state-wide service area, but has only obtained a letter of support from Polk County when the appropriate jurisdiction would be the State of Iowa. The FCC also noted that Conley is a private entity that provides armed guard, private investigation, alarm response, consulting services and rescue services in the Polk County area and holds licenses in the Conventional Industrial/Business Pool — and that Conley had stated that it was “in the security business and radios are used to protect, citizens, property and provide similar services for hire.” Additionally, the FCC determined that Conley was seeking to license an inordinate number of mobile units in comparison to the number of vehicles that has.

The FCC stated that it shares the Iowa DPS’ concerns that Conley could use the public safety spectrum for both business and public safety uses. Further, the FCC is concerned that licensing interoperability spectrum to private security and property management firms such as Conley could result in these interoperability channels becoming “overrun with multiple private security and property management companies also claiming to be “rescue squads.” The FCC concluded that such a result could alter the specialized nature of the interoperability channels and thus undermine the FCC’s goal of promoting governmental interoperable communications on a nationwide basis.

PSAP Text-to-911 Readiness and Certification Registry Now Available

The FCC has announced availability of a new “Text-to-911 Registry” listing PSAPs that are ready to receive text-to-911 messages, and providing notice to CMRS providers and other providers of interconnected text messaging services of the notice date of PSAP readiness. The Registry is in the form of an Excel spread-sheet and is available via the FCC’s web site at: .

The Text-to-911 Registry lists each PSAP by FCC PSAP ID and name, the county of operation, the primary point of contact for coordinating text-to-911 service, the method by which the PSAP will accept texts, and the state or local governing entity authorizing the PSAP to accept texts.

Under the FCC’s text-to-911 rules, covered text providers must begin routing 911 text messages to requesting PSAPs by June 30, 2015, or within six months of a valid PSAP request, whichever is later. To constitute a “valid PSAP request,” (1) the PSAP must certify that it is technically ready to receive 911 text messages in the format requested; (2) the appropriate local or State 911 service governing authority must have authorized the PSAP to accept and, by extension, the covered text provider to provide, text-to-911 service; and (3) the requesting PSAP must notify the covered text provider that it is both technically ready to receive 911 text messages and has been authorized to accept such messages.

We would normally expect that PSAPs will contact and work with CMRS and covered text providers in the process of implementing text-to-911 capability. However, since the Commission has held that registration in the database is one way that PSAPs may trigger text-to-911 obligations, covered text providers should periodically review the registry to learn about text-readiness of PSAPs in their service areas and reach out to these PSAPs as necessary to coordinate implementation of text-to-911 service. Public safety entities should in turn reach out to service providers, in addition to registering. The Commission has said it will regularly update the Text-to-911 Registry, so our clients may want to book-mark the registry web page and check back on a regular ( e.g., monthly) basis for any changes.

The Price of Privacy? $30 Per Month, According to AT&T

The Wall Street Journal’s technology blog is reporting that AT&T’s relatively recent 1 Gbps internet service called GigaPower (debuted in Austin, Texas in 2013 and just this past Tuesday in Kanas City, Missouri) comes with a unique twist: AT&T uses GigaPower customers’ search terms, Web pages visited, and links clicked to help advertisers target ads on Web pages, email messages or direct mail. According to WSJ, the tracking remains in effect “even if you clear cookies, use an ad block program, or switch on a browser’s do-not-track settings.”

According to the company’s FAQs, some examples of how the data will be used include:

  • If you search for concert tickets, you may receive offers and ads related to restaurants near the concert venue.
  • After you browse hotels in Miami, you may be offered discounts for rental cars there.
  • If you are exploring a new home appliance at one retailer, you may be presented with similar appliance options from other retailers.

Customers can opt out of the usage tracking for a price — $30 per month (on top of the $70 per month service fee). WSJ reported that a spokeswoman for GigaPower con-tends that the privacy option not as an added fee, but as a discount for customers that allow the company to use their information. “We can offer a lower price to customers participating in AT&T Internet Preferences because advertisers will pay us for the opportunity to deliver relevant advertising and offers tailored to our customer’s interests,” she said.

FCC and FDA to Hold Joint Workshop on Wireless Medical Device Test Beds

On March 31, 2015, the FCC and the FDA will host a public workshop on the role of wireless medical test beds and their influence on the development of converged medical technology in both clinical and non-clinical set-tings — especially with the development of “hospitals-at-home.” A wireless test bed is an environment where devices can be evaluated across a range of interference scenarios.

The FCC and FDA are seeking participation from a broad range of stake holders, including device manufacturers, healthcare facilities, clinicians, test labs, standard setting bodies, innovators, patient safety groups, researchers, and entrepreneurs. For those that are unable to attend, but may have an interest, questions can be e-mailed to: noting “Workshop Questions” in the subject line. If you would like to attend, please e-mail the FCC at with “Registration” in the subject line. The workshop will be from 9:00 AM until 4:30 PM in the FCC Commission Meeting Room.

FCC Designates ASHE/AHA as the Frequency Coordinator for Medical Body Area Operations

The FCC has designated the American Society for Health Care Engineering of the American Hospital Association (ASHE/AHA) to serve as the Medical Body Area Network (MBAN) frequency coordinator in the 2360-2400 MHz band. This designation comes after issuing a public notice seeking applicants for this position. The only other entity to submit an application was Enterprise Wireless Association (EWA). In evaluating the applications, the FCC noted that ASHE/AHA was “uniquely qualified” by “virtue of its institutional knowledge of the health care industry in general, and its familiarity with the medical telemetry user community in particular.” The FCC also noted that ASHE/AHA was a stronger candidate than EWA because of its experience as the Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS) coordinator. Like MBAN, WMTS requires ASHE/AHA to coordinate in an environment that requires “the need to avoid harmful interference from or among license-by-rule operations in medical environments.”

The FCC will require ASHE/AHA to sign a memorandum of understanding which will outline its duties and the limits on its authority.

Under the Commission’s Rules, a health care facility will be required to register an MBAN device that is capable of operating in the 2360-2400 MHz band with the MBAN coordinator. If the health care facility intends to operate MBAN devices only in the 2390-2400 MHz band, then the MBAN coordinator will include the pertinent registration data in the MBAN database. However, if operations will be in the 2360-2390 MHz band, then the MBAN coordinator will be required to determine whether the pro-posed MBAN location will be within the line-of-site of an Aeronautical Mobile Telemetry (AMT) receiver, and if so, work in cooperation with the AMT frequency coordinator (who in this case is the Aerospace and Flight Test Radio Coordinating Council) and the affected health care facility in order to minimize any potential interference. It is important to note that the FCC’s rules will require the MBAN frequency coordinator to (a) provide service to all eligible parties on a non-discriminatory basis, (b) have a fee schedule that is reasonable and reflects its actual costs for providing coordination and registration services and (c) serve as the coordinator for at least 10 years.

This newsletter is not intended to provide legal advice. Those interested in more information should contact the firm. For additional information, please contact Hal Mordkofsky at 202-828-5520 or .

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Telecom operators decidedly mixed on FCC’s net neutrality move

FEBRUARY 27, 2015

AT&T, Verizon opposed; T-Mobile US cautious; Sprint in favor of net neutrality decision

This week’s decision by the Federal Communications Commission to expand Title II regulatory authority over broadband services was greeted by cheers from dozens of people who attended the FCC meeting in person — and likely millions around the country, but garnered mixed reactions from telecom operators.

As expected, Verizon Communications and AT&T came out pointedly opposed to the FCC decision , which was expected as both telecom giants had been against a Title II reclassification from the beginning. Verizon made the biggest “scene” in its opposition, releasing a statement on its policy blog entitled “FCC’s ‘throwback Thursday’ move imposes 1930s rules on the Internet.” That title was followed by a statement written in Morse Code , with a link at the bottom to an English translation .

“The FCC . . . chose to change the way the commercial Internet has operated since its creation,” the “translation” stated. “Changing a platform that has been so successful should be done, if at all, only after careful policy analysis, full transparency, and by the legislature, which is constitutionally charged with determining policy. As a result, it is likely that history will judge today’s actions as misguided.”

Verizon was at the center of the latest FCC move as its court case against how the FCC was able to regulate some agreements led to the overturning of the previous Open Internet provision established in 2010 by then FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski.

AT&T expressed similar disdain for the FCC’s latest move, bringing up the expected partisan fight that most predict will be waged in Congress, not to mention the expected court challenges.

“Instead of a clear set of rules moving forward, with a broad set of agreement behind them, we once again face the uncertainty of litigation, and the very real potential of having to start over — again — in the future,” explained Jim Cicconi, SEVP for external and legislative affairs at AT&T. “Partisan decisions taken on 3-2 votes can be undone on similarly partisan 3-2 votes only two years hence. And FCC decisions made without clear authorization by Congress (and who can honestly argue Congress intended this?) can be undone quickly by Congress or the courts. This may suit partisans who lust for issues of political division, but it isn’t healthy for the Internet ecosystem, for the economy, or for our political system. And, followed to its logical conclusion, this will do long-term damage to the FCC as well.”

T-Mobile US expressed a cautiously optimistic view on the subject, with CEO John Legere touting the carrier’s self-described “pro-consumer” actions.

“As the consumer advocate, we have always believed in competition and in a free, open Internet with rules that protect net neutrality — no blocking, no discrimination and transparency,” Legere said. “I am hopeful that the FCC’s new rules will let us continue to offer innovative services to consumers in our typical uncarrier fashion, but obviously we need to read through all of the details.”

Sprint came in with full support for the FCC action, something the carrier had expressed leading up to the final vote, which FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler noted several times during the FCC meeting.

“Sprint has been a leader in supporting an open Internet and commends the FCC for its hard work in arriving at a thoughtful, measured approach on this important issue,” the carrier stated. “We believe balanced net neutrality rules with a light regulatory touch will benefit consumers while fostering mobile broadband competition, investment and innovation in the United States. We look forward to reviewing the FCC order and continuing to work with policymakers to ensure consumers benefit from an open Internet.”

That review of the order is the next step for all involved as the FCC has so far not publicly released the complete contents of its ruling. Instead, the FCC has only released snippets of what the ruling entails, which, depending on the details of the full announcement, could have significant repercussions on how mobile networks are managed.

The biggest impact could be felt in the move to bring mobile broadband services, both Wi-Fi and cellular, under the Title II designation. The FCC had previously regarded at least cellular services as separate from fixed broadband services owing to the limited spectrum capacity available to mobile operators as well as the limited use of mobile connectivity by consumers in accessing the Internet. However, with mobile access now accounting for more than half of Internet connections, the FCC looks set to take a harder look at how that access is managed.

“While the FCC’s 2010 Open Internet rules had limited applicability to mobile broadband, the new rules — in their entirety — would apply to fixed and mobile broadband alike, recognizing advances in technology and the growing significance of wireless broadband access in recent years (while recognizing the importance of reasonable network management and its specific application to mobile and unlicensed Wi-Fi networks),” the FCC statement read. “The order protects consumers no matter how they access the Internet, whether on a desktop computer or a mobile device.”

The statement’s inclusion of “reasonable network management” is likely to be a major point of discussion for mobile operators. While the market has more wireless spectrum than ever, consumers are putting an increasing demand on mobile broadband connections that has put those spectrum assets and corresponding network technologies to the test.

The FCC provided a bit more color on the management issue, explaining:

“However, the network practice must be primarily used for and tailored to achieving a legitimate network management — and not business — purpose,” the FCC stated. “For example, a provider can’t cite reasonable network management to justify reneging on its promise to supply a customer with ‘unlimited’ data.”

That unlimited data argument is being played out in a tussle between AT&T and the Federal Trade Commission , which last year filed a court complaint against AT&T Mobility over the mobile operator’s throttling of data speeds for “unlimited” data customers. The court action, which was coordinated with the FCC, alleges “unfair and deceptive” practices tied to the unlimited data claim.

The complaint, filed in a San Francisco federal court, alleges that AT&T Mobility did not adequately inform customers on unlimited data plans that they would have their data speeds reduced once they reached a certain amount of data used. The FTC notes that AT&T Mobility’s move in 2011 to begin throttling the data speeds for unlimited data customers once they hit 2 gigabytes of usage per month, “often resulting in speed reductions of 80% to 90% for affected users.” The FTC claims such practices have impacted at least 3.5 million unique customers a total of more than 25 million times.

Source: RCRWirelessNews

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Motorola will let you customize your next smartwatch

by Daniel Cooper
February 26, 2015

Motorola's philosophy is that if you can't customize it, it probably isn't worth buying, which is why Moto Maker will soon let you tailor the Moto 360 to your individual taste. In an interview with Wired, the company's Dickon Isaacs said that the option to pick a case color, band material and size were always planned for the smartwatch, but had to be postponed for time reasons.

When Moto Maker is relaunched in March, users will be able to pick the color of their watch as well as the size and material of the strap. The case will be sold in a choice of black, silver or champagne gold, while the straps come in two sizes in leather or metal. In addition, users will also be able to pick one of 11 watch faces to appear as the default — although you'll still be able to change this at your whim, naturally.

Source: engadget

Prism Paging

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From: Claude Everton — VE2YI <>
Subject:  Bonne nouvelle! / Good news! I'm back. Hope we can meet up again.
Date: February 21, 2015
To: Brad Dye

*** please see English message below ***

Bonjour à vous tous,

J’ai une bonne nouvelle à vous annoncer !

J'étais en vacances ou pré-retraite depuis quelques mois puisque j'ai quitté Accès Communications.

Je veux tout simplement vous informer que je suis de retour dans le milieu et vous transmettre mes nouvelles coordonnées. Je suis maintenant avec le Groupe CLR / Metro Com au bureau de Montréal (qui est même plus près de la maison, ce qui est bien).

Depuis quelques années, je pensais à prendre ma retraite, ce que j'ai fait pendant quelques semaines mais on m'a contacté et offert une offre que je ne pouvais refuser: travailler avec une équipe formidable de vieux (et nouveaux) amis dans une compagnie excitante et en plein essor.

Curieux comment les choses se passent parfois . . . J'ai connu Gratien Paquin, propriétaire et gestionnaire d'une petite compagnie - Communications Le Rocher au nord de Trois-Rivières au moment où je travaillais pour Scotcomm Radio dans les années '70. Je l’ai aidé avec les systèmes de paging et de radios à cette époque.

Groupe CLR a grandi à partir de cette petite compagnie de ventes et service située à Grand-Mère (près de Shawinigan au nord de Trois-Rivières).

La petite compagnie de Gratien a été repris par ses 2 fils (Louis et Francis) il y a environ 25 ans et ils ont fait grandir la compagnie avec plus d'une centaine employés à travers plusieurs endroits à travers de la province, soit: Montréal, Shawinigan, La Tuque, Trois-Rivières, Victoriaville, Montréal, Amos, Gatineau, Mont Laurier.

Nous avons des contrats de service du Gouvernement du Québec (incluant la S.Q., Transport Québec, le département Faune et Flore ainsi que plusieurs département de la Ville de Montréal tel que Police, Incendie et Travaux Publics) sans compter les municipalités environnantes et les industries.

Nous fournissons la vente et le support technique à des centaines de clients utilisant différents types de radios - portatifs, mobiles, bases, répéteurs, système de micro-onde point à point, point à multi- points, pour la sécurité public, les grandes et petites entreprises commerciales et industrielles.

De plus, nous offrons un réseau de communications avec une grande couverture "itinérance" continue de Rimouski à Windsor, Ontario, et plus encore.

Vous pouvez visionner nos pages web au sites suivant: et

Veuillez supprimer toutes références me concernant auprès d’Accès Communications de votre liste de contacts.

Au plaisir de vous servir bientôt!

Claude Everton — VE2YI
Support aux Ventes & Services Techniques
Sales & Technical Services Support

7945 boul. Henri-Bourassa
St-Laurent, Qc H4S 1P7
Tél: 514-333-3400
Cell: 514-755-1852
Fax: 514-333-7773 & /

Hello everyone,

I’ve got some good news for you!

I’ve been on holidays (a pre-retirement break) over the last few months since I broke away from ‘Accès Communications’.

I simply wish to inform you that I’m back in the swing of things and wish to provide you with my new coordinates should you wish to contact me (see below).

I’m now with ‘Groupe CLR’ / ‘Metro Com’ — working out of their Montreal office (even closer to my home, which is very nice).

Over the last several years, I had been pondering taking my retirement, and well, that’s actually what I did, but for only a few weeks as I was contacted and offered a gig that I just couldn’t refuse — working with a terrific team of old (and new) friends in an exciting, evolving & growing business!

Funny how things go . . . I used to visit and provide assistance to Gratien Paquin, owner-operator of this little business — ‘Communications Le Rocher’ in northern Quebec while working at Scotcomm Radio, back in the mid 70’s. I actually helped Gratien with his Radio Paging & the 2-way radio projects back then!

“Groupe CLR” grew from this little sales & service shop originally located in Grand-Mère, Qc (near Shawinigan, north of Trois-Rivières, Québec).

Gratien’s little business was later taken over by his two sons (Louis and Francis) approximately 25 years ago and they have since grown their business to now over 100 employees, spread across several offices about the province, in Montreal, Shawinigan, La Tuque, Trois-Rivières, Victoriaville, Amos, Gatineau and Mt-Laurier.

Metro Com is the Montreal based operation that purchased the original Motorola service shop in Montreal, where I now take residence.

We have service contracts with the ‘Gouvernement du Québec’, including the S.Q. (Provincial Police) , Transport Québec, Faune et Flore (Wildlife), as well as many of the City of Montreal suburbs and divisions Police, Fire Dept’s, Public Works, etc. and many other surrounding regional Municipalities and Industrials.

We provide Engineering, Sales & Service Support to thousands of clients using all types of radio equipment — portables, mobiles, base and repeaters, point-to-point, and point-to-multi-point Microwave Systems, and Telemetry (SCADA) for Public Safety, Private Commercial & Large & small Industrial applications and clients. Of course, we also have a province-wide network which is offers continuous ‘Roaming’ coverage from Rimouski, Québec through Windsor, Ontario and beyond.

You can view our web pages at the following sites: and .

Please remove any previous references for me at Accès Communications in your contact lists.

Hoping I can be of assistance to you sometime soon!

Claude Everton — VE2YI
Support aux Ventes & Services Techniques
Sales & Technical Services Support

7945 boul. Henri-Bourassa
St-Laurent, Qc H4S 1P7
Tél: 514-333-3400
Cell: 514-755-1852
Fax: 514-333-7773 & /

From: Dietmar Gollnick <>
Subject: Michigan in Berlin
Date: February 27, 2015 3:55:52 AM CST
To: Brad Dye

Hello, dear Brad,

Last week we had a US delegation in Berlin. Please, have a look at our newly-founded blog:

Excuse, in German. Below you find a draft (Google) translation.

Here are some from the guest list:


  • Joshua Brugeman: Director, Energy Efficiency, NextEnergy
  • Tim Johnson: Director, Transportation Initiatives, NextEnergy
  • Keith Hardy: Director, U.S. EV-Smart Grid Interoperability Center, Argonne National Laboratory

Best regards,

Have a relaxing-best-possible weekend,


Geschäftsführer: Dr. Dietmar Gollnick (CEO)
e*Message Wireless Information Services Deutschland GmbH
Schönhauser Allee 10-11
10119 Berlin, Deutschland


The Wireless Messaging News

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“But there's one thing we must all be clear about: terrorism is not the pursuit of legitimate goals by some sort of illegitimate means. Whatever the murderers may be trying to achieve, creating a better world certainly isn't one of their goals. Instead they are out to murder innocent people.”

—Salman Rushdie



People hold candles during a memorial service is held for those killed on Saturday by a 22-year-old gunman, in Copenhagen, on February 16, 2015. Danish police said on Monday they had charged two people with aiding the man suspected of shooting dead two people in attacks on a synagogue and an event promoting free speech in Copenhagen at the weekend. The shootings, which Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt called acts of terrorism, sent shock waves through Denmark and have been compared to the January attacks in Paris by Islamist militants that killed 17.

Source: The Atlantic

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