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Dear Friends of Wireless Messaging,

It is cold and snowing here in Southern Illinois. I am sending this issue out early because it is time for me to go to St. Louis and have my new knee checked out. Next week will be one year since the operation.

You may notice a few minor changes in the newsletter format this week—including a new logo. Little by little, I am learning to program CSS (cascading style sheets). Who said “an old dog can't learn new tricks?”

Check out the new ad from Critical Response Systems. It looks great, like everything that comes from this company. Someday when I grow up, I want to be just like James Dabbs, and Brian Claise—the brains behind CRS.

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I have found a complete Paging System for sale. Several photos of the equipment follow. If you are interested, please e-mail me with this link and I will put you in touch with the seller.

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Now on to more news and views about Wireless Messaging and Technology.

Wireless Messaging News
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About Us

A new issue of the Wireless Messaging Newsletter is posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the web. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Messaging companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers — so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology.

I regularly get readers' comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Messaging communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

I spend the whole week searching the Internet for news that I think may be of interest to you — so you won't have to. This newsletter is an aggregator — a service that aggregates news from other news sources. You can help our community by sharing any interesting news that you find.

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Editorial Opinion pieces present only the opinions of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of any of advertisers or supporters. This newsletter is independent of any trade association.

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Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
News Media Information 202/418-0500
TTY: 1-888-835-5322

DA 14-138
February 5, 2014
Enforcement Advisory No. 2014-02

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Filing of 2013 Annual Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) Certifications EB Docket No. 06-36

The FCC's Enforcement Bureau again reminds telecommunications carriers and interconnected VoIP providers of their obligation to file, by March 1, their annual reports certifying compliance with the Commission's rules protecting Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI).1 CPNI includes some of the most sensitive personal information that carriers have about their customers as a result of their business relationship (e.g., phone numbers of calls made and received; the frequency, duration, and timing of such calls; and any services purchased by the consumer, such as call waiting and voicemail). In prior years, many companies have either failed to file entirely or filed certificates that violate our rules in material respects. Failure to file a timely and complete certification calls into question whether a company has properly complied with the rules requiring it to protect its customers' sensitive information. Telecommunications carriers and interconnected VoIP providers may satisfy their certification filing obligation in several ways, each of which is described in Attachment 1.

Because the CPNI rules provide important consumer protections, the Commission has taken enforcement action against telecommunications carriers and interconnected VoIP providers that were not in compliance with the requirements, and we intend to continue to strictly enforce the rules. Companies are reminded that failure to comply with the CPNI rules, including the annual certification requirement, may subject them to enforcement action, including monetary forfeitures of up to $160,000 for each violation or each day of a continuing violation, up to a maximum of $1,575,000. 2 False statements or misrepresentations to the Commission may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the U.S. Code.

Attachments: (1) Frequently Asked Questions; (2) CPNI Certification Template; (3) Text of the CPNI rules.

Issued by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau


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1 This Enforcement Advisory highlights certain obligations under the CPNI rules. Failure to receive this notice does not absolve a provider of the obligation to meet the requirements of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, or the Commission's rules and orders. Companies should read the full text of the relevant CPNI rules at 47 C.F.R. § 64.2001 et seq.
2 47 U.S.C. § 503(b)(2)(B); see also 47 C.F.R. § 1.80(b)(2); Amendment of Section 1.80(b) of the Commission's Rules, Adjustment of Civil Monetary Penalties to Reflect Inflation, Order, 28 FCC Rcd 10785 (2013).

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The following frequently asked questions are addressed in this Enforcement Advisory:

  • What are the CPNI rules, and where can I find them?
  • Who is required to file?
  • Is there an exemption for small companies?
  • What must be included in the filing?
  • When are companies required to file the annual certification?
  • Is this the same as my form 499 filing or my USF filing?
  • What format should I use for my CPNI certification?
  • How do I file the CPNI certification?
  • What if I have questions?

What are the CPNI rules, and where can I find them?

Protection of CPNI is a fundamental obligation under Section 222 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (Act). Consumers are understandably concerned about the security of the sensitive, personal data they provide to their service providers. In recognition of these concerns, the Commission has issued rules requiring carriers and interconnected VoIP providers to establish and maintain systems designed to ensure that they adequately protect their subscribers' CPNI. Those rules also require that all companies subject to the CPNI rules file an annual certification documenting their compliance with the rules, and documenting any complaints or problems. Companies must file these certifications with the Commission on or before March 1 each year.

The CPNI rules are found at 47 C.F.R. § 64.2001 et seq. A copy of the current version of the certification portion of the rules is attached to this Enforcement Advisory. To ensure that you are aware of any changes to the rules, you are advised always to check the current version of the Code of Federal Regulations, which can be found at the Government Printing Office website, here: .

Who is required to file?

Telecommunications carriers and interconnected VoIP providers must file a CPNI certification each year.

  • A "telecommunications carrier" is "any provider of telecommunications services," except an aggregator.1 47 U.S.C. § 153(51). The Communications Act defines telecommunications service as "the offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used." 47 U.S.C. § 153(53).
  • Some examples of "telecommunications carriers" that must file an annual certification are: local exchange carriers (LECs) (including incumbent LECs, rural LECs, and competitive LECs), inter-exchange carriers, paging providers, commercial mobile radio services providers, resellers, prepaid telecommunications providers, and calling card providers. This list is not exhaustive.
  • "Interconnected VoIP providers" are companies that provide a service that: "(1) enables real-time, two-way voice communications; (2) requires a broadband connection from the user's location; (3) requires Internet protocol-compatible customer premises equipment (CPE); and (4) permits users generally to receive calls that originate on the public switched telephone network and terminate calls to the public switched network." 47 C.F.R. § 9.3.

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1 Section 226 defines an aggregator as "any person that, in the ordinary course of its operations, makes telephones available to the public or to transient users of its premises, for interstate telephone calls using a provider of operator services." 47 U.S.C § 226(a)(2).

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Is there an exemption for small companies?

No, there is no exemption for small companies. Section 64.2009(e) of the rules — the annual certification filing requirement — applies regardless of the size of the company.

What must be included in the filing?

The certification must include all of the elements listed below:

  • an officer of the company must sign the compliance certificate;
  • the officer must state in the certification that he or she has personal knowledge that the company has established operating procedures that are adequate to ensure compliance with the CPNI rules;
  • the company must provide a written statement accompanying the certification explaining how its operating procedures ensure that it is or is not in compliance with the CPNI rules;
  • the company must include an explanation of any actions taken against data brokers; and
  • the company must include a summary of all consumer complaints received in the prior year concerning unauthorized release of CPNI.

In reviewing prior years' filings, we have found a number of recurring deficiencies. In particular, many companies:

(1) fail to have the officer signing the certification affirmatively state that he or she has personal knowledge that the company has established operating procedures that are adequate to ensure compliance;

(2) fail to provide a statement accompanying the certification explaining how their operating procedures ensure that they are or are not in compliance with the rules. Simply stating that the company has adopted operating procedures without explaining how compliance is being achieved does not satisfy this requirement;

(3) fail to state clearly whether any actions were taken against data brokers in the prior year (if there were no such actions, the company should include an affirmative statement of that fact to make clear that it has provided the required information); and

(4) fail to state clearly whether any customer complaints were received in the prior year concerning the unauthorized release of CPNI (if there were no such complaints, the company should include an affirmative statement of that fact to make clear that it has provided the required information).

To help companies ensure that their certifications contain all of the required information, we are providing a suggested template, attached to this Enforcement Advisory.

When are companies required to file the annual certification?

The 2014 annual certification filing (for calendar year 2013) is due no sooner than January 1, 2014, but no later than, March 1, 2014. You may not file before January 1, 2014, because your certification must contain data pertaining to the entire previous calendar year. Certifications filed before January 1, 2014 do not comply with the rules. If you filed too soon, you must re-file by March 1 with a new certification that covers the entire calendar year 2013. If you filed after January 1, 2014, we recommend that you review your certification to ensure that it includes all the necessary information (including the required attachments and explanations) and refile if needed.

Is this the same as my Form 499 filing or my USF filing?

No, the annual CPNI certification filing is different from Form 499 filings and USF filings.

What format should I use for my CPNI certification?

A suggested template is attached to this Enforcement Advisory. See Attachment 2. This template was designed to ensure that companies will comply with the annual certification filing requirement of 47 C.F.R. § 64.2009(e) if they complete it fully and accurately. Use of this template is not mandatory, and companies may use any format that fulfills the requirements of the rule. If you elect to use the suggested template, we encourage you to review the template carefully and to ensure that all fields are fully completed before submission.

How do I file the CPNI certification?

Certifications may be filed: (1) using the Commission's web-based application; (2) using the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS); or (3) by filing paper copies. Paper filings and filings submitted through ECFS must reference EB Docket No. 06-36 and must be addressed to the Commission's Secretary, Marlene H. Dortch, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, SW, Suite TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554. Companies must file a separate certification for each affiliate with a unique 499 filer ID number. Under no circumstances should copies of certifications be sent to the Enforcement Bureau or to any individuals within the Enforcement Bureau unless such filing is a requirement of a consent decree with the Enforcement Bureau. 1

  • Web-Based Electronic Filers: To file a certification using the Commission's web-based application specifically designed for this purpose, visit . Instructions are provided at the website.
  • ECFS Electronic Filers: To file a certification using ECFS, visit . In completing the transmittal screen, filers should include the full name of the company, U.S. Postal Service mailing address, and the applicable docket or rulemaking number. The website provides instructions.
  • Paper Filers: Parties who choose to file by paper must file an original and four copies of each filing. All filings must reference EB Docket No. 06-36 and be addressed to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12 th Street SW, Suite TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554. Filings may be transmitted by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. Postal Service mail as follows:
    • Hand or messenger-delivered paper filings should be directed to the Commission's headquarters building, at 445 12 th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554. The filing hours at this location are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand deliveries must be held together with rubber bands or fasteners. Any envelopes must be disposed of before entering the building.
    • Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service Express Mail and Priority Mail) should be directed to 9300 East Hampton Drive, Capitol Heights, MD 20743.
    • U.S. Postal Service first-class, Express, and Priority mail should be directed to the Commission's Secretary at her address, provided above.

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1 Include the relevant case number on the certification if filing pursuant to a consent decree.

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People with Disabilities: To request materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities (braille, large print, electronic files, audio format), send an e-mail to or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice), 202-418-0432 (tty).

What if I have questions?

For further information regarding the annual certification filing, contact any of the following individuals in the Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau: Edward Hayes (202) 418-7994, Donna Cyrus (202) 418-7325, Mika Savir (202) 418-0384, or Kimberly Wild (202) 418-1324.

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Annual 47 C.F.R. § 64.2009(e) CPNI Certification Template
EB Docket 06-36

Annual 64.2009(e) CPNI Certification for [Insert year] covering the prior calendar year [Insert year]

  1. Date filed: [Insert date]
  2. Name of company(s) covered by this certification: [Insert company name]
  3. Form 499 Filer ID: [Provide relevant ID number(s)]
  4. Name of signatory: [Insert name]
  5. Title of signatory: [Insert title of corporate officer]
  6. Certification:

I, [Insert name of officer signing certification], certify that I am an officer of the company named above, and acting as an agent of the company, that I have personal knowledge that the company has established operating procedures that are adequate to ensure compliance with the Commission's CPNI rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 64.2001 et seq.

Attached to this certification is an accompanying statement explaining how the company's procedures ensure that the company is in compliance with the requirements (including those mandating the adoption of CPNI procedures, training, record keeping, and supervisory review) set forth in section 64.2001 et seq. of the Commission's rules.

The company [has/has not] taken actions (i.e., proceedings instituted or petitions filed by a company at either state commissions, the court system, or at the Commission against data brokers) against data brokers in the past year. [NOTE: If you reply in the affirmative, provide an explanation of any actions taken against data brokers.]

The company [has/has not] received customer complaints in the past year concerning the unauthorized release of CPNI [NOTE: If you reply in the affirmative, provide a summary of such complaints. This summary must include the number of complaints, broken down by category or complaint, e.g., instances of improper access by employees, instances of improper disclosure to individuals not authorized to receive the information, or instances of improper access to online information by individuals not authorized to view the information.]

The company represents and warrants that the above certification is consistent with 47 C.F.R. § 1.17, which requires truthful and accurate statements to the Commission. The company also acknowledges that false statements and misrepresentations to the Commission are punishable under Title 18 of the U.S. Code and may subject it to enforcement action.

Signed ___________________ [Signature of an officer, as agent of the carrier]

Attachments: Accompanying Statement explaining CPNI procedures Explanation of actions taken against data brokers (if applicable) Summary of customer complaints (if applicable)


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47 C.F.R. § 64.2009 Safeguards required for use of customer proprietary network information.

(a) Telecommunications carriers must implement a system by which the status of a customer's CPNI approval can be clearly established prior to the use of CPNI.

(b) Telecommunications carriers must train their personnel as to when they are and are not authorized to use CPNI, and carriers must have an express disciplinary process in place.

(c) All carriers shall maintain a record, electronically or in some other manner, of their own and their affiliates' sales and marketing campaigns that use their customers' CPNI. All carriers shall maintain a record of all instances where CPNI was disclosed or provided to third parties, or where third parties were allowed access to CPNI. The record must include a description of each campaign, the specific CPNI that was used in the campaign, and what products and services were offered as a part of the campaign. Carriers shall retain the record for a minimum of one year.

(d) Telecommunications carriers must establish a supervisory review process regarding carrier compliance with the rules in this subpart for outbound marketing situations and maintain records of carrier compliance for a minimum period of one year. Specifically, sales personnel must obtain supervisory approval of any proposed outbound marketing request for customer approval.

(e) A telecommunications carrier must have an officer, as an agent of the carrier, sign and file with the Commission a compliance certificate on an annual basis. The officer must state in the certification that he or she has personal knowledge that the company has established operating procedures that are
adequate to ensure compliance with the rules in this subpart. The carrier must provide a statement accompanying the certificate explaining how its operating procedures ensure that it is or is not in compliance with the rules in this subpart. In addition, the carrier must include an explanation of any actions taken against data brokers and a summary of all customer complaints received in the past year concerning the unauthorized release of CPNI. This filing must be made annually with the Enforcement Bureau on or before March 1 in EB Docket No. 06-36, for data pertaining to the previous calendar year.

(f) Carriers must provide written notice within five business days to the Commission of any instance where the opt-out mechanisms do not work properly, to such a degree that consumers' inability to opt-out is more than an anomaly.

(1) The notice shall be in the form of a letter, and shall include the carrier's name, a description of the opt-out mechanism(s) used, the problem(s) experienced, the remedy proposed and when it will be/was implemented, whether the relevant state commission(s) has been notified and whether it has taken any action, a copy of the notice provided to customers, and contact information.

(2) Such notice must be submitted even if the carrier offers other methods by which consumers may opt-out.


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This is a commercial message from Solavei, LLC

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Date: 02/02/2014

JVCKenwood to acquire EF Johnson

EF Johnson Technologies, Inc. announced today that JVCKENWOOD Corporation has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire the company from its current owner, Francisco Partners. The transaction is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2014 subject to regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions. This pending acquisition is integral to JVCKENWOOD's overall strategic initiative to increase its focus on professional communications, especially the U.S. public safety market.

"This alliance brings key strengths together that will benefit our current and future public safety customers," commented Haruo Kawahara, chairman and chief executive officer of JVCKENWOOD. "We now have complete turnkey P25 infrastructure capability, mission-critical P25 radios with multiband capability and value-focused P25 radios for a wider range of customers. With this complete P25 product portfolio and our market-leading NEXEDGE digital radio technology, we are poised to significantly increase our global market share in professional wireless communications."

EFJohnson said it will continue to operate as its own company, but now with the backing of a large-scale, communications-focused parent. JVCKENWOOD will task EFJohnson to lead its overall corporate P25 initiatives, leveraging EFJohnson's P25 expertise and focus on mission critical quality products.

"For EFJohnson, our goal is to provide outstanding customer service and the most innovative products available in the marketplace," said Andrew Adams, chief executive officer of EFJohnson. "With this acquisition, EFJohnson now has the corporate scale to match the large competitors and ensures excellent support to our customers and continued development of new products for many years to come."

[JVCKenwood also owns Zetron.]

Source: EE Herald

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PC maker Lenovo's shares take a deep fall after acquisitions

Date 04.02.2014

Shares in the world's No.1 PC maker, China's Lenovo, have taken a tumble as traders are worried about the company's recent acquisition policies. They feared the firm might have bitten off more than it could chew.

Lenovo Ultrabook

Lenovo shares plummeted more than 16 percent at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Tuesday amid a generally dismal day for traders not only in Asia.

Investors looked highly uncertain about the impact of Lenovo's acquisition of struggling phone maker Motorola from Google.

The purchase cost the Chinese company $2.91 billion (2.15 billion euros) and came only a week after Lenovo bought IBM's low-end server business for $2.3 billion.

Diluted profits?

"Everyone is worried about whether or not Lenovo will be able to turn Motorola from a loss to a profit in short term," Tanrich Securities Vice-President Jackson Wong told the AFP news agency.

The recent takeovers had been meant to provide Lenovo with footholds in the smartphone and tablet markets, but analysts said it was yet unclear whether the price the company paid was not too high.

An added irritation were media reports about talks between Sony and the Chinese PC maker about the setting up of a joint personal computer joint venture. But in a statement issued towards the end of last week, Sony said reports about an alleged alliance were "inaccurate."

hg/se (AFP, Reuters)

Source: Deutsche Welle

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American Messaging

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American Messaging

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Easy Solutions

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It's still here — the tried and true Motorola Alphamate 250. Now owned, supported, and available from Leavitt Communications. Call us for new or reconditioned units, parts, manuals, and repairs.

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Phil Leavitt

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Kennebunk student's iPhone catches fire in pocket

The girl is treated for second-degree burns at a Biddeford hospital.

February 1
By David Hench
Staff Writer

Portland Press Herald

A middle school student in Kennebunk suffered second-degree burns Friday when her iPhone caught fire in her pants pocket just before a class, said her family and school officials.

click image to enlarge

This iPhone is charred after catching fire in the pocket of a Kennebunk middle school student. The phone used to be green.

Courtesy Judy Milligan

The eighth-grader sustained burns on one thigh and her back, and was taken to Southern Maine Health Care in Biddeford for treatment.

Her mother, Judy Milligan, said, "I was a little bit in shock" when the school notified her about the fire. She said she preferred not to release her daughter's name.

The 14-year-old girl had sat down just before her first-period French class Friday morning when she and her friends sitting nearby heard a pop from the Apple iPhone 5C she had been given by her mother two months earlier.

"Immediately, smoke starts billowing from around the student," said Jeff Rodman, principal of the Middle School of the Kennebunks. "She knew right away something was wrong and, in a panic, knew her pants were on fire caused by the cellphone."

The girl had to take off the pants, so girls in the class helped her into a corner of the room while others herded the boys from the room and summoned a teacher, who was standing just outside the door, Rodman said.

"It was sensitive. She knew she was kind of in a tough situation," he said.

Teachers came to help, and someone in the main office called 911.

The girl had the presence of mind to "stop, drop and roll," Rodman said, which reduced the flames and the injuries she suffered. "The phone fell out of her pocket . . . and it was still smoldering. Her pants were still on fire," he said.

Once the pants were off, one teacher wrapped the girl in a blanket while they waited for rescue workers and firefighters to arrive.

School officials declared a "hold in place," so students could not leave their classrooms and emergency workers could get in and out of the building quickly, Rodman said.

The girl was taken to the hospital in Biddeford, where she was treated for what her mother said were second-degree burns. She was released after about 45 minutes.

She asked to return to class, her mother said, but school officials and health care workers encouraged her to go home.

"She's very calm—just a calm person," Milligan said.

A call to Apple headquarters was not returned by press time.

An investigator with the state Fire Marshal's Office took pictures of the phone.

Andrew Rosenstein, owner of TechPort in Portland, which repairs Apple products, said customers have brought in batteries that were swollen and at risk of malfunction after extended use, but not from a phone that was almost new.

"There's basically a lithium-ion type rechargeable battery built in (to an iPhone). The battery, as it charges and discharges, it's really a chemical reaction that can generate heat," Rosenstein said. "It's very rare there can be an issue, but any battery is just a chemical composition that can be flammable in extreme circumstances."

Rosenstein said his business uses a fireproof box to store batteries from devices that are being repaired, so fire cannot spread if they somehow ignite.

There have been sporadic reports of phone fires, though typically the phones that caught fire were being charged.

The most notable malfunctions of lithium ion batteries were aboard two 787 Boeing Dreamliners, causing fires that led to the grounding of the aircraft.

Rosenstein couldn't say what would have caused the battery in the eighth-grader's phone to burn. He said there's nothing else in the phone that could cause a fire. "These batteries installed in Apple products in particular are extremely safe. It's an extremely rare incident," he said.

Milligan said her daughter is an honor student and enjoys school, especially French class. She also is a competitive swimmer with the Biddeford Manta Rays, and had to miss Friday's practice and Saturday's meet in Belfast.

Milligan said she almost didn't get the call from the school telling her that her daughter had been burned.

When she left the house Friday morning with her daughter and son, she realized she had left her cellphone in the house. She contemplated going without it for the day, but instead ran inside to grab it. In the middle of her hour-long drive to work, she got the call.

The iPhone, which was green and is now black, is useless. So are the pants, which Milligan agreed to replace.

"We went to Target and got a pair of yoga pants," she said.

Source: Portland Press Herald

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Consulting Alliance

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2 Eagle 900 MHz Link Transmitters, 60 & 80W
5 Glenayre GL C2100 Link Repeaters
2 Motorola Q2630A, 30W, UHF Link TX
VHF Paging Transmitters
1 Glenayre QT7505
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20 Glenayre UHF GLT5340, 125W, DSP Exciter
900 MHz Paging Transmitters:
3 Glenayre GLT 8600, 500W
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Too Much To List • Call or E-Mail

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Preferred Wireless, Inc.
rickm@preferredwireless.comleft arrow



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Preferred Wireless

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Selected portions of the BloostonLaw Telecom Update, and/or the BloostonLaw Private Users Update — newsletters from the Law Offices of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP are reproduced in this section with the firm's permission.

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BloostonLaw Telecom Update Vol. 17, No. 5 February 5, 2014

FCC Issues Enforcement Advisory Indicating that CPNI Filings are Due March 1

The FCC has issued an Enforcement Advisory regarding this year's CPNI Certifications, announcing that the Certifications "are due March 1, 2014." Because March 1 is a Saturday, by rule the filing deadline moves to the following business day, i.e., Monday March 3. We suspect that the Bureau simply dusted off and reissued last year's Advisory, without noting that the due date falls on a weekend. However, unless and until the Enforcement Bureau issues a correction, carriers will want to file by Friday, February 28th out of an abundance of caution (which is a good idea anyway, since the FCC's filing system often slows to a crawl on the actual deadline because of the volume of traffic). Because of the risk of an unsuccessful filing attempt on the last day, it is prudent for clients not to wait until the deadline to file CPNI certifications that have frequency been subject to substantial forfeitures for late filing.

Please note, that BloostonLaw will respond to any requests concerning the filing of the CPNI report within 24 hours of receipt. If you do not receive a response within this timeframe, please contact the office to ensure that your request has been received.


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FCC Initiates Rural Next Generation Network Experiments for Price Cap, Rate-of-Return Areas

Of the several IP Transition experiments adopted by the FCC last week, the one likely to have the most interest for, and impact upon, our RLEC, CLEC and wireless clients is the program of Next Generation Network Experiments in Rural America (WC Docket No. 10-90). The stated purpose of these experiments is to test how "tailored economic incentives" can advance the deployment of wireline and wireless IP networks in rural, high-cost areas. The FCC is looking to see what types of viable business models (including models involving one-time or continuing USF support) can support the deployment of fiber or other next generation wired technology in rural areas. The FCC is also exploring the conditions under which consumers will prefer next generation wireless services over wireline alternatives.

The rural experiment presents opportunities for clients to obtain CAF funding to deploy broadband in nearby unserved or underserved price cap areas, and/or in unserved or underserved portions of their own service areas. Particularly since RLECs and CLECs already have their switching/routing and middle mile arrangements in place, they may be able to propose interesting experiments to expand their broadband networks in a cost-effective manner while improving the economies of scale in their existing broadband areas.

If you are interested in exploring how your company can participate in this process, please contact us as soon as possible. Initial Expressions of Interest are due March 7, 2014. Formal proposals and grants are expected during 2014, but the scope and amounts of potential grants are yet to be determined.

The FCC has indicated that these experiments will "focus" upon the deployment of last mile broadband networks (and not encompass middle mile projects) in rural areas that lack Internet access service that delivers 3 Megabits per second downstream and 768 kilobits per second upstream. Note that the "focus" wording means that the FCC has left the door open for grant-supported experiments in areas with 3/768 or better service, although it appears most experiments will be in areas lacking at least 3/768 service. In price cap areas, the experimental areas will be one or more Census tracts, whereas in rate-of-return areas, the FCC is proposing in a further rulemaking to use Census blocks.

The FCC is proposing to fund these experiments with a portion of the current unallocated $230 million balance in the Connect America Fund (CAF). In its further rulemaking, it has asked whether $50 million, $100 million, or some other amount should be allocated for the rural experiments. It has also asked whether the ultimate aggregate amount should be allocated expressly between price cap and rate-of-return areas, and/or between grants of one-time support and grants of recurring support. The FCC has indicated that the amount of experimental funding granted for a particular area will be limited to the amount calculated by the model being developed for the price cap carriers in the CAF Phase II proceeding. While recognizing that the Rural Associations have indicated that adjustments need to be made to that model before it can be used by rate-of-return carriers, the FCC has asked in the further rulemaking how the model might be used in the selection or funding of areas in the rate-of-return portion of the experiment.

The FCC has invited a wide range of entities and consortia (including state and regional authorities, research and education networks, municipalities, Tribal governments, cable operators, CLECs, ILECs, fixed and mobile wireless providers, wireless Internet service providers and electric utilities) to participate in these experiments. As reported last week, the FCC is particularly interested in whether electric utilities and others can and will deploy rural broadband networks without requiring continuing universal service support. Where an entity proposes a funded experiment for an area that already receives at least 3/768 service, the FCC has determined that the existing service provider can challenge the validity of the experiment, but only after the FCC has granted the formal proposal for the experiment.

The FCC has adopted a March 7, 2014 date for the filing of non-binding Expressions of Interest (EOIs) in conducting experiments in price cap areas. The status and legal consequences of these EOIs is not clear because they appear: (1) not to require filing entities to proceed with the submission of formal proposals for their experiments; (2) not to be required as a precondition for the filing of such formal proposals; and (3) to be able to be filed after March 7 "on a rolling basis." The FCC is proposing to use similar EOIs in the rate-of-return portion of the experiments, although it appears that the FCC will set the applicable "due date" in the further rulemaking. EOIs are expected to identify the entity, service area, technology, service offerings, pricing, supporting governmental entities, funding type (one-time or continuing), and estimated funding requested.

At a currently unspecified time after the EOI filings, the FCC will require the filing of formal proposals for experiments. These second stage filings have not yet been described fully by the FCC. They will likely contain detailed and binding elaborations of the information provided in the EOIs, plus additional information relevant to the FCC's selection process. In the further rulemaking, the FCC is proposing and seeking comment upon selection processes and factors, including cost-effectiveness, one-time only funding, scalability and ability to meet increasing broadband speed requirements, leveraging of state and Tribal government funding, service to Tribal lands, and service to small businesses and community anchor institutions.

The FCC asserts that the rural experiments will not delay its implementation of the CAF Phase II mechanism for price cap carriers, or its ongoing "reform" of the rate-of-return USF mechanisms. However, initial reading of the IP experiments order indicates that there are substantial questions regarding the relationship of the rural experiments to developing unsubsidized competitor policies, as well as to whether the experiments interfere with the rights of refusal granted to price cap carriers and preclude the grant of similar options to rate-of-return carriers. Nonetheless, barring complications from judicial or legislative efforts, we expect the FCC to proceed with and implement its rural IP experiments during 2014 and early 2015.

FCC Adopts a Variety of Other TDM-to-IP Transition Experiments

In addition to the rural Next Generation Network Experiments, the FCC has adopted programs for (1) voluntary service-based experiments; (2) research on impact of the IP technologies upon persons with disabilities; and (3) development of a numbering testbed to study number assignment and database issues in an all-IP world. The FCC also began an ongoing data initiative to improve its collection of information regarding the evolution of technologies.

Voluntary Service-Based Experiments

The voluntary service-based experiments are the FCC's response to AT&T's November 2012 petition seeking "trials" in connection with the TDM-to-IP transition. Proposals for the initial set of experiments are due February 20, 2014; comments are due March 21 and replies March 31; and the FCC expects to approve or reject the various individual proposals within the initial set by the end of May 2014. The FCC will accept additional proposals after February 20, but will cease considering such proposals one year after it acts upon the initial set of proposals.

Proposals for service-based experiments must provide "detailed" information concerning: (1) the purpose of the experiment; (2) the metrics for measuring its success; (3) the experimental scope (e.g., whether it involves geography and/or service offerings); (4) the technical parameters, and how they will affect customers, other service providers and/or product and service offerings; (5) the timelines for the experiment; and (6) what temporary regulatory relief is required to conduct the experiment. Experiments will be required to protect public safety, emergency preparedness and response, and national security functions; maintain universal access, including for persons with disabilities, elderly, low-income households, Tribal land residents, and others likely to be affected differently than the general population; retain wholesale service and interconnection arrangements used by competitors and other service providers; and protect customer privacy, truth-in-billing, slamming, cramming and local number portability protections. In addition, experimenting carriers will have to provide clear, timely and sufficient notices to customers, and furnish simple and easy-to-use means for customers to provide their feedback regarding experiments. Finally, the experimenting entities will have to specify the data they will collect from both affected customers and a control group, and provide such data to the FCC.

BloostonLaw believes that only AT&T and perhaps several other proponents of "trials" are far enough along in developing proposals to be able to file them by February 20. Interested clients would be prudent to see what types of experiments and proposals are granted within the initial set before preparing their own proposals. Whereas it would be very useful to have RLEC and CLEC and small wireless provider data in the FCC record when it makes various future determinations regarding the IP transition, we realize that these experiments require substantial effort and expense for planning, execution, analysis and reporting and that such unfunded projects are a major burden in a time of increasing broadband investment needs and decreasing revenue streams.

Research for Persons with Disabilities

The FCC permitted its Managing Director to enter into research partnerships with federal agencies other than the National Science Foundation, and adopted an initial research budget of $3 million. It authorized the funding of research and development projects that: (a) explore the impact of IP-based technologies and services on persons with disabilities; (b) ensure that Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is functionally equivalent to voice telephone services; and (c) improve the efficiency and availability of TRS.

Research and Development of Numbering Testbed

The FCC is seeking to develop a numbering testbed to enable research into numbering issues in an all-IP network unencumbered by the constraints of the existing public network. This initiative will consist of: (1) a small, non-production system for prototyping; and (2) one or more workshops to allow a cross-industry and collaborative group of technical experts (with particular emphasis upon software engineers) to sketch and prototype a system for managing numbering resources and obtaining information about such resources.

Ongoing Data Initiative

The FCC has also proposed an Ongoing Data Initiative that goes beyond the various experiments to gather a record to support its determinations regarding various IP transition issues.

First, the FCC seeks to improve its consumer feedback data by: (a) enhancing its consumer compliant intake, analysis and reporting and by making it easier to search its consumer complaints database; (b) working cooperatively with states, localities and Tribal governments to gather and share consumer complaint and inquiry data; and (c) making it easier to access and use the consumer data the FCC collects, without adversely impacting privacy interests.

Second, the FCC is looking to improve the ways that it collects and makes available information on Next Generation 911 deployment from public safety agencies, carriers and vendors. It wants to use such data to develop and share lessons learned and best practices without impairing confidentiality concerns.

Third, the FCC wants more generalized data to help it determine where various areas are along the TDM-to-IP transition path; how core values (public safety, universal access, competition, and consumer protection) are being affected; what matters most to consumers and industry participants; and what trade-off are most acceptable.

Finally, the FCC wants to develop partnerships with public and private stakeholders to gather and analyze data on the needs, implications and impacts of the IP transition upon health care providers and their patients.

FCC Adopts Policy Statement and Proposes Rules for Text-to-911 Service

In order to improve access to 911 services to persons who aren't able to reach emergency call centers by a voice call, the FCC last week adopted a Policy Statement and NPRM ( FCC 14-6 ) that seeks to make text-to-911 services generally available by the end of the year in areas where 911 call centers are equipped to receive texts. Comments on the NPRM will be due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register, and reply comments will be due another 30 days after the comments.

The Commission's action comes in the wake of voluntary commitments by the nation's four largest wireless carriers to make text-to-911 services available to their customers by May 15, 2014.

According to the Policy Statement, every CMRS carrier and every provider that enables a consumer to send text messages using numbers from the North American Numbering Plan should support text-to-911 capabilities. Therefore, the FCC intends to pursue a technologically-neutral approach that provides platform-independent norms for all stakeholders, based on high-level functional standards set by the relevant stakeholders in industry and the public safety community. The FCC encouraged stakeholders to develop implementation details on a consensual basis in a manner that enables fact-based monitoring of progress by the relevant industry bodies, 911 and public safety authorities, and regulatory agencies, and encouraged CMRS and interconnected text providers that are not parties to the Carrier-NENA-APCO Agreement to work with the public safety community to develop similar commitments to support text-to-911 in a timely manner.

The NPRM seeks further comment on certain aspects of the technical provision of text-to-911 by text providers, with particular emphasis on interconnected text providers, including: the timeframe for implementation of text-to-911 capability; the timeframe for interconnected "over-the-top" text providers; over-the-top text-to-911 message delivery models; costs; relay services; PSAP implementation; roaming; liability protection; waivers; and others.

FCC Issues Report on VoIP Numbering Trials, Seeks Comment

On January 31, the Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) issued a Report on the results of the six-month technical trial in which interconnected VoIP providers were permitted to reserve telephone numbers for their end users directly from the numbering administrators rather than indirectly through a separate telecommunications carrier. The WCB concluded that, based upon the results of the trial, it is technically feasible for interconnected VoIP providers to obtain telephone numbers directly from the numbering administrators. Comments on the Report are due March 3.

According to the Report, the trials did highlight some issues about interconnection and porting, but the WCB found that those issues related to disputes about what a carrier's obligation is to interconnect with or port to a VoIP provider, rather than implicating technical concerns. Apparently, Vonage, Level 3, SmartEdgeNet, and Millicorp reported being unable to reach agreement with CenturyLink for traffic exchange. CenturyLink was requiring VoIP trial participants to interconnect via dedicated trunks, and the trial participants objected to this requirement because it added unnecessary costs to the exchange of traffic and disincentivized interconnection in IP format. The WCB found that these issues could be addressed and clarified by the FCC if and when it implemented official direct access rules for VoIP providers, as trial participants were not permitted to obtain direct access to additional numbers until that time.

FCC Extends Reply Comment Date for Public Knowledge Petition on CPNI

On January 30, 2014, the Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) extended the time to file reply comments on the December 11, 2013 Petition for a Declaratory Ruling filed by Public Knowledge and others. The Petition asked the FCC to rule that under section 222, non-aggregate call records that have been purged of personal identifiers but leave customers' individual characteristics intact are protected as individually identifiable customer proprietary network information, and that telecommunications providers are prohibited from selling or sharing such records with third parties without customers' consent. The reply comment deadline has been extended to March 3, 2014.

According to the Petition, non-aggregated call records that have been purged of personal identifiers are nevertheless individually identifiable and are therefore be protected under section 222 of the Communications Act. The Petition further states that AT&T already sells individually identifiable call records without customers' consent, and AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile all reserve the right to share individually identifiable CPNI with third parties without customers' consent. Unsurprisingly, Verizon, AT&T, CenturyLink, Sprint, and CTIA have filed comments urging the FCC to deny the Petition. The primary argument advanced by these entities (though they have filed separately) is that the Petitioners' interpretation of the statute is in conflict with its plain meaning.

Carriers interested in filing reply comments in this proceeding should contact the firm as soon as possible.

FCC Updates List of Eligible Areas for Tribal Mobility Fund Phase I Support

The Wireless Telecommunications and Wireline Competition Bureaus have announced some last minute changes to the list of eligible areas for Tribal Mobility Fund Phase I Auction ("Auction 902"). Auction 902 is a reverse auction that will award up to $50 million in one-time support to extend mobile broadband service to unserved tribal lands. The auction is currently scheduled for Tuesday, February 25, 2014.

The updated list removes certain census blocks in North Dakota, South Dakota and Alaska from eligibility for bidding in Auction 902 as a result of support that was authorized in the initial Mobility Fund Auction ("Auction 901"). Also, for those blocks on which Auction 901 winning bidders have defaulted, the Bureaus have removed asterisks in the list that previously identified the relevant census blocks as having received winning bids in Auction 901, and these areas will be eligible for bidding in Auction 902.

The Bureaus had said that an updated list of bidding areas and geographic information system (GIS) data for the eligible areas will soon be available as a downloadable shapefile on the Auction 902 website at .

Bidding areas that have been removed or modified since the prior list was released on September 27, 2013, include portions of the Bethel Census Area in Alaska corresponding to Akiak and Kwethluk tribal lands, and portions of Sioux County, North Dakota corresponding to Standing Rock tribal lands. Bidding areas that have been modified to remove census blocks no longer eligible for Tribal Mobility Fund Phase I support include eight (8) bidding areas in the Bethel Census Area; one bidding area in Sioux County, North Dakota corresponding to Standing Rock tribal lands, and two bidding areas in Corson County, South Dakota that also correspond to Standing Rock tribal lands. Specific bidding areas are identified in Attachment B of the Bureaus' Public Notice DA 14-109 .

Auction 901 was originally scheduled to take place in October 24th of last year, but was rescheduled for December 19th in order to provide potential bidders additional time to review the first updated list of eligible census blocks. The revised December 19th auction date was extended until February 25th as a result of disruption to Commission operations due to the federal government shutdown.

FCC Solidifies 600 MHz Incentive Auction Timeline

At the FCC Open Meeting on January 30th, the Incentive Auction Task Force delivered a presentation with a projected timeline for the 600 MHz Broadcast Incentive Auction, which is scheduled to begin in mid-2015.

The broadcast television spectrum incentive auction will be the first such auction ever conducted and, accordingly, requires a new and unique design. The incentive auction itself will be comprised of two separate auctions — a reverse auction and a forward auction. The lynchpin joining the reverse and the forward auctions is the "repacking" process.

Among the more important milestones, the FCC staff is expected to issue a Report and Order with policy recommendations and proposed rules for the incentive auction in mid-2014. This R&O is likely to include its decisions on geographic area licensing of the 600 MHz Band, which were the subject of recent comments and reply comments filed by the Blooston Rural Carriers. The Blooston Rural Carriers urged the Commission to make CMA licenses available in the 600 MHz Band spectrum because Economic Area (or "EA") licenses in most cases are too large for small and rural operators, and an alternative Partial Economic Area (or "PEA") proposal offered by the Competitive Carriers Association ("CCA") offered little improvement over EA licensing for carriers that offer service in the West and Midwestern states.

The mid-2014 Incentive Auction R&O is also expected to address methods of performing "feasibility checks" during the repacking component of the upcoming incentive auction, and include the Commission's proposed methodology for predicting potential interference between broadcast television and licensed wireless services after repacking is complete. The Incentive Auction Task Force has scheduled workshops on these topics that are free and open to the public on Friday, February 21, 2014 at FCC Headquarters in Washington, DC. The FCC is seeking further comment on these technical aspects of the Incentive Auction in an Inter-Service Interference Public Notice DA 14-98 (with comments due February 28, 2014). Details relating to the repacking component of the incentive auction were released in a Public Notice DA 14-3 that was released last month.

In the second half of 2014, the Task Force plans to release an Auction Comment Public Notice and a Procedures Public Notice that will provide additional details and seek comment on how the specific parts of the auction will actually function. Work on development and testing of the feasibility checkers, as well as software to conduct the forward and reverse auctions, will be ongoing throughout 2014 and the first half of 2015, with demonstrations planned for early 2015.

It is not too early to begin planning and budgeting for the 600 MHz Band Incentive Auction now and we urge our clients to let us know if we can assist these efforts in any way. Because of its favorable propagation characteristics, we believe the 600 MHz Band spectrum is especially well suited for the provision of advanced wireless services in rural areas. Accordingly, to ensure that rural and independent telephone companies have a meaningful opportunity to acquire 600 MHz band licenses, we recommend that our clients plan participate in comments on the proposed auction procedures later this year. Our clients may also want to explore the possibility of forming joint ventures (i.e., bidding consortia) and/or partnerships or LLCs with other companies in their area to pool resources and to bid for larger geographic areas, which may prove important if the FCC does not adopt CMAs as the license size. Short-form applications to participate in Incentive Auction bidding will be due in early 2015, with post auction applications and payments are expected for mid- to late-2015.

Law & Regulation

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Tentative Agenda for February Open Meeting Issued

Last week, the FCC issued the tentative agenda for its February 20, 2014 Open Meeting. At the meeting, the FCC will consider: (i) an Order, Declaratory Ruling, and FNPRM on the quality and technical compliance of closed captioning on television programming to ensure that video programming is fully accessible to individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing, and (ii) a Third NPRM to ensure accurate caller location information is automatically provided to public safety officials for all wireless calls to 911, including indoor calls.

FCC Seeks Comment on NECA 2014 Average Schedule Formulas

On January 31, 2014, the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) issued a Public Notice seeking comment on NECA's proposed modification of average schedule formulas for interstate settlements, for the period beginning July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015. Comments are due February 21; replies due March 7.

According to the Public Notice, the proposed settlement formulas reflect the same general structures and methods as current formulas, but would effectively decrease settlement rates by about one percent, at constant demand. Modifications to the average schedule formulas are based on a statistical sampling of the costs and demand of comparable cost companies, and as a result the effects of these formula changes on individual average schedule companies will vary depending on each company's size and demand characteristics. NECA calculates that 154 study areas are expected to experience increases and 181 study areas are expected to experience decreases in settlement rates at constant demand.

Representative Henry Waxman Announces Retirement

Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.) announced Thursday that he will retire at the end of the Congressional session. He will have served 40 years in the U.S. House of Representatives. Waxman is the 17th House member (10 Republicans and 7 Democrats) to announce that he will not seek reelection in 2014.

First elected to the House in 1974 from a Los Angeles Congressional District, Waxman played a critical role in enacting significant legislation during his Congressional tenure. This included laws to make infant formula safer and more nutritious (1980), bring low-priced generic drugs to market (1984), clean the air (1990), provide services and medical care to people with AIDS (1996), and Postal Service reform and modernization (2006). Mr. Waxman led Congressional investigations into tobacco industry marketing practices, the use of steroids in professional sports, the 2008 near collapse of Wall Street, and the flawed intelligence used to justify the Iraq war. President Obama called Congressman Waxman "one of the most accomplished legislators of any era."

Rep. Waxman, along with and Representative Anna G. Eshoo (D-Calif.), introduced a limited duration net neutrality bill Monday that could pressure the Federal Communications Commission into action.

The bill, known as the Open Internet Preservation Act, is a response to the January 14, 2014 decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in Verizon v. Federal Communications Commission, which vacated the FCC's net neutrality rules. Those rules prevented Internet providers from blocking or slowing access to certain websites.

If enacted, the proposed legislation would grant limited relief by temporarily putting back on the books the FCC's Open Internet Rules vacated by the Court "during the period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act and ending on the date when the Commission takes final action in the proceedings remanded to the Commission in that decision;" and goes on to authorize the Commission to "continue to adjudicate cases regarding violations of the rules … that occurred during such period."

FCC Seeks Comments on Form 477

Also on January 31, 2014, the FCC issued a Notice in the Federal Register seeking Paperwork Reduction Act ("PRA") comments on revisions to a currently-approved information collection for FCC Form 477 (Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Reporting). PRA comments are due April 1.

FCC Form 477 gathers information on local telephone competition, including interconnected VoIP services, and on the deployment of broadband Internet access services. Under the modifications to the Form, fixed broadband service providers must report their deployment data on a census block basis, and provide the maximum advertised speed for each technology they use to offer service in each census block. Mobile broadband service providers must report their network deployment data on a service area basis, and provide the minimum advertised upload and download data speeds for each deployed in each frequency band. While providers of fixed voice services are not required to provide network deployment data on FCC Form 477, mobile voice service providers must provide geospatial data showing their coverage boundaries by transmission technology and by frequency band. The FCC also made several changes in the subscription data required to be provided on FCC Form 477.

Unlike traditional FCC comments, PRA comments must focus on : (i) whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (ii) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; (iii) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; (iv) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and (v) ways to further reduce the information burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees.

House Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on Broadband Stimulus

On February 4, 2014, the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology issued a notice announcing it will hold a hearing on February 11, 2014 entitled "Lessons Learned from the Broadband Stimulus." The hearing will be webcast live at .

At this time a list of witnesses is not yet available.


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AT&T System Restricts Content Access, Proposes Fees for "Bandwidth Abuse"

According to a recent article in Fierce Wireless, AT&T Mobility has developed an application-aware system that is designed to restrict customers from engaging in "non-permissible" bandwidth-intensive activities, such as file sharing or movie downloading.

Fierce reports that in its patent application, AT&T said the system is designed to prevent a user "from consuming an excessive amount of channel bandwidth by restricting use of the channel in accordance with the type of data being downloaded to the user." Under the system, the carrier would issue a customer a number of "credits" which are used up as data is consumed. If the credits are running low and the customer's data use fits into the "permissible" category, the user is provided a new lot of credits equal to the first. However, if the activity is "non-permissible," then the user is provided a lesser number of credits. AT&T also proposed levying extra fees or terminating access entirely.

Although AT&T has not implemented this system and has not shown any signs that it will in the near future, the patent application appeared just days after the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit struck down the FCC's net neutrality laws, which would likely have prohibited such a scheme because it discriminates traffic based upon content.

As Fierce Wireless also points out, it's easy to see how this plan meshes with AT&T's recently announced sponsored data plan, which allows content providers to shoulder the cost of their customers' data usage for accessing their content.

Calendar At-A-Glance

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Feb. 10 – Electronic filing deadline for Form 497 for carriers seeking support for the preceding month and wishing to receive reimbursement by month's end.
Feb. 14 – Comments are due on Use of Mobile Wireless Devices on Airborne Aircraft.
Feb. 14 – Comments due on American Tower Petition for Waiver of Periodic Inspection of Marking and Lighting Alarm System Rules.
Feb. 18 – Effective date for new 911 reliability requirements.
Feb. 20
– Open Meeting.
Feb. 21
– Comments on NECA 2014 Average Schedule Formulas are due.
Feb. 21 – Reply comments due on American Tower Petition for Waiver of Periodic Inspection of Marking and Lighting Alarm System Rules.
Feb. 28
– PRA comments on Rural Call Completion are due.


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Mar. 1 – Annual CPNI Certification is due.
Mar. 3 – Copyright Statement of Account Form for cable companies is due.
Mar. 3 – FCC Form 477 (Local Competition & Broadband Reporting) is due.
Mar. 3 – Comments on the Wireline Competition Bureau's VoIP Numbering Trial Report are due.
Mar. 3 – Reply comments on Public Knowledge's Petition for Declaratory Ruling on CPNI are due.
Mar. 7
– Initial expressions of interest in rural broadband experiments are due.
Mar. 7
– Reply comments on NECA 2014 Average Schedule Formulas are due.
Mar. 10 – Electronic filing deadline for Form 497 for carriers seeking support for the preceding month and wishing to receive reimbursement by month's end.
Mar. 17 – Reply comments are due on Use of Mobile Wireless Devices on Airborne Aircraft.
Mar. 31
– FCC Form 525 (Delayed Phase-down CETC Line Counts) is due.
Mar. 31 – FCC Form 508 (ICLS Projected Annual Common Line Requirement) is due.


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Apr. 1 – FCC Form 499-A (Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet) is due.
Apr. 1 – Annual Accessibility Certification is due.
Apr. 1 – PRA comments on Form 477 (Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Reporting) are due.

BloostonLaw Private Users Update Vol. 15, No. 1 January 2014

FCC Issues $8,000 Fine for Failing to Respond to Violation Notice

The FCC has issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (NALF) against Onada Mexican Radio Group for failing to respond to a Notice of Violation issued by the Enforcement Bureau's Tampa Office following an inspection of Onada's AM radio station.

The Notice of Violation was issued on October 22, 2012 for violations found during inspections of Onada's AM station and required Onada to provide specific information and responses to the various violations, including corrective actions taken or to be taken. The FCC con-ducted a follow up inspection during which it noted that it had not received the required response. While Onada claimed that it had mailed the response to the FCC, the FCC noted that the response was incomplete and provided Onada additional time to respond. Despite being given an extension of time within which to respond and several additional requests for response from the FCC over the course of the next year, Onada never provided a complete response to the Notice of Violation.

Failing to respond to a Notice of Violation issued by the FCC is a violation of the FCC's Rules, and can lead to significant fines. If you receive a Notice of Violation (or any other inquiry) from the FCC, it is important to give it prompt and full attention. We recommend that you con-tact our office right away if you are not sure what is being requested in the inquiry or need help in preparing an appropriate response. Frequently, the matter can be resolved at the Notice of Violation stage without any further action by the FCC if you promptly respond and demonstrate that the matter has been addressed and show steps to prevent a re-occurrence in the future.

Comment Sought on Waiver of Periodic Inspection of Marking and Lighting Alarm System Rules

American Tower has filed a request for permanent waiver of Section 17.47(b) of the Commission's Rules, which requires owners of antenna structures that have been registered with the FCC to conduct quarterly inspections of all automatic or mechanical control devices, indicators or alarm systems that are used to monitor and verify the proper operation of obstruction lighting devices that have been mounted on an antenna structure. Comments are due February 14, 2014 and reply comments are due one week later, on February 21, 2014.

Because American Tower installed sophisticated monitoring equipment, the FCC previously granted American Tower a partial waiver of this rule by permitting American Tower to make these inspections on an annual, rather than a quarterly, basis. American Tower now seeks a permanent waiver from the requirement. American Tower claims that its use of a robust, continuous remote tower monitoring system justifies the waiver. Additionally, American Tower has taken the position that a grant of this waiver would provide an incentive for other tower owners to implement similarly advanced monitoring systems — which would serve the public interest by ensuring the safety to air navigation.

Part 90 Class B Signal Booster Registration is Now Available — Must be Completed by November 1, 2014

The FCC has announced that Part 90 licensees that operate Part 90 Class B private land mobile (non-consumer) signal boosters will be required to register existing signal boosters with the Commission by November 1, 2014. Any new Class B signal boosters installed on or after November 1, 2014 must be registered before the device can be operated. Registration will be made electronically and paper filings will not be accepted.

If you have a signal booster that requires registration, you can contact our office if you need assistance with the registration process.

Gilpin County Sheriff Denied Extension of Time to Construct Public Safety Station

The FCC has denied a request by the Gilpin County Sheriff's Office for an extension of time within which to construct and operate Channel 25 (i.e., 157.250/161.850 MHz) at various locations on a public safety station. The license for the affected facilities was granted on April 10, 2012 pursuant to a rule waiver which allowed the Sheriff's Office to use the public coast channel. Under the FCC's Rules, the Sheriff's Office had one year to construct — or until April 10, 2013.

On May 15, 2013, the Gilpin County Sheriff's license was listed on Public Notice in a "Termination Pending" status since it appeared that the Channel 25 facilities had not been timely constructed. That same day, the Sheriff's Office immediately filed a request for waiver of the Commission's Rules to permit the late-filing of a request extension of time within which to complete construction. The Sheriff's Office stated that its delay was due in part to narrowbanding efforts that had been on-going and relied in part on a waiver request that had been filed by a consortium of other jurisdictions – of which the County is a part.

Requests for extension of time within which to construct facilities must be filed before the end of the construction period. This is because authorizations automatically terminate at the end of the construction period if the facility has not been constructed and placed into service as required by the FCC's Rules. The FCC will allow extensions, but licensees must be able to demonstrate that the need is for reasons beyond the control of the licensee. Thus, citing a lack of money or other internal business decisions will not generally be satisfactory; although in the context of state and local governments, the FCC has recognized that budgetary constraints could provide adequate justification. Nonetheless, because the Sheriff's Office neither completed construction by the deadline nor demonstrated good cause for an extension, the license authorization for the Channel 25 frequency terminated automatically as of its construction deadline. The FCC did not allow the Sheriff's office to avoid that penalty by virtue of having participated in a broader group waiver request.

It is important to note that the filing of a construction notification for an authorization with multiple frequencies will only cover the frequencies identified in the notification. As a result, care must be taken to ensure that all constructed frequencies are covered in order to avoid an inadvertent termination of your authorization with respect to those frequencies.

Hearing Held on Communications Act Update

On January 8, 2014, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-Ore.) announced that they are seeking public input as they begin work to review and update the Communications Act. Specifically, they are seeking responses from the public to a series of questions posed in a white paper focusing on broad thematic concepts for updating the Communications Act.

The five questions posed in the white paper are:

  1. The current Communications Act is structured around particular services. Does this structure work for the modern communications sector? If not, around what structures or principles should the titles of the Communications Act revolve?
  2. What should a modern Communications Act look like? Which provisions should be retained from the existing Act, which provisions need to be adapted for today's communications environment, and which should be eliminated?
  3. Are the structure and jurisdiction of the FCC in need of change? How should they be tailored to address systemic change in communications?
  4. As noted, the rapidly evolving nature of technology can make it difficult to legislate and regulate communications services. How do we create a set of laws flexible enough to have staying power? How can the laws be more technology neutral?
  5. Does the distinction between information and telecommunications services continue to serve a purpose? If not, how should the two be rationalized?

The House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology also held a hearing on January 15, at 10:00 a.m. in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building, entitled "#CommActUpdate: Perspectives from Former FCC Chairmen," which can be viewed here .

The witness panel for the hearing consisted of four former FCC Chairmen: the Honorable Richard Wiley (1970- 1977); the Honorable Reed Hundt (1993-1997); the Honorable Michael Powell (2001-2005); and the Honorable Michael Copps (Acting Chairman, January - June 2009). Copies of their written testimony can be found here .

Since 2014 is a congressional election year, it is unlikely that we will see a draft Communications Act bill this year despite these initial efforts.

Federal Government Steps Up Debt Collection Activities

As we previously reported to our clients in connection with last year's Regulatory Fee Program, the FCC and the Federal Government have become more aggressive in their debt collection activities. Over the last few weeks, we have seen instances where the FCC has transferred delinquent debts to the US Treasury for collection, even where the amounts in question were relatively meager. This goes above-and-beyond the FCC's Red light program which precludes those with delinquent debts to the FCC from receiving any actions or benefits from the FCC until the debts are cleared.

The debts that the FCC has transferred to the US Treasury include penalties and interest imposed by the FCC as well as penalties and interest that have been added by the US Treasury. As a result, what might have initially been a relatively small debt could increase substantially over time. The collection letters from the US Treasury clearly state that the Federal Government will pursue additional collection action and impose additional charges until the debt is paid. Additional collection actions could ultimately lead to the filing of a law suit in state or Federal court.

If you receive a collection letter from the FCC or from the US Treasury indicating that a debt is owed to the FCC, please contact us immediately so that we can assist you in determining what the debt is for and whether or not it is valid.

As indicated above, once the FCC has determined you are delinquent on a debt, your company (and any affiliates that it has tied to your FRN number or federal Tax Payer Identification Number) will not receive any FCC benefits until the debt is resolved — either by payment or cancellation. As a result, until this "red light" status is lifted, you would not be able to receive favorable action on any license applications or tariff requests. Additionally, you could also be barred from receiving benefits from USAC that you otherwise might be entitled.

FCC Grants Request for Rule Waiver to Permit Use of Channels on the Band Edges Between Part 90 and Part 95 Spectrum

Mobile Relay Associates (MRA) requested a waiver to use the frequency pairs 462/467.5375 and 462/467.7375 MHz at various locations in the State of California, Colorado, Nevada and Florida. These frequencies are allocated for land mobile operations, but currently are not designated for use by the Industrial/Business Pool or any other communications service in either Part 90 or Part 95 of the FCC's Rules. Rather, these two frequency pairs are located on the band edges between the Industrial/Business Pool and the General Mobile Radio Service.

In its waiver request, MRA stated that the assignment of these frequencies with a 4 kHz bandwidth will not present a risk of harmful interference to adjacent channel licensees, since the requested channels will not overlap any designated frequencies as a result of the 11 kHz narrow-banding initiative that was completed January 1, 2013. Additionally, MRA notes that there is increasing frequency congestion in the areas where it has requested its waiver. In response to a request for comments, most supported MRA's waiver request. However, two comments raised concern regarding the potential impact on licensees in the General Mobile Radio Service. The Commission also noted that MRA erroneously stated that the frequency pair 462/467.5375 would not impact adjacent channel since the frequencies since the frequency 462.750 MHz was narrowband exempt as a paging only frequency. Because MRA and its frequency coordinator were able to demonstrate that there were no operations on the frequency 462.750 MHz within the areas that MRA sought to license, the Commission concluded that a waiver for both frequency pairs would be appropriate since it would further the Commission's goals of narrow-banding and placing additional spectrum to use.

Licensees in the General Mobile Radio Service expressed concern that MRA's proposed operations on the frequencies 462/467.5375 and 462/467.7375 MHz could cause harmful interference to adjacent channel operations in the General Mobile Radio Service. Concerns were also raised that the "guardband" spectrum that MRA sought to use is necessary to protect current and future operations in the General Mobile Radio Service. The Commission disagreed with the interference concerns since MRA was only proposing operations with a 4 kHz bandwidth – such that there would be no spectral overlap with adjacent channel facilities.

Tower Lighting and Marking Violations Generate Substantial FCC Fines

Because of the public safety implications, the FCC takes enforcement of its antenna structure obstruction marking and lighting rules very seriously. This is because of the potential that an improperly painted tower or an unlit tower could pose a life-safety threat to aircraft — as occurred when medevac helicopters have struck unlit antenna towers. Aside from potential for fines from the FCC, office clients should also be aware that improperly maintained antenna towers can subject them to civil liability in the event of an aviation accident involving the tower.

Tower Painting

The FCC's Rules require antenna structure owners with painting requirements to ensure that the paint is visible and not faded or otherwise in such poor condition so that there is not good visibility.

On August 14, 2013, the FCC inspected an antenna tower owned by Omaha Dirt and Wire LLC. During the course of the inspection, the FCC determined that the aviation white painted bands were severely faded with large areas of rust or missing paint. Additionally, the orange bands were faded. As a result, the FCC concluded that the paint had deteriorated to such an extent that the tower was no longer clearly visible from several hundred feet away.

While the tower owner promptly repainted the tower, the Commission found that the violation was willful and repeated because the tower obviously had been in this condition for more than one day and therefore proposed a fine of $10,000.

Tower Lighting

Recently, the FCC inspected an antenna tower in rural South Dakota and noted that the antenna tower was dark after sunset even though it was required to be painted and lighted. The FCC's Field Agent also confirmed with the FAA that the tower owner had not filed the required Notice to Airman (NOTAM) with the FAA (which is a notice that is designed to alert pilots to the fact that the tower lights are out or malfunctioning). Upon making contact with the tower owner, the FCC was able to determine that the tower owner had been unaware of the tower's condition. As a follow up to its inspection several days later, the FCC requested that the local police department inspect the tower in order to confirm whether or not the obstruction lighting activated at sunset. At that time, the FCC also confirmed that the tower owner had not renewed the NOTAM to indicate that the tower lights had not been repaired. Because the tower owner had allowed the NOTAM to expire, pilots would be unaware that the tower posed a hazard to air navigation.

While the tower owner successfully made repairs to the tower within a few weeks of the incident coming to his attention, it is important to note that he should have been aware of the light outage immediately and that he should have filed the NOTAM with the FAA immediately upon learning of the outage. The FCC's Rules require daily visual monitoring of tower lighting if an alarm system is not installed to alert the tower owner of a light outage. Upon discovery of an outage — whether by visual inspection or the generation of an alarm — it is critically important that the FAA be immediately notified by the filing of a NOTAM, so that pilots become aware of the hazard. Because NOTAMs are valid for a relatively short period of time, it is also important that the FAA be kept apprised of the progress of repairs so that the NOTAM can be extended if necessary. A failure to renew the NOTAM in a timely manner will result in its lapse, which in turn, would mean that pilots once again would not be aware of the outage.

FCC Clarifies Processes for Public Safety Use of Industrial Pool Frequencies

In response to a request from the Enterprise Wireless Association (EWA), the FCC has clarified its internal processes for evaluating the licensing of public safety systems on Industrial/Business Pool Frequencies. At the same time, the FCC declined EWA's request that its proposed standards for evaluating these types of applications conform to the FCC rules and policies with respect to public safety licensee access to Industrial/Business Pool frequencies.

EWA, which is one of the frequency advisory committees, requested that the FCC provide guidance for all frequency coordinator advisory committees to use when evaluating waiver requests from public safety licensees to use Industrial/Business Pool frequencies below 470 MHz. Additionally, EWA proposed standards for coordinators to follow that would have had the effect of (a) requiring conventional licensees to share a frequency with a licensee or licensees in the public safety pool or (b) would disqualify trunked public safety applicants from seeking an Industrial/Business Pool frequency unless the applicant demonstrated that all public safety channels had achieved exclusive use status.

The FCC concluded that its existing processes address the concerns raised by EWA since the FCC's Rules require frequency coordinating advisory committees, such as EWA, to recommend "the most appropriate frequency" without regard to the spectrum pool that the application is eligible for. Thus, in a proper case, a frequency advisory committee could select an "appropriate frequency" in a spectrum pool other than the pool for which the applicant is eligible. And, because these sorts of requests would require a rule waiver, the FCC is able to address them on a case-by-case basis while deferring to the frequency advisory committee the determination that there is no suitable public spectrum available to meet the applicant's needs and that the selected Industrial/Business Pool frequencies are the most appropriate. It is only when the applicant has satisfied the FCC's rule waiver requirements that it will receive a grant of its request. As a result, the FCC concluded that no further guidance was required.

This newsletter is not intended to provide legal advice. Those interested in more information should contact the firm. For additional information, please contact Hal Mordkofsky at 202-828-5520 or .

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Feb. 6, 2014, 10:00 a.m. EST

American Medical Response Chooses Zipit Wireless for Critical Messaging Solution

Critical Response Situations Demand Reliable Communications Solution

GREENVILLE, S.C., Feb. 6, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Zipit Wireless (Zipit®), a pioneer in innovative M2M solutions and 2-way paging for critical messaging environments, today announced that American Medical Response (AMR), the nation's leading ambulance provider, will incorporate Zipit's industry leading Enterprise Critical Messaging Solution™ into AMR's Emergency Medical Services operations. Once implementation is complete, the Zipit solution will provide AMR's emergency field operations with improved dispatcher efficiency and seamless integration with their existing CAD-dispatching systems while meeting the strict HIPAA technical requirements for maintaining the security of protected health information (PHI).

In partnership with Verizon Wireless, America's most reliable wireless network, Zipit Wireless, through their Zipit Now™ device and Zipit Confirm™ mobile application for iOS and Android based devices, offers fast and reliable 2-way enterprise critical messaging and secure texting solutions for environments long dependent on out-of-date and unsecure 1-way pagers. Zipit's 2-way paging feature provides quick "message acknowledged" confirmations between emergency dispatchers and field personnel, saving valuable time and reducing unneeded radio traffic. Dispatchers are more time-efficient using Zipit, allowing them to provide emergency response personnel with more detailed and informative emergency messaging, while handling an increased volume of emergency situations. Further, the Zipit solution provides a comprehensive and real time "critical messaging dashboard" that tracks and logs every message, providing metrics that offer visibility into operational performance, plus accountability for field personnel. Zipit communications data is encrypted and fully HIPAA compliant, transmitting protected health information securely, unlike traditional paging systems. Lost or stolen Zipit devices can be "wiped" remotely, ensuring private health information is protected. The Zipit Confirm™ mobile application also provides operations managers, field supervisors, and administrators with the ability to securely communicate with emergency medical staff independent of their dispatch system, providing redundancy as well as immediate access to archives that document each emergency event.

"We are extremely excited to be partnering with Zipit Wireless to enhance our emergency field communications with their industry leading critical messaging solution", said Tom Landers, enterprise telecom manager for AMR's parent company, Envision Healthcare. "The Zipit solution will improve our ability to serve our patients and our partners faster and more efficiently, while helping to ensure that AMR is fully compliant with HIPAA regulations when communicating private health information."

"We are honored that an industry leader like AMR has placed such confidence in Zipit Wireless to help enhance their 911 and transport Emergency Medical Services communications", said Frank Greer, CEO of Zipit. "This is an exciting time for Zipit, as well as for our customers who are benefiting from our fast, dependable critical messaging solution. We look forward to being part of the ongoing success of AMR as they continue to provide an advanced level of emergency services to their customers and partners."

Mike Ross, director of healthcare mobility solutions for Verizon Enterprise Solutions, stated: "By providing the access for the Zipit Wireless Enterprise Critical Messaging Solution to deliver a solution to AMR that can reduce emergency response times, increase reliability and security during critical emergency situations, the ultimate benefactor is the patient."

Zipit's critical communications and secure messaging solution is being rapidly adopted nationwide where fast, reliable, confidential 2-way messaging is important to many customers in the healthcare, hospitality and manufacturing industries.

About Zipit Wireless Zipit Wireless ("Zipit") a leader in innovative communications and M2M solutions focuses on delivering fully connected, wireless solutions that use the company's unique strengths in wireless connectivity, user-friendly device software, and cloud-based infrastructure to access IP services. The patented technology created by Zipit has been shipping in Zipit branded and top tier branded solutions since 2004 — enabling people to connect to people and their personalized Internet content. For more information on Zipit Wireless and our products, please visit

About Verizon Verizon Communications Inc., headquartered in New York, is a global leader in delivering broadband and other wireless and wireline communications services to consumer, business, government and wholesale customers. Verizon Wireless operates America's most reliable wireless network, with nearly 103 million retail connections nationwide. Verizon also provides converged communications, information and entertainment services over America's most advanced fiber-optic network, and delivers integrated business solutions to customers in more than 150 countries. A Dow 30 company with more than $120 billion in 2013 revenues, Verizon employs a diverse workforce of 176,800. For more information, visit

Source: PR Newswire via MarketWatch

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  • VoIP telephone access — eliminate interconnect expense
  • Call from anywhere — Prism SIP Gateway allows calls from PSTN and PBX
  • All the Features for Paging, Voice-mail, Text-to-Pager, Wireless and DECT phones
  • Prism Inet, the new IP interface for TAP, TNPP, SNPP, SMTP — Industry standard message input
  • Direct Connect to NurseCall, Assisted Living, Aged Care, Remote Monitoring, Access Control Systems

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Satellite hotspot promises to bring Wi-Fi everywhere

Martyn Williams
Feb 4, 2014 1:49 PM

There will soon be nowhere to hide from Facebook selfies, Justin Bieber news and emails from your boss.

Satellite communications company Iridium has developed a Wi-Fi hotspot that can bring Internet connectivity to almost every corner of the planet.

The pocket-size device, set to be released in the second quarter, connects to the company's satellite voice network to provide service similar to the analog modems that were commonly used for landline Internet access until about a decade ago.

Speeds will be low—about 20 kilobits per second, according to the company—but a slow connection might be better than none at all, depending on the location.

To tackle the slow data rate, Iridium will offer its own email application that utilizes compression to increase data transmission efficiency. That should enable about 20 text-based emails per minute, the company said.

"We're working with app developers to create apps that are maximized to run on our network," said Ashley Eames, a spokeswoman for Iridium.

The hotspot will cost about US$800 and data rates will vary depending on the Iridium airtime plan. They will be sold as regional or seasonal packages with prices of around $1 per minute on prepaid plans.

Data speeds are expected to get faster in the coming years after Iridium launches a new fleet of satellites.

The low data transmission speed on the current network is a result of the satellites having been designed when data and Internet access weren't large priorities. The Iridium Next satellites that will launch from 2015 should provide 1.5M bps data service, according to the company.

Iridium offers a separate satellite broadband service, although it requires a large antenna and is targeted at maritime and aviation use.

Source: PCWorld

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WiPath Communications

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Intelligent Solutions for Paging & Wireless Data

WiPath manufactures a wide range of highly unique and innovative hardware and software solutions in paging and mobile data for:

  • Emergency Mass Alert & Messaging
  • Emergency Services Communications
  • Utilities Job Management
  • Telemetry and Remote Switching
  • Fire House Automation
  • Load Shedding and Electrical Services Control

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PDT3000 Paging Data Terminal

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  • Built-in POCSAG encoder
  • Huge capcode capacity
  • Parallel, 2 serial ports, 4 relays
  • Message & system monitoring

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Paging Controlled Moving Message LED Displays

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  • Variety of sizes
  • Indoor/outdoor
  • Integrated paging receiver

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PDR3000/PSR3000 Paging Data Receivers

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  • Highly programmable, off-air decoders
  • Message Logging & remote control
  • Multiple I/O combinations and capabilities
  • Network monitoring and alarm reporting

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Specialized Paging Solutions

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  • Emergency Mass Alerting
  • Remote telemetry switching & control
  • Fire station automation
  • PC interfacing and message management
  • Paging software and customized solutions
  • Message interception, filtering, redirection, printing & logging Cross band repeating, paging coverage infill, store and forward
  • Alarm interfaces, satellite linking, IP transmitters, on-site systems

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Mobile Data Terminals & Two Way Wireless  Solutions

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radio interface

  • Fleet tracking, messaging, job processing, and field service management
  • Automatic vehicle location (AVL), GPS
  • CDMA, GPRS, ReFLEX, conventional, and trunked radio interfaces

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WiPath Communications LLC
4845 Dumbbarton Court
Cumming, GA 30040
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Web site: left arrow CLICK
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Phone: 770-844-6218
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Hark Technologies

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Wireless Communication Solutions

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USB Paging Encoder

paging encoder

  • Single channel up to eight zones
  • Connects to Linux computer via USB
  • Programmable timeouts and batch sizes
  • Supports 2-tone, 5/6-tone, POCSAG 512/1200/2400, GOLAY
  • Supports Tone Only, Voice, Numeric, and Alphanumeric
  • PURC or direct connect
  • Pictured version mounts in 5.25" drive bay
  • Other mounting options available
  • Available as a daughter board for our embedded Internet Paging Terminal (IPT)

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Paging Data Receiver (PDR)


  • Frequency agile—only one receiver to stock
  • USB or RS-232 interface
  • Two contact closures
  • End-user programmable w/o requiring special hardware
  • 16 capcodes
  • Eight contact closure version also available
  • Product customization available

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Other products

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Please see our web site for other products including Internet Messaging Gateways, Unified Messaging Servers, test equipment, and Paging Terminals.

Hark Technologies
717 Old Trolley Rd Ste 6 #163
Summerville, SC 29485
Tel: 843-821-6888
Fax: 843-821-6894
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